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Everything posted by WILF

  1. I dont think anyone in their wildest dreams would consider me left of almost anything ! I just find it funny (for want of a better word) that there are Irish lads I talk to round my town who give out like f**k about Trump, give out about how the British are all racists and we are all just people, people gave us a helping hand in the famine and all that old bollocks and yet would happily deny a traveller kid the chance to play a bit of football just because he is a traveller.......it’s blatant. I mean they don’t have the bollocks to say it to the travellers faces but things are made s
  2. Getting kids off video games is easy.......just don’t f***ing buy a console in the first place! That was my solution.......my kids don’t play them.......because they don’t have one ! Lol
  3. I don’t deny that it happened, and I do have a massive problem with it.......BUT.......I understand it. What is the sense in pushing ordinary people, by destroying their culture, their sense of self, abusing them in their own native homeland and making the money they get from their toil worthless, to the point where they they will tolerate mass slaughter of men, women and children in their midst because they think it’s their last hope ? Its happening now, imho all the time you want to call people names for just wanting to preserve what they are, you are pushing that wagon ever closer
  4. Why are we not using the Taunami of money to train our own doctors?
  5. Not a bad idea with the suing culture in ireland mate, it’s f***ing pathetic. Makes good sense to have them I reckon.
  6. I personally think getting rid of anything that would have paved the way for an “American NHS” is justgood sense.......as we see with the UK NHS, it’s completely unsustainable.....not matter how much private citizens money you throw at it, it will never be right......110 billion a year at present and counting !!! Its funny, a lot of Irish can’t stand Trump and spent the whole time slagging him off about being a total pig........all the time they treat their own travellers like absolute shit and their is massive discrimination to the point where kids can’t play for a football team. B
  7. Well, good for Lidl, after getting all that shit the other year about their “too white non homo” advert they have put exactly the same advert back on telly. Re-engineering reality is the bit I think boils most folks piss !
  8. Ahh, the great academic and social commentator Graham Norton.......sort of knocks Douglas Murray, Peter Hitchens etc into a cocked hat !
  9. WILF


    I’ll tell you something, the old shoes don’t see the light of day much cleaning up pig shit in Ireland in the pissing of rain And I’ll go one better on the suit as well, the one I got married in cost f**k all as I found it hanging up when I was clearing a place out in Saville row. the old woman did her nut saying “you are not wearing a suit you found in a job on our wedding day!!” ”f**k all wrong with that, it will do me lovely”.....didn’t fit me then, don’t fit me now !
  10. Most lambs only get bred to coincide with peak market times etc I am expecting to see a couple of my own soon enough because I just let the ram run with the ewes all year round.
  11. WILF


    I have clobber coming out my f***ing ears, my old woman does her bollocks. My one guilty, totally needless pleasure and purchase was my Gucci shoes. My one hatred is cheap shit suits!
  12. WILF


    Who the f**k are you, Jochabim Mugatu inventor of the piano neck tie? You look like they threw you in the wardrobe trailer of that dodgy remake of The Firm......
  13. Empty your inbox mate.
  14. WILF

    Dwarf nonce

    How can a convicted sex fiend be allowed to walk the street carrying small arms?!! These f***ing miniature Robbie Williams figures get away with murder !
  15. I liked him but never really rated him on his stingray handling technique !
  16. Being serious for a minute, do you have contact with Mik?.....he may know a couple of lads for pups and you know with him they will be right.
  17. Mega bruv, put me down for 6........2 dogs & 4 bitches........bitches!
  18. Is it hard as f**k bat shit crazy as I need it for rinsing cats on the estate?
  19. When I was a kid, if someone went to uni that was a big deal......they were the best of the best. Now, there’s a sense that everyone should and frankly it’s just not true. When it comes to sub standard teachers (and there are not many imho) then the problem schools have is money and employment law......you can’t just f**k them off. If they offer to retrain there is little a school can do, they have to pay the wages and the cost of retraining. In reality it will take 2 years to get shot of a bad teacher, in that time the OFSTED rating may fall down, intake will be lower and
  20. What’s the make up of the sire you messer?
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