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Everything posted by WILF

  1. That story in the paper is so full of holes it’s breathtaking ! ”last one to leave”......at 5:30!!......I f***ing doubt that, the head teacher will still be in there at 7 dealing with some of the 300 emails they can get in any given day from various government bodies. there is almost always a rigorous support system for NQTs......there has to be or the OFSTED score go’s down the toilet He is a prick......most teachers are legends.
  2. Fairness?........fair to who? will anybody feel the benefit if the government get their grubby hands on another 5 or 10 million.........you know and I know they won’t, it won’t make one penny difference to anyone’s life except the people getting their money taken off them of course. fairness!!.......f**k me pal, I rate you a bit more clever than that. what the f**k is fair about people working more than half their life to see the fruits of that labour pissed down the drain. People are paying in more than ever and the world is down the bloody toilet......what picture are you
  3. Zzzzzzzz........zzzzzzzz.......zzzzzzzz
  4. And what exactly are the wonderful government going to do with any extra money ? All this “well if I have to pay they should pay”........well, not if you can afford decent tax lawyers and accountants so bully for you and good for them. f**k me, if some people had AIDS they would want every poor c**t to have AIDS ! Petty jealousy and spite, if you are happy to weigh in and get f****d in the arse good for you.....if someone with the beneifit of wealth or brains can save a few quid and get slightly less f****d then good for them.
  5. Left wing pricks like the BBC and the Gaurdian would do better investigating the effect of massive rises in business rates on small business owners.....some poor fuckers are now just working for the government. That my friends, really is disgusting when it’s people life and time and effort they are stealing
  6. “Career Mod......my life and times”
  7. “Well.....that wasn’t meant to happen!”
  8. You don’t have to mate, just 62p a year......that’s all.
  9. By the way, just to put things into perspective : the Queen costs everyone 62p a year.......yes, 62p !! Foriegn aid costs 70p in every hundred generated !!!.......thats EVERY SINGLE £100 of every single day for every single person out comes 70p to send away abroad !! or shall we talk about the £60 A WEEK for the NHS one of the things I mention above performs its duties perfectly and has done for well over half a century and the other 2 are shite.......I’ll let you decide which is the best value for money if it’s money we are talking
  10. Why is she any of those things?......there’s a massive part of me would like to beleive she had a direct hand in popping this money where that shower of c**ts in Westminster can’t get their greedy f***ing hands on it to fritter away on shite.......but alas I know that won’t be the case. However, fair play to her and fair play to anyone that legally stops themselves being robbed by legal force. I take it you are not one of those halfwits that thinks tax is “moral” ?........I reckon you are a lot more logical than that mate. I hope HRH stopped them getting their hands on billions.
  11. Proof beyond doubt that the Queen is not a f***ing idiot !
  12. They should sling her dad in there with her the retarded f***ing prat !
  13. I’m not mate, I did the whole lot for pork. id like to air dry some hams but I’m not sure the climate would lend itself to doing it......the air is damp here all the time.
  14. A big step imho, if politicians were really serious about climate change, would be measures to make solar cheaper......and I mean solar systems that can actually run a house. Helping small shops and local farmers to supply their own areas would also be a massive step. I tend to get a bit of stick for saying the world needs to go backwards, with the normal smart arse comments about “life was better with rickets etc”, but I would love to see the difference in our environmental impact in say 1940 compared to now.
  15. Not many mate, I’d be all over that.
  16. WILF

    New layout

    I can only speak personally but I really enjoy reading, debating, sometimes arguing with other lads on here. It has reinforced my opinions about some things and made me think again on others. ill be honest and say I find most of the hunting stuff boring as f**k, especially the dog section save for the odd good topic......but the general section has been a window into other ways of thinking about things. Shame some lads think they have to checkout but I get it, this is pretty shite compared to the last lay out for what I find the best about this site.
  17. WILF

    New layout

    Lads definitely are not posting as much, there have been a couple of topics that would normally be the type to turn into a decent debate but they just don’t seem to lift off. This layout feels “clunky” and it makes for awkward viewing with all those adds in between replies. Maybe that is preventing lads replying. Ao so far, my verdict would be “awkward and boring”........but like myself !
  18. I like my kidneys a bit darker than that and I like liver cooked like boot leather. but you can do me a steak that’s still twitching with life ! top grub mate, fair play
  19. Well, the Washington Post sounds upset......good, good
  20. The planet has warmed up and cooled down forever. BUT, that said of course we are not helping matters. Like all things, the debate on climate change has (imho) been hijacked and used to exploit money (that old chestnut again!) There are massive lakes in China made up entirely of chemical waste as a by product to the mobile phone industry.......and yet the likes of Apple and Samsung are courted by politicians while at the same time ordinary people are handed surcharges in waste. The local council can’t wait to jump into bed with Tesco while at the same time slapping eye wate
  21. Now, don’t all groan and call me a right wing nutter but I much prefer white pudding !
  22. Sweating like Keith Vaz at a Rumanian wrestling match !
  23. Where exactly would we all have got this “unbiased” information?........better to just vote with your heart and your gut.....that’s the only thing you can 100% trust because the rest is total bullshit !
  24. My nearest neighbour is an Austrian couple about 3/4 mile down the road and they keep goats and chickens. She has a reputation as a very hard nosed type of woman. when I first moved here my old lurcher and terrier took themselves for a walk down the road and wound up in their yard with the chickens. She was absolutely hysterical, so I let her go on for a while and said “I’m very sorry this has upset you, if anything is dead come round, tell me what is dead and I will replace everything 2 for 1” She looked at me like I was joking......and started to go on again so I said “no
  25. A question......why does any type of impact matter and what exactly can you do about it any way? Why are we even talking about it?......of course the remaining EU members will just crack on, what else they going to do? And likewise, the UK should just crack on....... ”oh my goodness, the Romans are leaving.......well my good Druid, what do you think the social & economic impact will be?......will it affect the price of wode do you think?” You have road sweepers walking around cracking on like Mark Carney......shut up, the world will f***ing just keep turning !
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