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Everything posted by WILF

  1. But they haven't don't anything to stop it all falling apart around them? Like Nero fiddling while Rome burnt. Not a great example of being defenders of all it means to be British Has he ever used his considerable position and influence to publicly advocate for the return of hare coursing and other forms of hunting with running dogs? Errr.........constitutional monarchy ?
  2. Harry is another legend, likes his running dogs
  3. Worse?.......how could it possibly be worse?
  4. were you with him lol did he fcuk. Wild was to busy jumping ship. I’m quiet offended, I actually class myself as a refugee ! Lol
  5. were you with him lol did he fcuk And you know this how? ..........the same way you know about John Wayne? I’d say you are more familiar with Jonny Walker than John Wayne ! Lol
  6. I could pick that many holes in that statement mate but I’ll not bother. One thing I will say is that I don’t think it makes you unpatriotic if you don’t support the royal family.
  7. Andrew flew casualties off the battle field in the Falklands war, what have you lot ever done?..........game, set and match to Andrew I reckon
  8. Because that’s just what you do.......always been that way and hopefully always will. Be thankful for that
  9. I think Andrew is a bit of a legend personally.........as for proud to be British, I have mixed feelings.......sure I’m proud as punch when I think about what our country was, what it used to mean to be British, what we have given the world and the royals are all part of that.......but I look at what the place has become and I’m f***ing ashamed and I’m bitter that I have been made to feel bitter about the place. See Accip, you still didn’t lure me into it mate ! Haha
  10. Absolutely, Edwards a tit.....we know it and the old Queen will know it too but he is her boy and part of the frame work. You can’t just f**k him out, one of the reasons the royal family is a great success and has been a shining beacon of Britishness is precisely because they carry on as royals have always done and not bowed to politically correct pressure.
  11. You beat me to it. I'll go one further and say I wasn't supporting either of them and was supporting the libertarian candidate that also lost on the same day Hillary did. I never said there was any pros to another Clinton administration and I'm still hoping we got the lesser of two evils.Do you think that the crooked element of Don's team should be brought into the light? Do you think he shouldn't be brought to task if indeed he's done something? I don’t , I think Trump is too important to the ordinary joe soap when it comes to politics.......if we let “them” f**k him then all anyone will be d
  12. Well done wilf at least you managed that whole post without mentioning tourism! Haha I do it on a regular basis, pay more attention old chap ! Lol
  13. Who remembers the t-shirts “you can turn a frog into a prince but you can’t turn a prince into a royal marine” ? Anyway, I’m a royalist and the royal family have maintained all that it means to be British when everything around them has fallen apart in no small part due to the politicians every f****r voted for. We didn’t choose the royal family and they are spot on but we did choose our society and that’s gone down the bog.........we really don’t have much room to slag HRH
  14. I just picked up 2 on EBay, wide enough for a lurcher and initial impression is they are decent kit. That said, if I had a Facebook account or if he was still on here I'd have bought Strong Stuff.
  15. One of my good pals is friendly with her and he reliably informs me she is a decent, down to earth girls and a great laugh. He has a great picture of the two of them with her dressed as a copper and him with two handfuls of her arse (sorry in advance Accip! Lol ). A good girl and a good sport.......give me that any day over those up their own arse Hollywood prima donnas
  16. Fair play to them, despite all the previlliage I bet it can be boring as f**k being him......having to listen to a bunch of pricks all day arranging your life. It's not like the poor c**t can pop down the boozer. Kids are the best thing and the best fun you ever get in your life......period, so frankly I'm chuffed to bits for them. Any bloke that has a bundle of kids and looks after them is OK in my book. Let's hope they set and example to British people everywhere, we could do with breeding a load more of our own.
  17. I'd gladly have a week with them two strung up in my barn.....I'd show them the meaning of horror. Death was a blessed mercy for that poor little soul, reading things like that break me.
  18. Crossed wires, me and BGD were talking about a previous exert mate.......the last bit he put up I agree would be rape if proven to be true.
  19. Pardon ?.......not in that transcript ?
  20. What has any of that got to do with sexual harassment? Why are you even confusing these things?I've been to plenty of lap dancing clubs. I've paid my money & they have performed. Because those women have acted in such a way does that give me licence to overstep the mark? Am I entitled & are they to blame for my behaviour? So you did no better than Weinstein then?.......you exploited women who were willing to be exploited for your own gratification.......the fact you never laid hands to them is completely irrelevant ! Many of those girls are vulnerable in some way and exploited and y
  21. What has any of that got to do with sexual harassment? Why are you even confusing these things?I've been to plenty of lap dancing clubs. I've paid my money & they have performed. Because those women have acted in such a way does that give me licence to overstep the mark? Am I entitled & are they to blame for my behaviour? So you did no better than Weinstein then?.......you exploited women who were willing to be exploited for your own gratification.......the fact you never laid hands to them is completely irrelevant ! Many of those girls are vulnerable in some way and exploited and y
  22. 99% of blokes, if innocent won't experienced any of this. I don't know anyone who has & I know some total male slags! Haha..... To make life easy I'll tell you what, move over I'm getting on the bandwagon, he is guilty......guilty as f***ing sin.......Angelina Jolie said so and that has to make it true. Burn him ! I'll tell you what I'll assume he's innocent & every young women he ever met is a whore that doesn't deserve any better! No need for all that......just assume innocent until proven guilty
  23. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0jm8zlLdk7w
  24. I'll tell you who else.......every member of the "Carry On" films and the bloke that invented the seaside postcard.......hangings too f***ing good for them! Benny Hill......should be dug up and burnt ! The bloke who invented Miss World........scum ! Salsa dancing.......my arse, just an excuse for molestation the dirty fuckers and don't even get me started on the Tango ! Chiropractors.......pure f***ing filth ! People who ogle Lara Croft........sick fuckers, don't they know it's all about the plot ! James Bond films.........it's practically pornagraphic, that Cubby Brocc
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