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perthshire keeper

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Everything posted by perthshire keeper

  1. yeh used to be called field and stream i think..the upstairs bit
  2. one is keswick thats ok ish a very good one at cleator on the western side called low mill ranges and one in workington called lakeland guns..althou me and its owner dont get on its a good shop
  3. So are you taking it PK ? Nice opportunity. the way things are going hear..its looking very likely!
  4. i agree 100% hunting is like all other jobs you get good bad and indifferent! i know of a couple of amature huntsmen who put other professional huntsman i know to shame.. what makes a huntsman? because one of the best up and coming huntsman and hound man i know has a hand full of wild irish harriers and can read his hounds and foxes like a book! i honestly hope he gets a good pack going and keeps at it. hunt service is some thing i have always wanted to do and lasy year i was offerd a job with a harrier pack....and got all set but turned it down at the last min and have and will always regrett
  5. the extreams are the boot for me! ive had about 6 pairs worn every day over the last 7-8 years...best boots out their IMO
  6. hold them in the pen for atleast 14 days then let them out 2-3-4 at a time (thats per day!) but hold back half a dozen in the pen as call birds for as long as possible to call and keep the rest home. thats why the feeders and drinkers need to be outside also! if you can and it makes a BIG diffrence pheasant proof some feeders and keep them on pellet s all winter they like it more than wheat,and will stick about more for it its a decent cost but will help! i would aim to have birds out for shooting atleast 14 days before your first day minus the call birds that should stay in the pen as long as
  7. ive been doing the very same thing bill today...one top rigged one bottom rigged on 18 inch legs to stop the bizzilion crabs haha
  8. get a .410....wait untill you hear said noise and with cocktail stick feel for the vibration of the critter scratching ( sound can be distorting) and when you do simply shoot it thru the false ceiling
  9. like he said.....for the record i agree with the using of said criminals as testing agents
  10. for the numbers you want to handle i would split them into as many smaller pens as you can....say 100 birds in 5 pens and hope they kinda stay in them sized coveys. if predation is a problem then you will need less pens and electric fence thou i have never had to use one on a partridge pen thankfully! for patridges i would go with the more open cover like ditches and especially the scrubby gorse type land...just think they are from desert areas so gorse and wild grass is a bit like wet desert buy your patridges as old as possible! look for some where that will go to 14 weeks with them and
  11. one of the best songs even..infact its going into the cd player right now!
  12. shoot the b*****ds like the animals they are! just showed this to my dads OLD pall.... he squinted and just said " reminds me of kenya...only we shot them, you could get half a dozen in one"
  13. its not just the shag , why women look else where , they like this feeling of being wanted , as you say not took for granted , so when they don't get treated how they want , they make it dull for there husbands /boyfriends regards sex , that's why men look else where in the 1st place just think back to when you 1st met you be shagging like to rabbits wouldn't you lol, but women are fickle creatures and deep down only thinking of there selves , to make a relationship work both have got put the effort in, anything over time comes boring , even rich people get bored lol, it mus
  14. ohh feck thats the last time i drink and THL
  15. its not just the shag , why women look else where , they like this feeling of being wanted , as you say not took for granted , so when they don't get treated how they want , they make it dull for there husbands /boyfriends regards sex , that's why men look else where in the 1st place just think back to when you 1st met you be shagging like to rabbits wouldn't you lol, but women are fickle creatures and deep down only thinking of there selves , to make a relationship work both have got put the effort in, anything over time comes boring , even rich people get bored lol, it mus
  16. Yes mate, set relaxing. It's 3/64 1 x19 cable. For the mink it's 1/16 would it be a pain to ask for a few more pictures of mink sets if you have them?
  17. the lack of speed is causeing stability issues...i had some factory sub ammo in 308 once. i got it from the guy in perth he has a few old boxes of it
  18. and that is a VERY difficult thing to prove"beyond all reasonable doubt" see for me this is/could be/would be great news! i only dig to terriers legally i only run my lurcher on rabbits and only have 2 hounds...but would love more theirs 2 ways of looking at this IMO who do you know that now dose any thing diffrent with their dogs?? for me not a fecking soul! so why worry or theirs the "any step in the right direction is a good step" and i agree 100% with that
  19. he is bloody good! we send a LOT of trialhounds to him
  20. to be blunt they will weight what? 500kg? have a head like a pitbull on crack.....teeth live broken chestnut fence.....a brain the size of a golf ball and and hungry mofo`s......that is not a creature combination i would willingly go into a tank with
  21. i had a very scary doo with a seal once,i had the drift net out on the beach once and had a few mullet hit so their i was waiding up to my chest i had took 2 out and wentt o take the 3rd out when a BIG BIG bowwave come down the net and stopped about 10ft away up poped the biggest fecking bull seal i have ever seen! this thing had a head like a limmy cow! the mullet was half way between me and it....it looked at me and had the same thought "thats mine!" i took a step and he come the same distance..so i started flapping my arms and making a racket this had the opposite affect it made a lunge
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