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Sirius last won the day on November 12 2015

Sirius had the most liked content!

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1,380 Excellent

About Sirius

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    Canis Major

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  1. You have been lucky to have that line for so long breeze mate. Those blue dogs threw to a nice type.
  2. Great times, and hopefully more ahead IF I can find enough rabbits!
  3. She looks fast strong wee thing mate, nice to see. no ferrets for me these days, not enough conies.
  4. Lovely to see Yantos sister Phil. Decent dogs for the rabbiting game.
  5. Hey Dytkos, nice to see a litter mate. how is he getting on?
  6. Hey Breeze…still about, still mooching mate. you still got a dog or two?
  7. Sorry to hear this Ray I can remember reading on here when you got bryn and buck. Going back a bit. i hope things are on the up for you again soon. life it tough and nothing stays the same forever sirius
  8. Just getting his/mine fitness up. 6k run and sea swim tonight.
  9. Yes he’s got that look about him of the old hancocks. He’s got a lot of collie in him more than most dogs I have had. But not a Hancock. both the old 11year old in the background and the merle have the same sire. He was a Strong brown and white collie whippet grey. i would like to breed this dog to a strong brown type of collie Lurcher in the future.
  10. Alright, I have no idea who Dynasty is? both bred with purpose from workers.
  11. Hi all thought I would have a look in at THL it’s been a while. still mooching mind. here’s my current hounds.
  12. He aint great either, tends to drop short too, but hope to shsrpen thst up. But still better than a long walk is the way i see it.
  13. This ones mad total beast. I really struggled with retrieve training, but we just about got there now, fingers crossed. Loves send back retrieves etc, but live stuff took time Happiest when busy, great in the woods with me at work, proper feral..just moochs, scraps a hole under a bush and sleeps always turns up at tea break or lunch, mind Bit like Dancing with wolves..? Good to hear whst others are like, get some pics up if yours stays still long enough.
  14. Hey Phil, i am keeping positive but the places that were and have been teaming, just hold a fraction of thst now. I can find enough but the days of 20 or more from a morning ferreting without trying to hard just aint going to happen. I cant say the same for other species mind you..lol Yeah the younguns ok little beast he is, total creature, my dog out of your old bitch is still out mooching, but torn muscles and age are catching up with him. (Bit like us all huh) Good to hear from you.. ?
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