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toolebox last won the day on March 25 2023

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About toolebox

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 07/05/1957

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    New Zealand

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  1. Yes during the roar you hear of at least a few hunters, having managed to call a big stag up ,shoot and then be unable to find it due to heavy cover of crown fern. A well-trained blood tracking dog would be ideal & certainly save a lot of dead time.
  2. You could move into that and live happily ever after.
  3. Yes they voice differently depending on the hunt, the first stage is the odd howl on a cold scent, and then the next stage, which is a faster louder howl once they jump the animal and the third stage is the howl at the bail if in fact the animal decides to stop. This serves three main outcomes, the first being it, brings all the hounds together at the right place, the second is to drive the game towards waiting guns or push wild game to either climb a tree or back against something solid and face the hounds and the last is to communicate to the hunter what is happening at the coalface of the h
  4. Yes, a sporting type of hound, bred in France with the crossing of two types of hound. These dogs are better suited as a big game hound, however I am giving some thought to the idea of training him up to follow a blood track of a wounded deer or boar. The bottom eyelids should improve with age, by the time he is full-grown ( 3 years old)if they don't, he will require an operation.
  5. I first spotted an add for some Blue tick Coon hounds last year, one breed that I had hunted with, during my OE to the United States 40 years ago. I'd always fancied owning one of these big game hounds. Unfortunately, I had a lot on, including several operations to address several medal complaints, so it was with heavy heart I had to pass on one of those pupplie's . Then out of the blue I saw that the breeder decided doing justest to several hounds at once, therefore had decided to rehome a 13-month-old male.I made contact as soon as I could and within a couple of weeks, Bolt arrived full of b
  6. Strange you should mention this as I've lost a few from two separate litters a year or two back . I wasn't sure why they died until I clean out the cage and found part of a rotten rabbit hidden in their nest box hidden under the bedding straw. This pointed to the cause in both cases, the older ferrets have a system that can overcome a bad bug, unfortunately the young don't have the same protection until they are a little older. Sorry for your lose ,it's gutting
  7. On the video it clearly shows I don't have a net dog as I Iike to call them. Both the ones I had trained up I gave to a mate who's need was greater than mine. I do have one that Id forgotten about she's starting to show her age of 8 years old but she really good around the net ,I will give her ago on Sunday as I'm due to travel up there until wed when Bob our friend & super video maker is off back to bali for a couple of months then onto Australia at which time he might come for a catch up which would great . It's business as usual for us ,catching a few coney's helps to keep everything
  8. On my return visit, I shifted another 10/12 rabbits from under the house. Once I'd got that out of the way I took the .22 PCP for a walk, in fact I took it for a good number of walks, shooting 53 rabbits for a couple of days mucking about and took the fallow out at 140 meters using a self loaded soft 52 GN bullet fired from my Remington 700 that's fitted with an over the barrel suppressor in .223cal.happy days indeed.It's the first deer I've shot in about 20 odd years so hoping it's the first of many, even made sweeter when I drove the truck right beside it, pure Magic times magic place.
  9. https://youtu.be/kp9ztvoYfwY This video is shown in true form, Highlighting the good, the bad, and the ugly.
  10. He's a grand looking dog, but you would need to keep an eye on the pillow murdering sir!
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