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toolebox last won the day on March 25 2023

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1,486 Excellent

About toolebox

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 07/05/1957

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    New Zealand

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  1. NEVER are two pups the same, they are all different, if an owner cant get the best out of the pup, well that's down to him/her, I myself like a calm pup, just like yours, one that can quickly recover from the general knocks of puppy life. I get walking off the place as soon as they have had their needles, new places are the key, I do so because the sooner the pup gets to learn about life outside of home base, the quicker progress they will make when you start them in earnest. If I have two out together, I'm not bothered if they start to play, they are simply finding all about chasing, turning,
  2. That's a mighty good cross, should get the job done.
  3. Dogs are like a box of chocolates, you don't know how they will turn out, but every now, and again you cross paths with a "star"Brian" sounds like he was a star .RIP Brian you earned it ,you got it done !
  4. Yes, it's a hard lesson to take on board when you are steaming for blood.
  5. What a great moment, forever captured in time.
  6. It never gets any easier no matter how often it happens, look at it this way you both met and found each other when a 100,000s things could have resulted in a miss, you would be none the wiser, but she did you proud, consider your self as lucky, It's something that only people that have the passion for the sport understand, it's lost on town folk ,we speak a different language, and I'm glad I don't want to spend my time in the company of other humans that don't have a sex, just a lot of letters, after their name, the same people that wear their sisters snickers, and they often piss their siste
  7. I bred this bitch out of two of my better runners, the dam is bird dog breeding that induces GSP, /vista, and a couple of others I cannot recall, by a whippet dog and the sire was a Greyhound x Beardy/ GWP. I would have like to keep one of the two that has this rich brown colour, but I decided to keep a ruff coated black and white dog. The lady who brought this bitch and kept her till she was about 8 months old, by then she had an unexpected baby. So very quickly she realized that she only had a limited amount as she worked as well, so she decided to rehome the dog asap while it was still youn
  8. I agree a lovely bitch with a ton of leg.
  9. Yesterday I took the dogs to another local farm, the same one I had mentioned in the last report. On that visit across the road to another farm, I'd noticed that there was some rabbit sign, most was older sign, and then today I spotted one fresh scratching. I had to check all the heaps to make sure the bunny wasn't living in one, the dogs showed no interest, yet the hounds were picking up scent that took them out into the paddock, then down the hill to an area where the farmer had dug a pit and heaped up the valuable yellow gravel. There were several large holes where the digger had extractio
  10. None of the last 5 posts makes any sense to me, is it in code or man brothel small talk shared around the Gory hole?
  11. I want to know what you sporting peeps think is going to happen, about dogs no longer allowed to catch the two types of mammals, rats and rabbits. Since I live thousands of miles away, I'm not up on the play. Let's start with Scotland, has the law been changed or are they only talking about it & do think Ireland and England will follow.
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