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Aussie Whip

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Everything posted by Aussie Whip

  1. Organic soil grown Godfather and Black Domina, puts the lights out after munchie city, lol. I don't like smoking when hunting but did partake at work greenkeeping and always had the place immaculate. Been a smoker the last 40 years and never had a problem with it. Midnight toker only these days. The ice has taken over here, filthy shit and shouldn't be put in the same class as one of God's herbs ?.
  2. This reminds me of one insane animal welfare group saying roosters rape the hens when mating, lol. With the cut hobs has anyone had the jills come back in season when no young arrive? Was wondering this as I've had jills come back on after losing a born litter.
  3. A lot of hunters over here will put their dog down when too old or no work for it thinking it's kinder but after 4 or 5 weeks they turn into house dogs and seem quite happy kicken back. I think most would keep running till death if given a choice. My daughters pig dog being an exception.
  4. How you hunt with the pest control and many dogs is completely different to the hunter like myself with two or three dogs. I like taking pups out young with the older mutt but not every time until it gets some strength about it. For me it's the pup gets thrown into it doing everything but not too much too soon. They have to be pretty decent when you only have a couple and I'm not worried about the pack thing so much but they usually work that out themselves.
  5. Over here any terrier that does any sort of work is lucky to live to a decent age with the snakes. I lost both these to them, mother and son.
  6. Better than a saluki, at least you won't have to chase them across counties. And no one cares if you fck off Greb, cheers.
  7. Fck off lol. Welcome to the forum John, I'd get the ferrets first, get used to handling and caring for them then get out by yourself and find some perm. You will look pretty silly if you get perm then tell them they'll have to wait, cheers.
  8. Had that whistle, wheezing sound coming from the little black and white bitch after a long hunt, two days later died with a grass seed on the lung.She was coming up a beauty at 2 years.
  9. Sound like meself, got any pups coming up mC HULL, lol.
  10. I got her gifted to me as it was an unplanned litter, she's saved my ass a few times from dangerous animals and people but loves everyone that's nice and the best rabbit dog I've owned. No money could buy her off me. My once in a lifetime dog.
  11. We call her a whippet here but 1/4 staghound so a lurcher.
  12. I had a bloke from the Mallee district in Victoria call me and reckons they are over run. Bit far away as I'm in NSW and fixing my new place up but thinking about doing a couple of weeks there. Southern NSW and Vic are where most of the running dog people are. I'm happy atm getting a few in the Tablelands NSW. The days of getting three hundred for a long weekend are over I think.
  13. Just getting back into it as have moved back out bush. Lived up the coast for 8 months, no rabbits about but the dogs caught one one night up there it was an angora escapee, lol. They did get quite good at catching quail up there, lol.
  14. Not that it matters but wondering if anyone keeps tallies on rabbit numbers bagged for an individual dog. If they catch 5 a week that's 250 a year. I'm thinking my blue bitch's catches must be in the thousands at 8 years.
  15. Don't know much about hunting bear as I'm from Oz but I can't see any game type dog living long. I thought they use bailing type hounds and maybe Airedales or Irish terriers to harass but not fight the bear. I think it's the bat ears that make the french bulldogs be not taken seriously, lol.
  16. Mad stuff toolebox, sheep over here are going for upwards of $250 a head atm so 800 killed is big bucks.
  17. Yeah I thought French bulldogs were just pan lickers but saw a clip of one seeing two black bears out of it's yard which doesn't prove working brains but pretty game imo. Who gives a shit as long as it does the job.
  18. A story over here of a giant feral dog, what they think was a wolfhound cross that was killing calves on the North coast NSW. A few blokes went after it with two bullmastiff crosses and a Rotty. The dogs bailed it in a pile of logs dozed up by the forestry, by the time the hunters got there both mastiffs were dead and the Rotty was still bailing it. It was shot and was said to be bigger than any dog they'd seen, a freak sized stock killer. I doubted the story but was talking recently to guys up the coast who verified it.
  19. Don't know if still around but Leo ear cleaner was the only one that worked on my Am bulldog. I think bad ear problems are inherited.
  20. I was surprised to see the running dogs feral on the highway that time, I didn't think a grey would survive long wild. There was a fox terrier living wild in the forest near Lithgow that survived and was sighted for more than ten years. I can see how it lived so long being smart, tough and small, probably getting enough food from lizards, rabbits and other small prey.
  21. I went pig hunting in the pines with a mate and his pack of mastiff crosses. They never bothered domestic dogs but we ran into a pack of feral dogs and the pigdogs killed three adults and a litter of pups. I'll never forget the noise of this, horrible stuff.
  22. I saw a greyhound on the side of the highway in bushland south of Sydney around ten years ago. I pulled up around 100m past and walked back to see if I could catch the dog before it got hit. As I got closer I noticed the dog was a mass of huge black scars from untreated rips. It turned to me and started growling and another dog joined it, a huge hairy stag/ wolfhound type also scarred up and both skinny as. I made a quick retreat back to the car and drove off. These dogs had been living feral for years probably and they were looking at me as lunch, lol. They probably survived off roos and mayb
  23. Lol, we used to have them quite a bit and remember enjoying them, probably because if you didn't eat it you were clipped around the ear and went hungry, lol. I do too, they reckon the stew is better for you the next day but don't leave it 4 days, you'll shit yourself almost to death as I found out ?.
  24. I don't think dogs, or people are as tough as they used to be. Seems everyone now has food allergies or are just generally sickly. Only reason we live longer now is we are pumped full of prescription drugs. Could be we just eat too much these days?
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