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9 year old girl shot and killed in Liverpool.

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1 hour ago, Bucker said:

This is true and it needs to be clamped down on hard, these people only understand one language.

At the minimum we should be dishing out long term sentences for being armed, and when I say long term sentences I mean the full term as well.

There is no capacity for this type of dream, prisons are full and they are chucking them out as quick as they can put them in.

Also, where is the evidence that these type of people even care about getting lifed off ?…….the fact is they don’t, it don’t even cross their mind and they couldn’t care less.

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Drugs and a lawless society it's not the first time a child has been shot in Liverpool i strongly believe that now is the time capital punishment should be put to a public referendum vote as to whethe

give it a rest lads,a f***ing child has been killed and the usual suspects are at each others throats?... like I said,you play the game,then there should be consiquences...people earning millions

imagine being that mother and what's she's going through...we all know that vile piece of scum that shot the poor child is to blame... but that mother is always going to be thinking I wish I neve

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1 hour ago, Bucker said:

You sir are talking rubbish, let's not pretend that these crimes have never taken place before or without the help of these people you like to call from the 3rd world.

I'll put this one to you, why did Glasgow once have the highest knife crime rate in the UK, was it genetics as you like to say or was it social conditions, don't think too hard please.

It’s an argument I have heard quiet a lot over many years and my reply is the same, the answer to problems isn’t to import even worse problems. 

And the old social conditions chestnut is also older than methuselah…..excuses, excuses, excuses……what happened to responsibility ?

We have choices, nobody has to be a victim of circumstance…..if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…..it’s a duck ! 

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1 hour ago, Bucker said:

RIP to the poor innocent girl who got caught up in this, what goes off in these people's heads?

I think it's time capital punishment was introduced, there's a debate wether it prevents crime but it wouldn't hurt giving it a chance.

You will never prevent complete headcases from committing murder but I do believe it will put a big dampener on gang crime.

That’s it, let’s start ironing people out instead !

But can you imagine the outcry when most of the folks at the end of the rope look like the Big Breakfast presenting team ? 

Id rather give them £50,000 each and a good life in the country of their ancestors origin and ship them away……I don’t want to start killing people, we ain’t savages.

Then maybe, just maybe, we will have capacity in the prison system to deal with our own home grown savages with sentences that reflect the crime. 

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26 minutes ago, sandymere said:

I've never been a believer in the death sentence but.....

Hopefully the police will look closely into the to men being chased as it all sounds a bit dodgy to me.



ps, The only silver lining is that this shocks us so much because of its rarity, some places this would hardly make a headline.

When the social justice warriors start suggesting killing people but im the nutter ! Lol ? 

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39 minutes ago, Bucker said:

Wilf, after reading a few of your posts it's clear to see your intention is to spread hate.

Your rants have no context to them whatsoever.

You are implying that violent crime is somehow only inherent to blacks or "paki's when it clearly isn't the case. 

The problem is deeply complicated with many factors involved.

Without any context all you're doing is associating people of colour with criminality.

The truth of the matter is that the majority of these people you attack are law-abiding citizens, if you don't believe that then do the maths!

Now you have your own opinions about your perfect Britain but let's at least try and be sensible for once shall we.


Or rather ........... ?!!! 

? ?

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Just now, baker boy said:

Capitol punishment 100% works mate, no c@nt thats been hanged, shot, lethal injection, electric chair or beheaded has ever been known to reoffend

No wrongly accused innocent man has ever been known to survive any of the above either.

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I'm for capital punishment, but there was very good arguments against it years ago with wrongful convictions seeing innocent people hung.

But these days with the huge advances in forensics and DNA profiling the same mistakes shouldn't, but possibly could,  happen !

In cases like the Wests, the Moors murderers, Neilson , etc where there is absolutely no doubt of guilt, they should be hung, in my opinion.

The murderer of the old lad on his mobility scooter and the shithouse that shot this child certainly, again, in my opinion, should hang.


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3 hours ago, Bucker said:

You sir are talking rubbish, let's not pretend that these crimes have never taken place before or without the help of these people you like to call from the 3rd world.

I'll put this one to you, why did Glasgow once have the highest knife crime rate in the UK, was it genetics as you like to say or was it social conditions, don't think too hard please.

A unique microcosmic environment which lead to my own wife’s father serving time in barlinnie . 

Glasgow is arguably the most unique city in the uk mainland as its built along lines of cultural backgrounds . Historically the east end was catholic , the west end Protestant . Even now , places like larkhall hold a sense of identity few in the uk would grasp. The knife gangs of the city were fuelled by this , and the other diseases of inner city decay . Go to Easter house in the 00s and it looked like saravejo. Those schemes were breeding grounds for violence , although by and large , Glasgow imho dwarfs all other places with its album of characters .

a unique place that just can’t be compared to the cities of England in any sense as it’s a completely different animal . 

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Just hang all the wiggers ,poofs ,camel jockey kiddy fiddlers and dealers .

Parents who allow their kids to talk like wiggers can be next .Vermin .

Parents who allow their kids to rule them after that and then all social influencers .Not needed ,nor required .Hang them all ,start afresh then hang anyone who mentions the above .Too soft I tell thee .



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Let’s have it right , there’s people in Liverpool who right now know who that shooter was . 

how many other children regardless of their age have been shot / stabbed or caught up in the violence on a situation happening in places like that all over England ? 

We all like to pretend that we were raised in or are part of some sort of perverse mafia omertà , that “ I was brought up not to talk to police “ I certainly was . But some crimes transcend loyalty to , well no one. 

Situations like that are symptomatic of peoples imbued false sense of culture . For years , there’s been videos of lads in areas like that acting like f***ing animals , let’s not pretend we don’t know what I mean . Thug life videos of lads with guns , knives and cash , riding xers in city centres , pushed around on what’s app , dressing like Serbian juvenile paramilitaries , it’s the denial of these crimes and the silence in the aftermath that is the root cause analysis of why a man chased another into a house brandishing a weapon and fired blindly into the domicile and took the life of a COMPLETELY INNOCENT 9 YEAR OLD GIRL . 

If people know who committed that act and don’t open their mouths , they are scum imho . 

In the words of the attorney Mitch Garribedean , the lawyer for the victims of widespread sexual abuse by the Catholic Church in Boston , Mass. 

“they say it takes a village to raise a child , well from what I’ve seen , it also takes a village to hurt one “ 

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