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Kissing Men

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A handshake is as far as I go ... I don't even like getting a hug off women apart from my mother wife and kids ... all this hello darling kiss kiss hug hug fukcing sickens me .... look me in the eye a

Personal space invaders they can just go fek off!

I kiss my wife, my mum and my daughter - I'd never kiss a bloke ! Gentlemen shake hands, as far as I'm concerned.   I'm not even into hugging, if I'm honest......I think I'm what's known as "non-tac

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Iminly two males in this world i ever kiss & thats my Dad on the forehead when we say goodbye & my Son (22years) old big strapping lad & i always kiss him when i greet him or say good bye. He even gives me a kiss in front off all his mates no worries. Love em both to bits. Atb


spot on that :thumbs: , funny thing is i never showed any over the top man hugs etc with my old man, we never really got on in life, prob have to mates ive met through work , hunting etc . But me and my dad sort of made it up just before he died, i looked after him the last 6 months with cancer of the gut , he told me he was proud of me as man , and hoped me and my son can always be mates, i knew what the ment :yes: . i do think we as men on average find it hard to show our softer sides in public to other men , a arm around a shoulder sometimes better than full punch in the face , and ive had few good'uns over years . mind you i think women today are getting violent than they were 30 years ago , anyway when north korea start up proper and russia and usa start they be no fooker left .!!

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My two lads are 33 and 32 and i kiss them when we meet and when we part and i wouldnt have it any other way. To me they are still my kids, I kissed em when they were 2 and i will kiss them when they are 52 if im still here.

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No it wouldn't make people less violent,look in the county's where men are more like that,they aren't all peaceful.


Then look at places where people are notoriously not very affectionate towards each other publicly like north east Asia and northern Europe where the crime's low (not counting migrant rapists).

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Some good replys on here.


Why people say it's gay, I don't know :blink: Uncomfortable yes and not our culture but come on.


Met up with same mate last night for some food. Two girls came with him who he met while travelling in Asia. One Chinese, one Moroccan. Both lovely girls but were obviously uncomfortable with the cheek kisses.... culture is a weird thing :laugh:

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My dad and my fI've brothers all get a big hugh and a kiss on the cheek. Also one very dear old mate of mine gets a hub when I see him. But in terms of a greeting between strangers or casual acquaintances then no I wouldn't kiss cheeks. Nowadays especially they all seem to do the double kiss on two cheeks seems like they are deliberately trying to copy the Europeans. Good firm hand shake and eye contact for meeting strangers

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I only shake my girlfriend's step dad's hand . And that's only because it's something he does . When I great friends it's usually " you alrite or wa? " No idea why . Only today I realised it when going round a friend's house to help him with building . He does the same thing

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