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onion jonny

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About onion jonny

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. onion jonny


    it was a bit of banter about footie but you as usual have got to spew bile, we all know your a nasty piece of work i will leave the site as i cant be arsed with bigots.
  2. onion jonny


    we will just go home say a wee prayer to the big man and start again
  3. onion jonny


    the same as yours, only ours lasted a year and six month longer, well done hearts.
  4. well done to man and horse but he should have been disqualified for interfering with another horse.
  5. ask walshie he's an expert on trees.
  6. onion jonny


    never get fed up with celtic winning. hail hail
  7. onion jonny


    btw lads and ranjurs fans was that not the most blatant penalty ever
  8. onion jonny


    talking about rangers international limited is a bit like only fools and horses , comedy gold ,
  9. bet he wishes he never nicked that starting gun
  10. what about the knut that lifted him up to reach the computer he should have been jailed for aiding and abetting.
  11. he should have got a short sentence
  12. onion jonny


    murty plus fergie or miller as a stop gap, murty did well last time i know its not the same group but they would install a bit of fight, give the board time, then again you have a dof now so does he have a say in the matter.
  13. onion jonny


    the pain must be unBEARABLE
  14. onion jonny


    comedy gold at ibrokes, 90 min rangers get a penalty while they wait for it to be taken one of their player get mouthy and has a go at the op player and gets sent off they then miss the penalty and the ball gets knocked out to the op player who used to play for rangers who scores and earns a draw all this in injury time, sports direct then bring out a wee teddy bear dressed in a rangers top and its called timmy. surely thats ashley taking the piss. got to go take a pain killer as my side are sore laughing.
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