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Scottish Independence

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will someone lock this before it turns into pages of sheite like the last time Joe rambled on about independance, the deluded idiot thinks Osbourne and Cameron are honest and Scotland can stand on its own feet, can it bollocks, the same with Wales, its only the nationalist idiots who think otherwise

No point.. Joe'll only start spamming the general section with multiple threads.. Better to give him his outlet here in one place.. If lads want to try wasting time by trying to debate with him and changing his mind they're welcome to crack on.. :thumbs:
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Veto veto veto no chance for Scotland to join the EU.Does make me laugh though when a supposed nationalist wants to give their countries sovereignty away to the EU . Sturgeon is no nationalist she's j

Myself, as a Scot, I quite like the idea of a devolved Scottish government with more control of local and purely Scottish matters but still remain part of the UK. I can't quite grasp the snp's idea

I was a yes,,,but now a no,, dont want EU,,, rather be with a English bull dog than a Brussels sprout lol

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Joe is to Scottish Independence to what Francie is to Christianity.


When has he ever believed a word that Cameron and Osborne have ever said, other than when it fits his narrative.

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Joe is to Scottish Independence to what Francie is to Christianity.


When has he ever believed a word that Cameron and Osborne have ever said, other than when it fits his narrative.



would they have said that pre indy ref in 2014, wasnt oil such a burden



dont you remember, one of the failed promises of the 2014 indy ref, 13 type 26 frigates would be built on the clyde if scotland voted no? there was a recent expansion on the clyde, it was down to the snp not westminster or the eu..


i am worried about the effect leaving the eu will have on scottish agriculture, these guys provide more information than i do:


For ever £1 you get £20 back?


Thats because you are part of the UK and benefit from all that brings, do you honestly think you will get that level of investment from the EU IF YOU WERE AN INDEPENDENT COUNTRY? Spain and France have already rejected any idea of EU negotiation with an independent Scotland so where does that leave you?


Come on man you are cleverer than this bullshit...If you go independent (and let me say this time if thats what the Scottish people want then off you go) and by some miracle Scotland gained entry will be a tiny cog in a huge European machine that will chew you up and spit you out. You'll make Greece look like a fun park.




maybe not mate, but when a grant is issued, it will go were its ment to, instead of westminster keeping it.... happened to farmers not long ago


remember when yous are ripping into the vids and quotes, theres a few others already doing the same.. pm questions was quoted word for word early on and made out was posters own words, cant have cake and eat it


my opening post wasnt ment to cause hastle, just see what scottish voters thoughts were if there were to be another indy ref after the broken promises of 2014 and recent eu ref result

before the indy ref last time

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Joe how can they start building the frigates if the designs are not finished?

How many ships are the SNP and a independent Scotland going to build?



you mean the financial and tech problems?


i dont have all the answers lads, if only... only asked what thoughts were if yous were to vote again lol

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Yes it has been done to death, I know several Scott's lads and they all say independence would be the ruin of Scotland especially with the oil economy being on its arse


this was the vid i was looking for the other day, if only they said that before the indy ref..





Joe, Joe, Joe......

You can carry on spamming as many clips as you like, but here's the rub.


If SNP had won the first referendum, you would have left the UK (and, therefore, all the institutions of which the UK is member, including the EU).


Now, the SNP wants another referendum, to try to remain a part of the organisation that they would have been forced to leave, had they won first time around.



Which is it, mate, because Wee Jimmy's flip-flopping is just a tad embarrassing to anyone who looks past the sound bites and gives this a little bit of thought ?



I dont agree mate, if you go back to previous posts.. Most yes voters believed if there was to be a yes vote, scotland would gain entry to the eu, membership would have been gained within the two years. Are we going to repeat all the old posts again?


I dont know all the ins and outs, some members of the eu are saying no, some are saying scotland would only need a majorty, i think common sense tells us, when the time comes, and it comes to it, the eu wont refuse scotland


Another vid



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LOL "failed promise". Don't be so dramatic. The GCS are coming and they will be built at Clyde so long as Clyde remains sovereign UK territory. The MoD having a hiccup is hardly shocking now is it!


If the nationalists are counting this as a failure then we might as well build them at Portsmouth seeing as we have nothing to gain politically by letting them be built in the North.


Hopefully Canada, Oz, Brasil, India or Germany buy in and you are able to build even more!

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13 frigates, now down to 8, the designs only about 60% complete.. means an extension to life of old ones costing £££ extra and big delay risking more jobs on the clyde?

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13 frigates, now down to 8, the designs only about 60% complete.. means an extension to life of old ones costing £££ extra and big delay risking more jobs on the clyde?


Eight GCSs. The money assigned for the remaining five is set aside for a separate frigate fleet project which is intended to be used as a general purpose frigate (GPF) at a cheaper unit cost and hopefully greater number for general patrol duties etc.


The GCS frigate fleet is intended to be a specialised anti submarine fleet.


I shouldn't worry Joe, a Blue water navy operating two Supercarriers needs more than eight frigates to carry out typical operations. The frigates are the workhorses of the navy, even 13 is light for all of the RN's patrol and escort duties.

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Just an FYI Joe, but the 2015 SDSR, which is when the reduction in the GCS fleet was decided on actually states that the intention is to increase the size of the total surface combat fleet!


In all probability Clyde will get more work, not less.

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was also more talk today about the 5 general purpose light frigates, maybe more, that would " probably" be built on the clyde keeping jobs past the next decade.. the point is, it was stated many times only the union could guarantee jobs on the clyde, that doesnt look the case at the moment

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was also more talk today about the 5 general purpose light frigates, maybe more, that would " probably" be built on the clyde keeping jobs past the next decade.. the point is, it was stated many times only the union could guarantee jobs on the clyde, that doesnt look the case at the moment


If you leave the union you WILL lose the work, it's an established Defence policy. Remaining in the Union is guaranteeing work and in all probability the 2015 SDSR will result in more work due to the commitment to optimise the frigate fleet and increase the total combat fleet.


It's right to remain dubious and maintain political pressure to ensure you get the volume of work promised in 2014, but to call this a failed promise and demanding that you build 13 GCSs is cutting your nose off to spite your face. There's a very good chance this move will in fact result in more ships being built at Clyde.

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