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Scottish Independence

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Interestingly, during the Scottish independence referendum, the SNP campaigned for Scotland to leave the UK......and, therefore, no longer be an EU member !


(I've had to think for a while to get my noggin round that one !)

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Veto veto veto no chance for Scotland to join the EU.Does make me laugh though when a supposed nationalist wants to give their countries sovereignty away to the EU . Sturgeon is no nationalist she's j

Myself, as a Scot, I quite like the idea of a devolved Scottish government with more control of local and purely Scottish matters but still remain part of the UK. I can't quite grasp the snp's idea

I was a yes,,,but now a no,, dont want EU,,, rather be with a English bull dog than a Brussels sprout lol

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I was a yes,,,but now a no,, dont want EU,,, rather be with a English bull dog than a Brussels sprout lol

Doesnt quite make sense mate



No, Scotland will be down the pan economically if it leaves the UK and joins the EU.


Rubbish, scotland would be the only country in the modern world to have debt etc etc? Just look at the state of the uk right now, and most of the modern world except norway



There couldn't be a worse time for Sturgeon to push for a Independant Scotland.

What you's need to remember Is you's get a better deal already than your English counterparts.

Free Prescriptions

Free University for all if they want it

Some bright youngsters south of the border just can't afford it

Which is a Totaly unfair situation

I'd also guess waiting times north of the border for

Operations ect are shorter.


You's have it good but some can't see it.



It was agrued many times before, the state of the nhs in scotland is alot better than it is down south.. SNP have played a big part in this, how scotland have managed to pay for that stuff you mentioned has been answered many times mate


If sturgeon didn't get her own way in another referendum, would it be "best out of 5" etc. until she gets her way?


To be honest. I never wanted Scotland to leave the Union. But if it gets those SNP bellends out of our Parliament, then bring it on.


I feel sorry for the Scots who want to remain in the Union, because all the time they have a deluded gormless cow like sturgeon at the helm, their future is not certain, even though they have already voted. She hasn't thought any of it through.

It will happen one day, many other nations have managed it, scotland and ireland will one day


when the joys of a hard border are explained to them plus having the euro in their pocket worth about 70p they will come to their senses,

No euro matey, just my opinion


I can't believe anyone involved in hunting shooting and fishing or the country way off life would want anything to do with that poisonous little witch sturgeon ....all it done was split the country down the middle .


Have to pick the best of a bad bunch mate, i dont agree with how the snp went about the hunting ban stuff recently... But they will still get my vote. Respect is earned, they have earned it, why support still grows




The deluded bint has said she wants to be out of the Union, but in the EU with open borders between Scotland and England. How's that going to work?


Boatloads of scumbags flooding into Scotland and catching a bus to where they wanted to be in the first place. Incredible.

Ireland have something very similar now.



Nail on the head mate

Edited by Joe1888
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The union, am not anti english as a few non scots believe we are, though i do enjoy the rivalry.

Ok bud just wondering. ...if it was Westminster I was going to let you into a little secret ...practically everyone outside the golden mile despises the cnuts not just Scotland lol ...does it not worry you that by staying in the eu you might be forfeiting your chance of bringing heavy industry ship building ect back to Scotland also ruin any chance of getting your fishing industries back?

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dont you remember, one of the failed promises of the 2014 indy ref, 13 type 26 frigates would be built on the clyde if scotland voted no? there was a recent expansion on the clyde, it was down to the snp not westminster or the eu..


i am worried about the effect leaving the eu will have on scottish agriculture, these guys provide more information than i do:


Edited by Joe1888
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Yes it has been done to death, I know several Scott's lads and they all say independence would be the ruin of Scotland especially with the oil economy being on its arse



this was the vid i was looking for the other day, if only they said that before the indy ref..


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Also worth thinking about if Scotland did keep sterling as part of its independence then in effect it would have no monetary independence as sterling is the property of the bank of England. .. so in effect you would have most your major rules dictated by Brussels and your money dictated by the bank of England. ...it's not sounding very independent is it lol

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Also worth thinking about if Scotland did keep sterling as part of its independence then in effect it would have no monetary independence as sterling is the property of the bank of England. .. so in effect you would have most your major rules dictated by Brussels and your money dictated by the bank of England. ...it's not sounding very independent is it lol

certainly they will be getting the euro,and any of them work across the border will be getting outta bed 2 hours earlier and getting home 2 hours later going through the road check.the joys of a land border all to be ib the eu.

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Yes it has been done to death, I know several Scott's lads and they all say independence would be the ruin of Scotland especially with the oil economy being on its arse



this was the vid i was looking for the other day, if only they said that before the indy ref..



Joe, Joe, Joe......

You can carry on spamming as many clips as you like, but here's the rub.


If SNP had won the first referendum, you would have left the UK (and, therefore, all the institutions of which the UK is member, including the EU).


Now, the SNP wants another referendum, to try to remain a part of the organisation that they would have been forced to leave, had they won first time around.



Which is it, mate, because Wee Jimmy's flip-flopping is just a tad embarrassing to anyone who looks past the sound bites and gives this a little bit of thought ?

Edited by Blackbriar
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dont you remember, one of the failed promises of the 2014 indy ref, 13 type 26 frigates would be built on the clyde if scotland voted no? there was a recent expansion on the clyde, it was down to the snp not westminster or the eu..


i am worried about the effect leaving the eu will have on scottish agriculture, these guys provide more information than i do:


For ever £1 you get £20 back?


Thats because you are part of the UK and benefit from all that brings, do you honestly think you will get that level of investment from the EU IF YOU WERE AN INDEPENDENT COUNTRY? Spain and France have already rejected any idea of EU negotiation with an independent Scotland so where does that leave you?


Come on man you are cleverer than this bullshit...If you go independent (and let me say this time if thats what the Scottish people want then off you go) and by some miracle Scotland gained entry will be a tiny cog in a huge European machine that will chew you up and spit you out. You'll make Greece look like a fun park.

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dont you remember, one of the failed promises of the 2014 indy ref, 13 type 26 frigates would be built on the clyde if scotland voted no? there was a recent expansion on the clyde, it was down to the snp not westminster or the eu..


i am worried about the effect leaving the eu will have on scottish agriculture, these guys provide more information than i do:


Joe, why do you want independence from your own people? Have you ever been to England? Did you not notice half the population has scottish/Irish surbames. Honestly every time I hear everyday Joe's ( no pun) wanting independence/ hating the English it's like another twist of the knife.irs the ruling elite that have divided us, and divided we are conquered why does only the last few hundred or even a thousand years only count, what about the 29000 years before that all our ancestors shared the British isles? I have no doubt scotland can make it on there own same as wales Ireland and england,were the best people in the world but imagine how much more we could do if we all worked as one. Honestly it just feels as though your shitting on us I'm from the industrial north weve had a rough ride off Westminster same as you and now your wanting to leave us in the lurch with them, well cheers anyhow.

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will someone lock this before it turns into pages of sheite like the last time Joe rambled on about independance, the deluded idiot thinks Osbourne and Cameron are honest and Scotland can stand on its own feet, can it bollocks, the same with Wales, its only the nationalist idiots who think otherwise

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