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David K

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Everything posted by David K

  1. People will nick anything these days hopefully somebody will grass them up ?
  2. The thing is the producers of this show are not going to want someone on the show who could rig a a fishing line, stich a net, light a fire, not go to pieces because they haven't kissed their girlfriend goodnight or kill a animal/fish for food without having a little weep for the departed soul. No fun for the viewers if they all get along fine and catch lots of food. Just be hopeful if you ever do get stranded on a deserted island it's with a group outing from this forum (plus a terrier, Lurcher and a few ferrets)
  3. I watched it, made me worry for the continuation of the human race, grown men throwing a hissy fit because they felt undermined by others not listening to them. Others lying around moaning about hard it was instead of getting off their arse and doing something useful. I'll probably watch it again though as there is some entertainment in watching feckless Muppets crash and burn.
  4. First hatch of the year, 9 call ducks hatched out of 12 under the Goldtop broody.
  5. I suppose with a topbar you can pretty much leave it to work away, with little human intervention, I think they are more difficult to harvest honey and increase your number of hives when you get bitten by the bee keeeping bug though. Its great to get a start in beekeeping, no matter what hive you keep them in, best of luck.
  6. I'm a big fan of the Sussex x Silkie for broody birds, we have four of these and there is always one or more of them wanting to sit on eggs. This one has been sitting on a dozen call duck eggs for a few weeks, due to hatch this Sunday hopefully. Can't fault them as broodies and great mothers.
  7. There shouldn't be any problem with the odd bit of smoke, worse that will happen is some of the bees will go and fill themselves with honey thinking there's a forest fire. After all bee keepers use smoke to calm the bees when inspecting the hive with no issues. Have the allotment committee only allowed you to keep a top bar hive and said no to a more conventional hive or is this your choice?
  8. I have a Brinsea Octagon 40 with an auto cradle, great results with this and enough room to leave chicks to dry off after hatching as we only hatch about a dozen at a time. I also have a covatutto 24, even better hatch rates with this, manual turn though so you have to remember to turn the eggs regularly. With both of these I would advise you to get a digital temperature/hygrometer, cheap enough from Ebay or pet store, to be sure your temp and humidity levels are correct.
  9. Definitely take up the offer of a nucleus, it will not take up too much of your time to look after it. As long as you give the queen space to lay and maybe a feed until the colony size increases enough to thrive on its own. A new colony is less inclined to give you any swarming problems as they are focussed on getting bigger. On the plus side it will be great experience for you in managing a hive, its a lot easier to inspect a small, young colony than a more established hive. Finding the queen, identifying drone and worker bees, the difference between capped brood, pollen or honey stores are a
  10. Bob now has a candle shop in Frodsham, Cheshire. Still has the press clippings of him and spit the dog up in the window, how the mighty have fallen from the heady heights of Tiswas.
  11. My son is autistic and he can seem to be in his own special world a lot of the time plus he can fixate on one thing to the detriment to everything else. It used to angry birds 24/7 then it was Star Wars, now it's printing out pictures of sonic the hedgehog and sticking them all over his bedroom walls. In amongst all this obsession he has moments of clarity and will knock me down with a big hug and tells me he loves me which make up for the tearful moments when I'm thinking about his future. We all need to be thankful for what we have and to try our hardest to do the best for the people in our
  12. I second the River Moy, prolific salmon river. When I lived in Ballina I spent many a time sitting by the Ridge pool watching salmon leaping around the anglers. Not a place I ever fished myself, in the centre of town with tourists and locals watching your every failed cast, lost fish and near falling in. I always preferred going where nobody could see what I was up to ?
  13. I really enjoyed Tunisia, we stayed at a beach resort but got the local train into Tunis. Great city, you get a bit of hassle from people trying to sell you stuff or be your guide but we wandered round the Souk and ate the local food. It could be worse, you could be getting on a tube or a bus in London, more scary I think.
  14. How do you make the pesto? Does it keep for long? Thanks Here you go; 1 large handful of Garlic leaves. 50g Parmesan or any other hard cheese. 50g of pine nuts or walnut, pumpkin seeds. 100ml approx of olive oil. salt, pepper, lemon juice to your taste. Wizz up the cheese in a processor first, add your nuts and garlic leaves. when they are well chopped start to drizzle the oil in until you get the right consistency. add salt and pepper and a little lemon juice if you like. it tastes quite strong at the first tasting but does mellow over time and when used in cooking
  15. We have a varied selection of birds, some for laying, some meat birds and some ornamental/pets. Over the years we have incubated eggs and allowed the birds to brood their own, which of course has resulted in a variety of cockerels. I have no problem whatsoever in necking the unwanted which as young ones go to the ferrets and some of them I grow on for about a year to make them big enough for making my Coq an Vin( Hugh Fearnly Whittingstalls recipe)The ferrets and I love cockerels. I have noticed when talking to a lot of would be chicken owners they are not wanting to address the issue of what
  16. I'll be going to the parade in our town, taking my boy who plays the euphonium in the school band. This will be his last year as he is moving up to secondary school so will ditch the brass band as its not cool, shame. I'm not a one for crowds and pissed up feckers wearing leprechaun suits but really enjoy our local parade and will miss my boy not being involved next year. Happy St Patricks day everyone.
  17. Well they were selling horse ones not so long ago!
  18. Not seen any on my usual patches yet, wild garlic pesto is what I'll be making again this year.
  19. I have a few hives and your right it would prevent a queen from leaving but it wouldn't deal with any of the causes for a queen wanting to swarm. So you would have a hive that has problems, which would result in my opinion, a colony that is distressed. Also you would be preventing the larger drones from exiting. Better to manage the hive better to prevent swarming, I know even when a colony seems in perfect order the queen can still swarm but sometimes strange thinks happen. If you are worried about a queen absconding with half your workers then clip her wings, she falls to the floor outside t
  20. I have a castrated hob, he was originally going to be vasectomised but difficulty in finding a vet to do it at a realistic price led me to get him castrated so he could stay with the four jills I have. He doesn't get worked much but when he gets out there he's as keen as mustard,having no balls does seem to have stopped his ability to hunt in any way. This a picture of him from this morning, he was latched on to this screaming bunny on the other side of a wall that I couldn't net up. He kept hold of it until I could make my way round to him.
  21. David K

    Sab Page

    Well written and funny, but it is worrying that so many people don't realise it's actually taking the piss out of sabs. There are more stupid people out there than I thought.
  22. I've just started to put a path in down my veg patch this week, last year I just had some raised beds and some potatoes, cabbage, beans etc at one end. The field is about 300ft long by 50 ft wide so I'm going to have a metre wide path all the way down to my bee hives at the very end and then put the beds running sideways off that. The plan is to eventually have the whole area used for fruit and veg so we can be self sufficient and maybe sell the excess at the gate as we do with our hen and duck eggs now. There is a lot to do but its great to get out there clearing the land instead of looking a
  23. I remember following the mink hounds in Cheshire, on the River Dane or Calder I think, this was in the eighties and I was just a teenager out with my dad and his mates. We encountered the hunt sabs from the off, piling out of transit minibuses and shouting abuse and running about spraying liquid out of squeezy bottles to put off the hounds. I do remember a few punch ups and scuffles throughout the day as we ran into them but there was no cameras or police presence. After a good, fun day wading across rivers trying to keep up with the hounds we made our way back to the car with all the follower
  24. Ferreting man, you seem to want a finished,all singing and dancing hunting dog but not willing to commit the time and energy into training one. I don't believe they are available off the shelf and ready to go.
  25. The guy who published it on his Facebook page wasn't coming at from an anti hunting angle, more concerned about the effect on the tourism. He said it was on The Wild Atlantic way which is a new venture started last year to create a walk along the west coast North to South, heavily promoted and advertised here. I don't know whether this is a plot by the antis to discredit hunters, hopefully not because that would show some degree of organisation and cunning from the usually inept crowd of crusties and bunny huggers.
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