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About MoChara

  • Rank
    THL's Moaning Blonde
  • Birthday 12/03/1992

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  • Location
    Northern Ireland

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  1. Bumped into "Lily the wood nymph" on yesterdays travels..
  2. Oh he's lovely, same Jerry Lee didn't cock his leg many times in his life I must say - he stopped at 32tts but his rough coat made him look that bit bigger again especially around the neck the knuckles on him when he was a pup was a tell tale sign of how big he'd get.
  3. Not long before he passed at Xmas there & Still fit as a flea. He would still be here today, only he had complications with a hernia he had. He had no bone/muscle problems no arthritis and his heart was strong. Vet couldn't believe how fit he was for his age, with his size but his quality of life would of been gone so vet said better to let him go painless and happy. What I'm tryin to say is, ever since I got him people told me this and that, he wouldn't live long, he wouldn't work, hes too big, he will get bone problems and so on and so fourth. He's proof big dogs can live a
  4. He was a big boy that's for sure, also built like a tank. Think it's a given that MoChara was a lot more agile lol.. but Jerry Lee done alright, he was originally bred for big game but to be fair to him he could still catch rabbits (his last one being when he was 6/7ish tho). His dad was an amazing all round dog , the guy actually had the dog stolen but got him back. I'm not gonna sit here & make out im little ms hunter, even tho they were proven able someone who was more clued up & had more time to go out could of had them both exceptional workers - I had some life stuff happen and
  5. Chartpolski - I'm really sorry to read this, truly heartbreaking for your family.. you done the best thing for taking the break away, and as you say came back different. Pain changes people in all sorts of ways, but good for you for recognizing what needed to be done
  6. I, 100% absolutely agree with that myself chartpolski. Life happens eh. Though how strange is it logging back in for the first time eh
  7. So I forget how to reply to each one wild.. Mister Walshie still an absolute legend amongst you's I see I wee mini reunion... I see you child Good to see your still here as well
  8. Well I dunno where to post this but here we are lol... I'm an old member going on probably 7-8 years since I last logged in in all honesty... any of you's oldies still around from 2009s to 2016/8ish. Im still alive to the message of concern years ago sorry I never seen them - i used to have some of the best conversations and also laughs on here with some of you's ladies & gents - but I loved my ladies of course 🩶 I'm pretty sure not a one of you will remember me after this loooong hiatus. But I wanted to stop by and say hi again anyway.. You's MIGHT instead remember my
  9. Burnie69 is spot on.. Once day 18 comes I up the Humidity, if it ever dropped below 55-60 the chicks died in shell. Day 18 "lockdown" is the main/harder bit of hatching for me, temperature aside.. I strictly sit on my hands and don't open the bator till hatch day as it will let humidity escape and I'll end up with chicks stuck or unable to pip/zip. But I'm lucky I've just had two successful broody hatches in the hedge lol. But will be doing ayam cemanis in next week or so, there too dear to wreck by bad incubating skills
  10. My mum has that out her back... It's a pain in the backside, goes green very quick needs powerhosed regular or you'd break your neck.. Also tend to wobble about and chip. Good stuff they said lol. Lovely to look at but not my cup of tea
  11. Usually headphones for me BUT Go out and sit with the animals, let dogs, pigs the lot out! watch the chickens poking around the grass and birds whistling away in trees - cup of coffee and a wee smoke. Bliss!
  12. yes very true.. Till yous roll over and start all over AGAIN.!! It's actually not funny it's quite annoying It's not annoying......it's an endearing character trait ! And she also does her fair share.....!! she probably sounds like a sleeping baby... You, YOU sound like a blocked up Hoover.! Tut tut tut.. So I think ill send him for a nose job like Wullz
  13. yes very true.. Till yous roll over and start all over AGAIN.!! It's actually not funny it's quite annoying
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