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Everything posted by cragman

  1. Good luck and congratulations on your retirement. I’m due to go that way in February next year but have been asked to stay on a while. I love what I do. I’ve a new manager, a new kid on the block and he’s pushing me to go even earlier with his shouty attitude. If I don’t clock the Cnut I’ll be free in February
  2. Labour and tories are too alike for me, nothing ever changes. At my time of life all I want is to be left in peace to live my life how I want. They’ve had 50 years of taxes and national insurance out of me and I’ve asked for nowt in return and never needed to use the NHS so far thankfully. Labour will ban trail hunting and shooters will be next to suffer under them, so it’s Reform for us in this house
  3. Cuckoo egg in a pipits nest, layed today, 10/06
  4. Should start laying this month if they’re pipit cuckoos. I’m watching several pipit nests at the moment, second broods.
  5. I’m a fifties/sixties kid. I say it often, I’m glad I was born when I was and had the best childhood. You had to live it to know what I mean. I had two brothers (sadly no longer here) who were my mentors and showed me the way and parents who encouraged independence and a free spirit. I’m still knocking about the woods and moors, jumping fences, walking miles and climbing fells. I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m very lucky
  6. cragman


    Late sixties, we all nested, had catapults, built dens, ratted along the river, dug out wasp or bee nests for grubs to go fishing, out from first light ‘til dark. I could go on, there was never a better time to be a kid
  7. Do any of you lads think this mole is anything to worry about?
  8. Another five last night to the rimmy, with the Pard 07sp lrf on top. Great bit of kit. Definitely made some inroad into the rat numbers
  9. I noticed a few rats with the thermal, running round the chicken pen last Tuesday night as I waited for a fox to show. Anyway, popped on last night for an hour with the rimmy and managed 16. Picked ten this morning with six disappearing over night to either an owl, farm cats or other rats.
  10. Lofting poles with a bit of DIY added. Also had a hook welded on the end to drag the dreys out
  11. Not been but it’s a place I’ll visit when I retire. I’ve a mate who farms on there and I keep getting invites. You must visit the Highland Park distillery
  12. Yep, went last august and took English dosh to change once over there. Better rate
  13. Had a couple of hours drey poking to shift some tree rats and give newly planted trees and the birds a chance this spring. Ended with sixteen, finding two that must have dropped after we finished
  14. I have one. It has a screen in the back for viewing any footage. A lad I know has one that pings a text when it’s tripped. He’s turned up many times after getting a text to shoot a fox
  15. Bought a gen 1 recently. Setting up was a doddle, LRF is spot on and good distance was obtained with the on board IR, even on its lowest setting. Zeroing was simple, one shot, and an hour later I shot a fox with it on top of my 243
  16. cragman

    Art work

    Close up it is. I think the artist used a fine single bristle on most of it
  17. cragman

    Art work

    Found it But alas unsigned
  18. cragman

    Art work

    I’ve an original watercolour of a cock fight somewhere by C R Stock after Alken. Close up the artwork is amazing
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