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Everything posted by cragman

  1. For those of a certain age, you’ll remember when Saturday afternoon was brilliant for sport on terrestrial television. Well, one of the most well known figures and presenters from those days has sadly passed away. I must admit I thought he’d gone a few years ago. RIP Dickie Davies
  2. Buy that man a pint and give the horse extra hay ????
  3. It’ll be like the wild west tomorrow on the hill for beaters day. Everyman and his dog will be there. We’ve another more informal day on Monday when we’ll have a nice walk about and a chat
  4. My mates IR seems too powerful for it in IMO. Gets plenty of white out. Took me a while to suss out where the fox was. Might just need the position altering, but the scope itself performs well ?? Once I’d focused it, picture was good
  5. TD50L yes. Not mine but I pulled the trigger on this vixen ??
  6. Dropped a nice looking vixen last night with the 22.250, 182 yards out on the edge of a reed bed. Earlier, I’m sure we dropped the first Charlie of the night but with it being a good distance and access to it through several frozen up locked gates, I’m out today looking for it. Too cold for brass monkeys on the moor last night ??
  7. Excellent, well done ????We shot one once that was sleeping, this was when we lamped foxes. We walked up to it as it’s eyes still gave out a shine as they were open a slither.
  8. Beddy/whippet View Advert Any pups available or due in the near future? Please let me know vis a PM, I’m after a bitch thanks Advertiser cragman Date 20/01/23 Price Category Working Dogs and Livestock  

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    Any pups available or due in the near future? Please let me know via a PM, I’m after a bitch thanks


  10. Dropped onto the farm tonight for an hour. Managed four big rats with the rimfire. Great fun and that’s about 16 in two visits plus a Charlie. Farmer happy ??
  11. An English Macnab, good going FH ????
  12. I was sent this photo recently, a mate took this black fox on Ripponden moor, just off the M62. Don’t know how he got it but it’s a fine looking beast
  13. This is my granddad on the right in the 1920s. I haven’t a clue what he was doing with a shotgun and a fish! He was into his hunting and lived in Northern Ireland
  14. Following on from my recent thread about using a rimmy for shooting rats, I went up to the farm tonight and got started. I shot 12, maybe one or two more but they bobbed down the hole with a headache. Just about to call it a night when I scanned around with the spotter and watched this fella making his way up to me. He got to within 25 yards. I flicked on the red light and smacked him straight in the napper. Lights out, he knew nowt about it. A fine fox in great condition. He’s heading to the taxidermist in the morning ??
  15. I also wrote to a couple of local papers asking for readers help. A few got back to me and I gained lots of info on them.
  16. I’ve done grave finding in the past, once with a well known field sport author and the other with Brait Wilson, former whip and huntsman of the ullswater FH. They weren’t so difficult. I just tracked down to where their final abode was and searched locally, through registrars and graveyards. Most will have a list of who’s buried where. If the graveyard was small I searched it myself. It’s a great thrill to finally find something like that, good luck in your search ??
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