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Everything posted by cragman

  1. I had a rat in a fenn the other week and minutes after resetting it, I had a weasel in it. I actually heard it go off
  2. If it’s the Arse-pb then no and I’m a big bird watching fella. I’m a member of BTO and prefer their way of doing things.
  3. I’m 65 and still working. Could have taken my pension but I enjoy my job. I’ve been asked when I’m due to retire in a years time to stay on. When I think about it, I’ll have worked 50 years. That’s long enough isn’t it? There’s a guy working with me who’s 70. I can still get about on a fell after hounds
  4. I love the Harkila gear and have a few bits. It’s expensive stuff but does the job and as I’ve get older, luckily I’m able to afford such things. I sold their pro Hunter jacket two years ago and regretted it almost straight away. I’ve since bought the next version of the same jacket at a great price, expensive but not as expensive as what they’re going for now. Go for it fella, and have no regrets
  5. Local last night, a couple of miles up the road. Played the vixen in heat call and this heavyweight came crashing down the moor scattering woodcock, lapwings and hares in his haste to get there. He stopped long enough for me to deal him a Vmax pill. He was a heavy brute of a thing. Stayed another hour and had one in to the rabbit in distress call, but it winded me and away it went
  6. Good shooting. Bagged a big dog myself on Friday
  7. That’s a good bag. Sounds like a decent morning
  8. Third week on the bounce at this farm on a Friday. Previously, I’d shot one on the first visit, then two last week and last night I’d just got onto the field when I spotted this fella mooching around. The Hornet flattened him and I was on the way home after two minutes!
  9. Had the caller on last night at a place I go on, vixen in heat call but didn’t get anything to take the bait. However on the walk back to the farm, this massive dog fox and vixen were almost side by side, I shot the dog and turned round and the vixen just carried on mooching about, not 50 yards away! She got the same treatment. How on earth she didn’t spook when I shot the dog I don’t know. Weighed the dog this morning, 17.5lbs. A good night after all
  10. Did mine recently, just as DC has said, easy enough. If I can do it….
  11. Onto my must recent permission on Saturday and I’d not long left the farm yard when I spotted a fox just leaving a field. I cut across this field to try to head off Charlie boy. A few fences later and a quick scan with the spotter and I sees the fox coming down a track towards me…with the wind in my favour! A quick squeak and he stopped long enough for a shot. A big dog fox in fine fettle. I heard a few fox barks as well but I’m not convinced it was an actual fox. There have been poachers in the area and it did sound like a caller to me. Anyone one heard any foxes calling yet? Number six this
  12. Good job these weren’t around in the seventies when I started work…they wouldn’t have lasted an hour
  13. Dropped on a spot tonight I haven’t visited since early summer. This fella took the bait, (a hand squeak) and the 35gr Vmax pill did the rest Nice early finish
  14. Dropped on the same farm from ‘tother week earlier today for two hours of ratting. Ended up with twenty four. A few less than last time so we’re making inroads into their numbers. Same dog team. One happy farmer
  15. Didn’t take long to nail these two. Vixen first, came in like a train, eighty yards. Dog fox on the same line twenty minutes later, 100 yards and stopped just long enough. Home for 10-30
  16. A decent spotter with long battery life is the Range TI50 LRF. My mate uses one and while my Axion has faded after a few hours, his is going strong and only down to 80% battery life still left. It’s got a decent view and the LRF is a godsend and works spot on
  17. Good three hours on the scaly tails. Ended with 48 plus. We had a beddy, a JRT, two teckles and a lurcher. Happy farmer
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