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Everything posted by cragman

  1. Smudge, a cuckoos egg is about the same size as a robins...maybe a tiny bit bigger. A gulls egg is the size of a feckin' ostriches in comparison! A female cuckoo first takes an egg out of the nest she's going to lay in, lays her egg and then either swallows the egg she's taken or crushes it in her throat and swallows the contents, coughing up the shell and spitting them out. I'd like to see her do it with a gulls egg!! The host needs to be an insect eater. The young cuckoo, when hatched, has to evict the eggs or chicks out of the nest (the urge to do this can last about 3-4 days). How the feck
  2. Just noticed this is on tonight on the National Geographical channel, 7pm. "Hunting Hounds of Arabia". "How the Bedouin train their saluki hunting dogs to chase gazelle, and why they treat them like kings". First shown this morning at 8am and again this afternoon at 1pm. Might be worth a look. Don't know if it's been shown before.
  3. BBs and close as well. Hulmax, 34grms always works for me. Been on many drives, bushing do's (birds only, no ground game etc) and the times a charlie has come through...I've always put the gun up to him (with 6s in) then blasphemed the fecker ! We always tend to catch up with him in the end. Those particular days are his. We have ours as well . Well said Baldie.
  4. My two small albino jills presented me with 15 young 'uns between them. The hob responsable was a medium sized black eyed silver. They're nearly five weeks old now and almost weaned, so they'll be ready to go in a couple of weeks. Thanks to the local keeper, who's kindly donated the rabbits and woodpigeons, they are growing at a formidable rate. Eight jills and seven hobs. If you'd like to see a photo of the kits PM me your email addy and I'll send on a photo. A small fee would be appreciated (£6), which will be donated to the Coniston Foxhounds funds. More importantly, you'll take care of
  5. Ratkilla, is that one of the two guys that used to come on the tele a few years back, whos act included handling rats etc? Can't recall the name of the programme now but it had nutters on, you know, people eating glass, razor blades and one guy drank milk and forced it out of his eye or something like that . The other guy with the rats was local to me. Always wondered what happened to him. :ph34r:
  6. He'll soon feck off when the gravy train runs dry...or the dole collar him!
  7. We probably ignored it because it "only" looks like a Great tit sitting tight. We've got one near to where I work nesting in a post box that's nailed to a tree for the anglers to put their returns in. The hen hisses like hell when you go near her. Last time I looked she was on 5, all nicely covered over with nesting material.
  8. Garden Warbler. Their eggs are slightly more heavily marked than a Blackcaps. Looks like a Willow tit going in the hole. Found six Meadow Pipits today whilst walking the moor :whistle: ....but no cuckoo eggs in any of them.
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