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Everything posted by paulsmithy83

  1. Alot of coursing stock are or have been bought not just for coursing. most who make good day dogs also have the ability to make decent night dogs or hunt up types. IF given the schooling and opportunities make great all edible dogs day or night and some take to fox very well also. The only out cross from coursing blood that is different is the coursing blood over bull blooded lurchers. Imo the aim of this is to raise the percentage of those that will do teeth. Although i dont think bull needs to be added all the time for teeth but the bull x coursing blood lurchers if take get as close to the
  2. Does that mean carry a gun and then its just flushing be hard to prove other wise. Not like it change much for me as cant get a gun license.
  3. Try the old tea bag trick. Thats meant to work. 99p for 100 plus you get a cuppa out of it
  4. With how small uk is there is no excuse. If you gonna commit to a pup properly a jump in the car is no trouble or if you cant drive transporters are cheap enough. Like you said most of us comited guys travel the length and breath the uk just to hunt. I really do hope these pups turn out good or decent but in reality it all a gamble just breed best to best and really hope luck is on your side as in dog game you really need it. One things for sure haymin seems to be giving them the best start so hopefully onwards and upwards
  5. Whippets are great animals for there size. Only issue for me is there skin no questions about that one. I've seen whippets peel like an orange. You can get various sizes and are laid back in temperament but its heart in your mouth stuff. Some almost seem to have a suicide button lol there itching to press it at any minute. Fun dogs though
  6. There a litter been bred so im told bull grey x foxhound on one them dog sites preloved i think
  7. Great see a genuine man walking the walk . Not like the lot that claim 50-100 foxes a year when in reality they lucky put 2-3 away a month. How many you had this season ?
  8. There a litter for sale at min on here it a cross i always wanted to run my bro and cousin had the right dogs for the mating but the pointer never came in again. Always way. Seen one or two both of the type all been good hunting types
  9. Sorry lads computer is having a spaz
  10. Why would you need voice with collars on. I wouldnt want a dog screaming its head off. if you got a dog that will truly cast there a good chance it will go places it shouldnt be. f**k highlighting that with dog giving voice. Edited to add if we talking about a lurcher here. Especially if want it for more task then just hunting up. Adding hound will be a lottery to when they will speak
  11. Why would you need voice with collars on. I wouldnt want a dog screaming its head off. if you got a dog that will truely cast there a good chance it will go places it shouldnt be. f**k highlighting that with dog giving voice.
  12. then still think hound x is pointless juat get a hound lol
  13. but if you were foxing on the open mountain that's the most important quality , something hanging round your feet waiting to get sighted would be useless. I'm sure they have a place but would agree they wouldn't suit most people. spot on back end of the season i went for a walk with a man bigging his lurcher up being a good hunter and casting ability she barely got 300 metres from us on the collars unless sighted. My bitch was over 900metres and counting on the garmin running a line. And she put to bed after sighted. He asked me if she had any hound in i said nah she just knows her job and
  14. See how handy she is over here start of the season mucca we sort a day over by me. Might know of a dog if she any good.
  15. Nice pup there , is seen some really shit from there and some really good uns. gonna get that with the amount of pups hancock sells. Wouldnt be risk i would take but glad she coming good.
  16. Someone i used to lamp with used to swear by pg 600 it an old swine flu vaccine apparently. Can cause alot of discomfort by all accounts and not always work.
  17. Someone message back the anti mp's asking where the funding is being robbed from to fund patroling empty country roads to police this act whilst major crimes are happening closer to home and how they can justify that. What would they do with mr robber breaking into there house they call 999 and officers are delayed due to patrol cars to far a field in the country side looking for mr joe hunter. Those officers could be the difference in life and death on real priority 999 calls. Plus all the cost of equipmemt like 4x4's which are double the cost of patrol cars. Butobviously worded better wit
  18. Large run as door always open . Nice comfortable space to sleep. Like trig said it why farmers use them. Most dogs can heat the space with body heat so dont need kennel heating.
  19. Good to see pure's being raised properly to many dont give them enough field craft then start crabbing the breed. Treat them like any other lurcher plenty exposure and they open your eyes . Im sure these will do the owners justice with luck on there side. Everything else is in place with good breeding and owners seem to be doing right by them.
  20. My bitch's line was very good deer/hare dogs before ban Catch in open or in woods. I think if any good they should be able to catch them in any situation. Day or night. Wood or field. Also ran with a coursing bitch that great in forestry and fields. For woods they dont always catch first attempt that where good nose and tracker comes in. Only problem in the woods is skin tears i found. Cant beat catching them mid stride in field tho.
  21. Weather by far seems to have the biggest affect around here. With drastic weather changes it sure seems to pop up more and spread.
  22. I cant read very well if being honest and i need a spell checker to correct my writing for my posts, i got suspended multiple times for txt talk. Auto correct on the phone is handy
  23. Isnt the price including delivery from poland and jabs/pet passport so also chipped and stuff. In reality £500 aint that much is it when all above is taken into account ????
  24. I shot my catty every day and have loads of hares by me some fields 4/5 some even saw 6+ but never took one with a catty. I walk on by them. Much rather me dog have a run on them!!!!!
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