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About storm323

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 08/01/1991

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  • Location
    south wales

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  1. Thanks for the messages ? got a few options but will see when the times right ..
  2. What height did the rest make socks ? Ye she’s thrown very collie like! Really enjoying watching her run tho my heart is in my mouth she’s a very full on runner !
  3. Knocked up toe after her first night out in September so let her got some time to recover! Enjoying her as a lamp and daytime runner and definitely thinking I should line her in the future ! A friend of mine has a decent coursing line that I could use but interested to see what decent dogs about coursing bred to a collie cross ? She’s 23 and apparently 3 dogs in her line have done 100 in a night on the lamp so decent stamina she’s done decent bags but still got her best years ahead of her !!! Back to it with some ferreting on the weekend ready to start my season !
  4. How is the Rest of the litter doing now ? -
  5. Pup looks lovely ! All the best with her next season ?
  6. Having permission on some of these places it's a shame to name drop !
  7. Just measured her now she's 23 ! You pup looks a cracker how she coming along I did try messaging you but said your inbox is full !
  8. Not the best pic and was a few weeks ago ! Can't wait for next season with her .
  9. Spring looks a cracker ! as it's been said another few months and they will be a different animal !
  10. What he make 24 /25 ? Both looking nice !
  11. I come off all the hunting groups on Facebook I couldn't handle seeing the idiots on there who give it hunting a bad name ! Seen some bad videos on there ! But the way the world is going hunting with the lurcher will be a past time in 50 years I'm sure !
  12. Good to hear butt ! Few mental exercises I'm sure would do her good while resting up
  13. Sorry to hear butt ! Hope she has a good recovery
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