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Everything posted by tinytiger

  1. There was some in Ethiopia -Israel evacuated them during 80s famine (then sterilized them all on the sly a few years back)
  2. His "name " is Paul Harris. For going to America on a false pasdport a few years back.I support what he does -but I've a feeling there's more to him than meets the eye.
  3. I believe he's genuine about what he's doing -but you're right..who goes to court and gets convicted under a false name-definitely an MI5 asset at least.
  4. Same as that-I was happy out with them at the time (but id only have been around 10 when I got her).I've nothing off that breeding now-got years of entertainment out of them though.
  5. Was it in Ireland or England jiggy?ones I had were good enough on fox (I think there was staff in the ones I had as well).There was supposedly small black n tan terriers around county limerick in 50s/60s but id say they were some kind of yorkie/Fox terrier cross also.
  6. Neanderthals were there a long time before that.It's the rightful home of all gingers
  7. Id doubt they ever existed -maybe a black and tan Jack Russel type. (I got my first ever terrier from a man that lived very close to scarteen)-she did throw a pup once that looked like dogs Plummer described (but I think the b &t colour came from yorkie blood )
  8. Wonder what sas were doing out there-now that Isis are defeated /on the run? Whole story reeks of bullshit
  9. Try and run 1k as fast as possible now and again -improve that by seconds and your longer runs will get minutes faster.
  10. 7 minute miling (is it in shorts/runner's or full army kit?)
  11. Sounds a handy cross, fine athletic staff bitch ,how's she bred?
  12. Is it a jagd terrier in the first photo?
  13. Id say that's what happens when Fox terriers, borders etc turn out good.whatever "working genes" were left in manage to find they're way into 1 dog.
  14. https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/06/tommy-robinson-working-class-hero-zionist-shill-free-speech-martyr-cultivated-distraction/
  15. I used live in maynooth years ago -they were nearly all the same way bar 1 or 2.
  16. He could throw bad pups to a better bitch and good ones to an average bitch.
  17. Maybe them kanninchen Deschutes from Germany
  18. Nice one -I close enough that time left in work.
  19. Heard of sisters of very famous greyhounds being used.more common than top class pit blood.I know someone putting a second cross 3/4 bred to a full bull bitch (she looks like mayday/Hollingsworth breeding),be interesting to see how they turn out.
  20. More permissions often come with ratting-
  21. Bred a few years ago HGN- pure shite-1st x was very good.it was a beagle spaniel over his daughter off a terrier (she wasn't great either though)-the guy who had ruas sister had a nice few ;bred on a few generations -think there might have been kerry blue in them too. M.S that has archie has one off that dog I think.
  22. Father of her was of booth breeding, mother of her was a half sister to the bitch I brought to your friend Harry's jagd the time (by a bull terrier )
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