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About boyo

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Sirius. Is that Shadey looking character in the first pic our old fiend Andy Kelly???? Atb
  2. Sounds like a great day bud & the fact that there were no digs would to me be the icing on the cake for me. Atb
  3. Mik. Sad thing is We all believe you ???
  4. Pissing down & no wind here !! Ffs was windy all afternoon !!!
  5. Northernlite. Where do you get these pics??? ??
  6. D. Lloyd you beat me to it bud??. Atb
  7. Not nice knowing he's been passed around. Hope you find him bud. Atb
  8. Mick Lawler works out of Swindon dog track but worth giving him a call as he lives in Aylesbury i think. Good bloke saved me thousands last year. 07999 535176. Hope you get it sorted bud. Atb
  9. Good stuff bud. Did you try the Camrosa cream?? Glad to hear he's doing well ? Atb
  10. Hi Phil hows Jimbo doin bud hopefully all good & he'sresponding well. Atb
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