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flipbull last won the day on August 13 2016

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1,139 Excellent

About flipbull

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    Way Over Yonder
  • Interests
    Bit of this, bit of that and a bit of the other.

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  1. A still tongue keeps a wise head.
  2. When the wind is in the West, fishing is best.
  3. There is an STD clinic which also gives the morning after pill not far from me called The Brook, so if I heard it around these ways then.....
  4. very similar wound, you done good job getting it healed up, nans pat wee bitch is well on the mend Cheers mate. Nans pat's bitches wound is looking very healthy.
  5. I will meet you there then give you the answer Fuji
  6. Getting at least 5-10 years nowadays for hand granades depending on colour of skin
  7. Done mine no harm catching his 1st bunny at 5 months old retrieved bigger ones at 12 months but common sense says don't over do it as dog is still growing, All dogs and owners differ. Do what you want, you know your dog better than anyone else. My dog is 3/8 5/8 Bull Grey and stands 27+ tts. Missed most of last season with injury after just turning 2 yrs 1st night back on the lamp around January took 6 and could of had more.Glad prey drive was installed into him at an early age. Atb
  8. Spot on mate. 2 pics same night
  9. Had a mate done that time and time again. Even after 6 weeks a couple of runs and it would just split again. In the end got it removed. Saying that it's a good time to let it heal.
  10. Some fatty lamb to, to throw some weight on pup.
  11. Like I say mate it's just what I used I am not saying nothing else will work, just this stuff worked for us. Good to see that it's shrinking. I used to apply it when either going for a walk or when I got him out the back of motor because if I put it on before and he would lie on quilt then wound can stick to it. That's why I said better with a bit of wind after applying, by the time we got back to motor or home it will have soaked in if you get what i mean. If it started to rain I would just head back home which only happened a couple of times .
  12. bout a month ago. b Wound is looking healthy the mate. Vet told me mine 100% needs skin cutting away, pulled together then stitching, but there was a big chance because of dogs shape and athletisism that it would likely split. My advice is that wound is healing nicely and vet don't need to do nothing. Just time and patience mate and dog should be good to go around start of the season. Don't take dog out in the rain and I wouldn't advise the beach mate even though it's salt water (keep dry). That Leucillon was given to me by AllTerrain off here and would highly recommend for that woun
  13. bout a month ago. b Wound is looking healthy the mate. Vet told me mine 100% needs skin cutting away, pulled together then stitching, but there was a big chance because of dogs shape and athletisism that it would likely split. My advice is that wound is healing nicely and vet don't need to do nothing. Just time and patience mate and dog should be good to go around start of the season. Don't take dog out in the rain and I wouldn't advise the beach mate even though it's salt water (keep dry). That Leucillon was given to me by AllTerrain off here and would highly recommend for that woun
  14. Cheers lads. Only thing I used on it was Leuicillon spray. Plenty of biking,protien, keeping him away from hazards (had a few heart in mouth moments), patience and not letting him run anything to early. Had him out most nights but not in the rain. Prefered the windier nights as would give wound a good drying out.
  15. Haven't been on for a while. Got to do a bit at the end of the season with him.
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