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About LurcherLad94

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 03/03/1994

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  • Location
    West Midlands

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  1. He been marking his territory again ?
  2. Nice one trigg she’s doing well who’s been poatching our area ?? Someone was over the back of the castle the other night thought it might of been you so headed back home after sending out a few light signals with no reply ??
  3. Only that one today the old man took it I best not asking him for a better one he only moan at me probz took him a year to take that ?
  4. No just need n general I did have one man say I was getting them out the freezer the once on Facebook lol
  5. Would have to be a very sad man to lie about how many poxy rabbits a dog has caught lol
  6. Couldn’t tell you bud the other post was the first night iv had on the rabbits , maybe it’s from the lad I took with me keep missing them all ?
  7. No but iv seen plenty videos of dogs running rabbits up there and most are soft as shit from what iv seen that is I imagen it’s a lot diff running rabbits into a stone wall then it is into a hedge
  8. I don’t no mate maybe missed 10 if that that she actually got into turning good runs put it this way the lad I went with had as many runs as me and only had 11 there’s a few down here but there not like rabbits up the dales they know what the lamp is
  9. I haven’t checked weather mate tbf but yeh I’m not going to be out running in stupid temps I more so ment when we get the weather
  10. Cheers lads give rabbits a rest now and start moving onto other stuff just do a big bag once every few weeks or so
  11. Old wind was a blowing so headed to a spot I know up in the hills mini had 27 other lad had 11
  12. best of luck to you for the season ,been off work for a good few weeks not do just been putting in the fitness early hours of the morning while its half cool bitch near ready to be fair,as i said steady night could of give her a good bit more running that night but only hit a couple of spots
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