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Everything posted by AKA-BRINDLE

  1. Benn is my favourite British fighter but I think GGG would have stopped him badly. The man hasn't been wobbled once, would have been interesting to see how he would have taken a shot off someone with the power of Benn..... Loved both Benn and Eubank in their day both would of jumped at fighting GGG I doubt it...they both avoided Roy Jones Jr...and Benn admits that!
  2. Yep a nice payday for Brook for sure...his only real chance was to jump on Golovkin early he was never gonna go the full 12 rounds...Dom Ingle saved him from a proper beating...Brooks clearly not a middleweight...everyone grasping at straws at the weigh-in that Golovkin was ill...i think truth be told he was just a bit bored...the main reason he was here is to raise his profile for when he takes Saunders title...he has said from day one he intends to clean up the middleweight division before moving up to meet the likes of Ward
  3. Lol that is funny , though I reckon they actually caned them as the young kid looks distraught , either that or good acting , Great Film .As i remember it getting the cane at school didnt really hurt that much...it was the hiding the old man gave us at home for getting the cane that really hurtKes is classic British cinema...Brian Glover at his best...but he will always be Mr Rottweiler to me Shame he didn't make old bones was good in American werewolf in London keep off the moors lads n was the Voice on the tetley tea commercials aswell wernt he lol.. Him and Rik Mayall what a team!...onl
  4. Why is there not some secret government/military department that can make these people 'disappear'??...a bit like how the Russians do it?...like oh hes probably gone off to Syria and lost contact or a princess diana type car accident...house fire, mugging gone wrong ect ect you get the picture right?...i mean one of those that went on to kill Lee Rigby got bailed out in Kenya by our government...when they should of taken him out in the scrub and shot him in the head...no one would of known...nip these people in the bud do us all a favour...its what we pay out taxes for?...just thinking out lou
  5. Lol that is funny , though I reckon they actually caned them as the young kid looks distraught , either that or good acting , Great Film . As i remember it getting the cane at school didnt really hurt that much...it was the hiding the old man gave us at home for getting the cane that really hurt Kes is classic British cinema...Brian Glover at his best...but he will always be Mr Rottweiler to me
  6. Parks and common grounds are infested with dickhead dog walkers...get off your arse and take your dogs somewhere not infested with dogshiet...saves the need for all the rambo antics...imo
  7. Lol that sounds like the old hilux off top gear. Can't be killed. Haha. What reg is that? Are the newer berlingos as good? 2010-2012 shape? My one is 2002....Pretty old, The new ones I am unsure...My friend has a vegetable business and bought three 2002 models brand new which he drover into the ground, the last done 310,000 - He replaced them all with new 1.6 HDI models and had a lot of trouble with them, so much so he traded them back for used 1.9 straight diesels, two still running A lot of people say the 1.6 HDI isn't as good as the 2.0 litre, but its hard to say unless you
  8. You reside in Italy? Nostro barbiere signor Gillette
  9. Wonder if they will put in the film the bit at the weigh-in for the first Leonard-v-Duran fight where Duran tells Leonards wife hes going to screw her after as shes a puta/whore??...first fight Duran really got in Leonards head and Leonard fought Durans fight and got beat up on the ropes...but like all good champs Leonard learnt from his mistakes to come back to win off a loss...i think Duran quit not because he couldnt hack it but because Leonard wouldnt fight as he saw it like a man...Leonard humiliated him show boating and clowning around picking him off at distance...Leonard was also prett
  10. Is this the Irish Kennel Club rules? Puzzles me how 6 minutes is enough to see wether a dog is game or not...... I guess tgameness is subject to opinion. Yes the Irish Kennel Club rules for Teastas Mor...no doubt they will be on the web somewhere...yea a matter of opinion on gameness but not a discussion id want to be in on the net...but i will say i have the utmost respect for those Irish dogmen of old...and the dogs they worked and bred
  11. Really looking forward to the film!...deniro plays his trainer? hope he puts a good shift in as some of his recent films have been stinkers!...Duran,Hagler,Hearns and Leonard what an era!...marvelous Marvin was my hero as a kid...these days we share the same barber
  12. The rules are printed in Mike Homans book 'a complete history of fighting dogs'...so neither really private or secret
  13. Based on a little piece of info you told me privately one time i can name that tune in 2 Stan - Jimmy Batten - Roberto Duran - Roy Jones Jnr..............hows that ? Roberto Duran didnt fight Jones Jnr did he??

    Aj .?

    who's he fighting ?Just read it's one of Kubrat Pulev, Bermane Stiverne or Joseph Parker. thought it was joseph parker johnny , and he was coming to give AJ good test .? maybe i got it wrong .? Parkers his mandatory he will fight him beginning of next year for sure...he should be squeezing another opponent in before then for a tune up
  15. Did you fight Rocky Kelly?... who fought a fella who fought Jones jnr??
  16. Linford christy Noo...come on lurcherman i think you know this one...think
  17. Just out of curiosity what would make you feel Stubblefield was any more responsible for the success of the Reid/Kingfish dogs than say Gary Hammonds was responsible for the success of the Nelis/Tug dogs ?......or have i misunderstood what you said. Stubblefield bred Skipper and gifted/sent him over with a bitch...the kingfish blood was the real strenght behind Reids dogs...if Stubblefield hadnt of sent em over would we be talking about Reid today?...Stubblefield worked his dogs Reid didnt... he just sold them (mainly to pet homes)...im not gonna bash the old fella...it is what it was...i
  18. I got one...which boxer shared the ring with both Muhammad ali and johnny tapia????...one man one name
  19. Just out of curiosity what would make you feel Stubblefield was any more responsible for the success of the Reid/Kingfish dogs than say Gary Hammonds was responsible for the success of the Nelis/Tug dogs ?......or have i misunderstood what you said. Stubblefield bred Skipper and gifted/sent him over with a bitch...the kingfish blood was the real strenght behind Reids dogs...if Stubblefield hadnt of sent em over would we be talking about Reid today?...Stubblefield worked his dogs Reid didnt... he just sold them (mainly to pet homes)...im not gonna bash the old fella...it is what it was...i
  20. I had a bitch imported direct from Alan Scott who was as good an alrounder as you could want and have seen a few very good dogs over the years but unfortunately the shit ones far outnumber even the average ones.If I was going to get another one which I'm not there is only 2 breeders in the UK that I would consider getting one from.The same Alan Scott who added Pitbull to his dogs to try make a name for himself? Some breed that AB.....His dogs had it in them right from the start.Exactly, just another puppy peddler making his name off the work of others..Yes he was just another peddler in the en
  21. Biggest derby in world football for sure...but lets have it right malt ol partner...Canaries supporters are different Mustard mate...different Mustard FACT
  22. Because these EBT threads have been done to death on here over the years...just do a search there must be a ton of similar threads...and those on here that did work them and to a man didnt rate them and moved onto other types are no doubt sick of posting the same old pictures...and the one thing those threads had in common... they all would appear when a breeder had a litter on the ground. well sure it would be a duller site without the different topics, hey why not just get pinned and locked that the apbt is king and close the whole terrier section, nobody has mentioned selling pups on
  23. Nice to watch now but couldnt stand it as a kid to be honest...i grew up in the country wasnt really interested in some old fart in a shed doing what i could go outside and do myself (used to get it mixed up with that other old thing called Bygones)...stuff like tiswaz and peter cookes Revolver caught my attention around that time
  24. Because these EBT threads have been done to death on here over the years...just do a search there must be a ton of similar threads...and those on here that did work them and to a man didnt rate them and moved onto other types are no doubt sick of posting the same old pictures...and the one thing those threads had in common... they all would appear when a breeder had a litter on the ground.
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