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Everything posted by AKA-BRINDLE

  1. "Totaly separate species" well there you go, like i said i aint no expert and i was a kid at the time but those that infest that same area today are definatly Muntjac. Never tasted Venison myself but my german mates tell me its full a worms!
  2. When i was a kid we used to call em 'chinese water deer' they was a pretty rare sight back then but nowadays i would class them as a pest loads of them about round our way they are hardy little creatures so i would expect to see numbers increase up your way over the next 10yrs or so i think deer numbers have increased all round over the last decade or so from [bANNED TEXT] im seeing(but as i said i aint no expert!).
  3. This time of year is a good time to spot those little Montjac in my neck of the woods you see a lot of them out on the sugar beet fields in the evenings feeding they do tend (like most deer) to hang near cover i've seen them in maize and theres a piece of set-a-side i know thats planted with Christmas trees the dogs are allways flushing them out of there, i think most deer will strip bark not just Muntjac, deer are also very much a creature of habit theres a field not far from a building site i work on an in the mid winter you will see the whole herd(Roe) out grazing as bold as brass at around
  4. Was a good Scrap and a scrap was [bANNED TEXT] it was! think Calzaghe's 7 month lay off showed a bit but entertaining stuff,as for steroids i think you would be suprised by the amout of boxers that use them to some degree in their biuld up, Calzaghe is one of the few who definatly doesnt .the taff has a natural talent all round

    Private Eye

    David cameron did say on the radio the other day he would definatly change the law on hunting if he gets in but i wouldnt belive a word that dribbles outta his mouth lets be honest the blokes a Pratt i shouldnt hold your breath waiting for the torys to ride to your rescue lets not forgett that fantastic little law passed by the Torys back in 91 the DDA!
  6. Stick a rubber hose on the exhaust of a petrol Strimmer, someone the other day suggested useing Mole smoke cartridges.
  7. One of my dogs ripped out the same dew claw twice they heal up ok in fact the bloody things grow back i keep em trimmed back real short with a pair of proper dog nail clippers and have had no problem for years dew claws allways look worse than they are and a dog will normally keep the damaged area clean themselves shouldnt really affect their ability to run but best to keep em out of the bushes an under growth until its completely healed
  8. Not in every state in the US you cant Bullsmilk BSL similar to the DDA is enforced in some places. May be a contriversual thing to say but i alway thought it would of been more sensible to bring compulsary Licenceing and maybe some form of public liability insurance(similar to [bANNED TEXT] i have for my building firm) for certain breeds in before anything like the DDA was even conciderd (the DDA was basically a ill thought out knee jerk reaction) Its a sad day for free will when a government can dictate [bANNED TEXT] sort of dog you can own! It may hit you in the pocket but who can put a
  9. I read somewhere that after 6 months theres little point castrateing a male dog to stop sexual behaviour as by this time Testostrone levels will be set in the dogs body, and if it was a case of breeding to stop humping then f**k knows how many kids i would have by now!
  10. Spot on mate sitting behind a hedge smelling of olde spice and blowing a little trumpet could make for a long night,allways has seemed to me a fox can smell a bloke or domestic dog a mile away you got to remember old foxy has known every blade of grass hedge and tree in his territory all his life hes no fool but he can be a creature of habit and theres his weakness,suss him out first and take it from there beats sitting around all night squeaking.
  11. In the last 5 years or so had 3 differnt good sightings of Otter back when i was a kid we never saw any also saw a Lizard last year and thought i was having a flash back! seen plenty of snakes this year too but keep the dogs away from em plenty of Adders around here,the only thing ive not seen 'alive' in the wild is a Badger seen a few as roadkill and seen more hares this spring than for a lot of years I allways thought Cuckoos only called when they where flying?!?
  12. NEVER HEARD OF SHAM!!! wotever next?! you will be telling me you never had a haircut like Wattie from the Exploited! i dunno kids today! :11: (byron brian Johnson back in black was their best)
  13. Angelic Upstarts now theres a proper band!!!!
  14. When a lot of people talk of that era of middle weights many seem to totally forget Collins despite the fact he beat Eubank and Benn twice! someone above mentions Danny Williams dose anyone remember him winning the Brittish title off Mark Potter? dislocated his right shoulder but refused to quit pummeld Potter with his left was a real classic like something from a Rocky movie had me on me feet spilling beer everywhere
  15. Have to agree mate,Calzaghe is a real throw back him and jones 5 years ago would of been a classic thats for sure i remember watching that Benn-Mc cellan fight he was a good boxer Mc cellan and i was sad to see [bANNED TEXT] happend to him but it has to be said he was a bit of a nasty b*****d himself, he was also well into his pitbulls and like to match them too i remember him poseing with a couple of Staffords while he was over here for the benn fight so at least he had a little bit of taste. [bANNED TEXT] do you lads think of Hatton?
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