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Everything posted by Kay

  1. Only adverts I see are for mobile scooters and making wills during day?
  2. been to my grandson's birthday tea can't believe how quick his first year has gone

    1. bigmac 97kt

      bigmac 97kt

      A year all ready kay,,just seams like 2 mins since you were on fire for him to be born


    2. Kay


      I know mac the years gone so quickly he is starting to walk now so will be into everything lol


  3. Cant praise the PDSA Wolverhampton enough , even though I didnt qualify as I am not on any kind of benefit they offered & delivered an excellent service & my old lad had a lovely dignified end , the vet was so compassionate & I didnt feel like they was trying to get me through the door quickly

    1. dytkos


      Sorry for your loss Kay R..I.P.

    2. Kay


      Ray I had to have Madge pts on 21st dec .. she went off her legs , quite alarming how quick they both went down , I doubt I will have another dog now tbh x


    3. bird


      kay , your good dog owner, and there loads of greyhounds that need home you could give them deff, i hope you change your mind and get 2 retired greyhounds as you know they make great pets .

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  4. Well its that time again off to the vets later , my old lad went off his legs last night .. he didnt want his dinner either, poor old buggers wore out bless him

    1. jukel123


      how old is he?

    2. bird


      yeh hope ok

    3. Kay


      he was 12 jukel ..he was just worn out he had cateracts on his eyes the vet said .. he will be running round with Madge now

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  5. Kay

    What Is Thl...

    Ian is the gaffer always has been
  6. Kay


    It's these gusts of wind doing the damage here fence all over the place and roof tiles a few trees over also
  7. None here yet but last year the ponds where heaving with mating toads hope we get loads this year
  8. I had a poster of him on my bedroom wall and one of Bodie & Doyle as well out of Jackie ??
  9. My dad taught my eldest lad as they have a long drive so it was safe for the lad to learn there, my other lad who is 7 years younger just got fed up of the stabilisers holding him back on his bike took them off so he could keep up with his brother & his mates , the older lad was spitting feathers having his 7 year old brother tagging along
  10. Kay


    There's a lot more people can do to make it harder for thieves to target them, like stop posting pics of little johnny's new bike he had for x mas & posting pics of your new Audi with the reg in the pic on facebook & stop telling the world when your off to Ibiza Fella over from me has 3 cameras on the front of his house , it was useless when his van was broken into as the pictures where so dark & grainy they where useless
  11. I love oak trees , often wonder how may people have walked past the same trees I see hundreds of years ago , there is something magical about the Oak tree
  12. My grandson is like that and he's only 9 nothing rude though....................yet I am shocking , a woman at works sons had no job since he left school . he is nearly 30 I said he must be lazy to her tonight ..
  13. Old age is saying what the hell you like & not giving a f**k
  14. Trainers offer no real support you need proper boots when your out especially at night , broken ankles spring to mind ... there again when you dont leave the comfort of the car a pair of carpet slippers will do
  15. That's true. Which celeb would you vote for to run Britain? How about Sir Alex Ferguson? Proven winner. Not scared of hard decisions. Suffers no bullshit. Working class origins and never forgotten them. Can't stand toadies. Yep, he's my man. I need to think about it , our politics are not the same as the way they do it in the USA, if we scrapped the partys here labour tory etc , and just make it so its like running a business which is how I assume Donald will run america to a degree ... It has to be someone who is a bit of a psychopath , cool head amongst the chaos, a ball breaker who ki
  16. It's ironic really Donald the celebrity trump did exactly that and it's landed him the top job ??
  17. Kay


    I thought it would bring them closer as Father & Son , having a grandson in common , but its not panned out that way , your right it is his loss , in reality he dont deserve either of them & the sooner I am divorced from him the betterany man can be a sperm doner but it takes a lot more to be a dad Thats so right, although my lads father hasnt been particularly a good role model , both his grandad's where on hand & the lad shares the same birthday with his paternal grandad so on there 18th &60th birthdays they had a weekend away shooting , lots of good men out there who take
  18. Kay


    I thought it would bring them closer as Father & Son , having a grandson in common , but its not panned out that way , your right it is his loss , in reality he dont deserve either of them & the sooner I am divorced from him the better
  19. Kay


    apparently she treats the dog like a human child as she didn't have any , but your right I need to stop mithering about it .. I have the grandson's 1st birthday tea to go to on 5th March so that's something to look forwards to?
  20. Kay


    I have been seperated 7 years in Sept my ex cleared off 3 weeks after my youngest turned 16 .. I tried to keep it all civil. . As we both worked at the same place . For reasons unknown to me he took it upon himself to completely blank me . I never got to the bottom of the reasons. Sadly his parents also followed suit again for reasons unknown, so I lost no sleep over it. My lads never really had a good relationship with his father, he seems incapable of having a normal father son relationship with him. The lads tried the lot . Now my lads got an 11 month old son a partne
  21. Kay


    Have a look at this Mal, I will do this later on in the year as I have been separated 7 years http://www.quickie-divorce.com/?gclid=CI3l8rP2j9ICFeKV7Qodp5YHrw
  22. Thats reminded me when I had a husband the tight git used to buy me a quid meat tin for the turkey at christmas & I used to have to pretend to be over the moon with it... then I dropped the turkey as I got it out the stove so I made sure his leg had plenty of dog hair on it
  23. I have just checked my gas & electric I am with eon.... the 2 combined for a 2 bed semi with combi boiler is £ 60.00 a month , I dont think that's to bad
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