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hot dog

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About hot dog

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. But going through with that penalty is like winning a terrier show because your mates with the judge.
  2. Your definitely overthinking it mate,there shit.
  3. Have you got any details to this event.?
  4. I am chilled.i'm not sure why you keep asking me to chill. I'm finding you very snidey on here and I'm not sure if your trying to provoke me.
  5. No offence greyman but with all this big cat malarkey I can't help but think your 7/8th's short of an ounce.
  6. Ilminster deer hub. The bloke who owns it beat the shit out of a 17 year old kid who used to be his apprentice.leaving him bad.i won't put a photo of the lad up but this is the b*****d who punched and kicked a lad while unconscious.
  7. England women would beat these useless twats.
  8. The defender took a fair whack.
  9. I'm glad you got some sense.what gang is going to take go fund me money to release him.There's some macho bullshit spouted in here at times.
  10. Kespole working dogs on Facebook.they breed Bedlington greys.not sure how good they are but worth a try.
  11. hot dog


    You can buy flats in Highland towns in what looks like quality old solid buildings for as little as £43,000.
  12. hot dog


    I'll buy a deerhound and call him Gorm.
  13. hot dog


    That video is a set up,a fake that's a aeroplane scrap yard.
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