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About lee

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. Blue one looks like an old ford pop
  2. ? Iv decide im going to give if a go myself..
  3. Im looking to give this old hedgehog meat cleaver a new handle.its not something I don't feel I could do my self.can anyone recommend someone who could do this for me..
  4. Lol after every comp we always go for a good feed...
  5. Congratulations to you both, great times to be had together..how does he do in the gi ?
  6. are you saying theresa pure reid bred dog still alive i doubt it very much
  7. Wigan because of poolstock cricket club ...
  8. lee


    I’ve been wearing them for years work and play. nice and light very comfy...
  9. lee

    Dc 40

    Got to be black...
  10. lee

    Dc 40

    no mate for a dc 40 a bit different to ones iv had before. As it's got two holes in it for fixing on to box
  11. lee

    Dc 40

    Unfortunately not I’m afraid ..
  12. lee

    Dc 40

    I’m looking for a black replacement strap for a dc 40 any ideas where to get one from...
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