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About irishfoxhunter

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Looks a grand type. Best of luck with it .
  2. I have to echo all the good things that are being said about Ger here. From our first conversation in 2012 ,he was the same gent right the way through. As some of the lads said above "when others stood back, Ger stood up". So true. We spent many hours discussing the future of terrier work in Ireland. His legacy is not a line of working terriers that he put his own particular stamp on,or old photographs of men in deep digs and famous terriers. He gave his time willingly so others could continue to enjoy our sport for years to come. Thats a legacy we can all share. Thank you
  3. A credit to you coursing mad. Some real nice stock you have there. I have had borders for nearly 20 years at this stage. Im not sure how to post photos.
  4. I hunted a fair bit with Damien down the years. He always was good for the banter on a day out. Hell of a good man on a shovel.A few of us are meeting in the morning to dig his grave, hard to believe.Rip.
  5. Ive hunted with borders the last 20 odd years. In that time ive also had blacks, reds and a russell in the kennels here . But always a couple of borders . im now at a dead end, with a good solid digging bitchthat has gone 9 years old, and her nephew a dog of 4 years old . Bitch hasnt gone in pup with the last 2 matings . Both are bred around flanback lines . i would be happy to buy a bitch pup from the right lines, any suggestions? Out 3 days a week with hounds, references available.
  6. In 2015 it was agreed that stakeholders would meet with a firearms panel to discuss amendments to laws regarding liscencing and storeage of guns . To address this the "sports coalition" which some irish lads have heard of was formed, mostly target shooters, the wild deer association, and the nargc. The nargc pulled away from this after some time, because of various reasons. It turns out now that the sports coalition havd proposed new laws that would ban lamping and hunting between 12 midnight and 6 am. This would see an end to trapping also, unreal that one group of hunters could d
  7. Greyman,fairplay for getting out and setting your trailcams, its the first step in what could be a long process. However, you need to practice your positioning of thd cameras, your footage is completely destroyed by the ir glare from the chicken wire. Set your trail cam somewhere else, with a clear view of the area you want to film. even a blade of grass can destroy a night time clip. Enjoy your time out in the woods!
  8. As has been said, balls of steel! Amazing to think that apart from his clothing this scene probably hasnt changed in three hundred years, just a plucky hunter, his hounds and a spear. I remember capstick wrote about a latvian hunter traveled to brazil to become a famous loepard hunter. He trailed them with mixed breed dogs that would keep out of harms way with the leopard, until the hunter caught up with the fray. Facing down a leopard with a spear in tbe masso grosso swamp was preferrable, because the cover didnt allow the use of a rifle. Hell of a way to make a living ! I think the guys name
  9. Earth stopping is done in the area to be hunted , to keep the foxes above ground and in the covers to be drawn. Back in he day earths within 6 or eight miles would be "put to" to block in foxes in underground, and out of the way inareas where they would expect to run to, to prevent the hunted fox being lost and a fresh fox found. All in the glory days when labour was dirt cheap, and men knew the countryside like the back of their hand .
  10. Kinda have to wonder how good were the good old days? Watch the huntsman right on his hounds heels, leaving them no space to check, same as he hits the wall top of the stone wall, jumping right in the middle of his pack. Watch the doghounds standing and wont draw in. This would have been the golden age in foxhunting, before fashion drove the foxhound to near ruin. A lot to be said for hunting with a small unfashionable foot pack!
  11. Great find, can anyone identify the pub at the meet?
  12. Realistically id say that is the only way to keep the rooks away. The gwct published a study last year that said you loose 67 % of your wheat to vermin. lm told that partridge will spend time picking smaller seed that crows wont bother with.
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