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W. Katchum

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W. Katchum last won the day on November 30 2022

W. Katchum had the most liked content!

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38,074 Excellent

About W. Katchum

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Did you get sorted out, if not send a message


  2. katchum matey

    go on my hunting thread,there is a link

    can you click on it and tell me what happens?

    it should be wolves howling

    1. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent

      jetro has already been there and clicked on it

      cheers buddy

  3. Hows it going fella

    youve been fairly quiet of late

    hope alls well with ya

    1. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent

      I thought as much you be a busy bee lol

      just waiting for it to stop fckn snowing here

  4. Cant you sleep again lol

  5. you still house bound or have ya done one? lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent

      Sounds like ya pimped her out lol

    3. Ted Newgent
    4. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent


      you brighten my day up with your humour


  6. anything come off the ferret kit cheers barry

  7. you still up awake fella

    1. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent

      just got back in i take it

  8. Eh up mate, when am I likely to be the proud owner of a couple of ferts.... just thinking ahead ....

  9. Where was my tag partner while i was avin fun on the what if the russian thread 

    1. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent

      Keep up the good work fella


      i cant find darts for me Gat gun

    2. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent

      hey matey

      shits hit the fan over your way.i will post ya me Gat gun so you can take out some ruskies

  10. dont you ever sleep fella


    1. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent

      but the sun aint shining over there at the mo lol

  11. Hello,

    thank you for your kind words towards my knives!

    This one will be sold for a 900,-€ plus a 100,-€ for a very ornated sheath.

    BUT, as I told in the forum, I spent most time on the ornated guard, ferrule and pommel.

    My normal, small knives go for about 400,-€ plus maybe a 20,-€ if you want mammoth ivory or other fancy things.

    I really don't care that much if I have to make a 10cm blade or a 20cm blade, so main difference are the fileworks on guard.

    The small knives handles are glued up, this will withstand every use and abuse a small knive can take, now the big ones have a screwed up pommel to a very sturdy thick tang (I think a 15mm x 6mm at the end, increasing towards the guard to about 30mm x 6mm) This is more work as well.

    If you're interested in a knife, don't hesitate to ask for price, I really enjoy even making drawings, even if at the end you decide not to order.

    A more economic version could be, same blade (better finish as now I have really fine belts) S guard with plain shell (not as ornated) and no shells at the cross guard.

    Normal ferrule, or maybe two, instead of the buffalo, as I don't like how it polishes.

    A plain sheath I can order for a 50-60,-€

    Kind regards and have a nice christmas!


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