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Everything posted by OldPhil

  1. I enjoy stalking the deer,...they are spooky old critters, but I usually find them....?
  2. Yes, you are right about life being different,. back in the day...? I have also met a fair few Authors, Country characters and sundry, well known folk..? Many have been incredibly interesting and enlightening,.. and some went on to become firm friends.. Facts are, the life of a hunting man has changed drastically, sad, but true...?
  3. ? Well,.. I wish there had been a few courses on Mole Trapping available, when I first broke into, a well travelled tunnel.. I bet that I am not alone, in making so many stupid mistakes.? Self education, is frequently described, as being, the best way to really learn any subject, but, by feck, it can be a long and painful experience?
  4. We once had, an extremely profitable contract, to clear an entire colony of Prairie Dogs... It was,...different,.to say the least...?
  5. Fecking,.. Mole Catcher's Mafia..?. I'll stick to me Wasps and Hornet's nests,...that fecking job sounds to be,... a whole lot safer.?
  6. So good to see an improvement in the kennelling, of working canines? I suppose years ago, we just didn't know any better, and poor old jukels,... stayed where they were put..?
  7. ?Never thought I would say it,. or even think in such a way,...but nowadays, I don't really care, if a dog is good at the job or not. Financially, my status has changed a bit,...not drastically,...(we are still living in our wee terraced house), but, I don't have to worry about keeping dogs solely for work...so,.. its all about the enjoyment, the craic and the good times now..? I have foolishly allowed, my obsessional Life with Lurchers, to rule my entire being, for far too long... Time to chill out,.. and smell the coffee...?
  8. Yes, New Moon,...Mercedes was a proper Saluki type,.. with that typical Saluki mind set...? Obviously, back in the day,.. I had never seen or handled, a Saluki type lurcher, so,.. I expected 100% ultimate obedience, and an immediate response to my whispered commands,.. and as a keen young Buck, I would countenance nothing less? Truth is, I could write an extensive article, regarding this superlative hunting jukel,...but I'll not bore my fellow posters with my old man's tales, suffice to say,.. by feck,...we took some game together.....? That old bitch was created from a union tw
  9. ? IF, you like a dog,..it will invariably be, a good dog....? In saying that,..my best ever 'catch dog' was a bitch named Mercedes,...I disliked her attitude, and we never really jelled until she was well into her dotage.... It was never her fault, mine entirely....I was a fool...? I reckon you will be a lot wiser, and will have some grand old times...?
  10. Real nice,...now, if I was to keep such a fabulous canine,...these would be my ideal type... Lovely animals,...reet proper...?
  11. Dan,...if you ask with respect,...there is everything, you will ever need to know about ferrets and ferreting, freely available on this unique Hunting Man's Forum...?
  12. Yes, ..obviously we only want stock from soundly bred animals,...that goes without saying...? However,.. I maintain that many of the most successful 'end products' have not necessarily been the First cross or even the subsequent next mating, back to the greyhound or whippet ,...which , as you possibly know,.. has so often been the recommended method of breeding lurchers... Personally,.. I prefer to breed, like to like,.. and ability to ability, kinda thing,...I'm, not overly worried, about algebraic percentages,...for as you know, such things matter little in the hunting field..
  13. In my experience,.. a Beddy lurcher is equally as useful, when produced, via other working Beddy lurchers... as opposed to a genuine F1 Hybrid...? An entire generation, of running dog enthusiasts, have been brainwashed with all this First cross, Three Quarter Bred , three eighths/ five eighths,.. nomenclature. This method of categorising livestock, is ideal for the commercial producer of canines, wishing to sell a recognisable product,...but the concept frequently falls short, if pure working ability, is the prime requisite? Personally, I found that the Beddy, lurcher to lurche
  14. Good old dogs,.. good old times....?
  15. Well done ? For me, as a former , pro rabbit hunter..... a steady, reliable 100% marking dog, really was essential.... ? Personally, I rate this attribute very highly, in a daytime rabbiting/ferreting/ mouching lurcher.... Facts are, on some places, there might well be only one solitary Coney,... and if you want to earn them gold doubloons, you had best kill the furry fecker..
  16. Yeah, I've met a few Maggots Mostly in human form though?
  17. ? Well,...there is lots that could be said,...and perhaps one day,.. out of the Blue,. certain things will be said...? Personally,..at this moment in time, the sky is blue and life is good, so why rock the boat and start an argument...? Facts are, whatever we think about 'this, that or who',.. our own lives as hunters , will never be the same, as they once were.. So, we either carry on regardless, and keep our own yards, clean and tidy,.. and our consciences clear, or, we pack it in... That's about it really...?
  18. Her name was Maddie,...it was, emotional ?
  19. I must confess, I like the smell of ferrets, especially on clean sawdust, and laying comfortably, in their soft straw bedding... When I was in Secondary School, I always handled my ferrets before setting off for the day,...and once in class,.. I noticed that very few pals wanted to sit next to me. Several pupils would moan and complain to the Teacher, "He stinks Sir"...?. I couldn't understand their problem? Oh yes,...I like the smell of ferrets....?
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