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Everything posted by OldPhil

  1. I must confess, I like the smell of ferrets, especially on clean sawdust, and laying comfortably, in their soft straw bedding... When I was in Secondary School, I always handled my ferrets before setting off for the day,...and once in class,.. I noticed that very few pals wanted to sit next to me. Several pupils would moan and complain to the Teacher, "He stinks Sir"...?. I couldn't understand their problem? Oh yes,...I like the smell of ferrets....?
  2. ?Anything that improves the lot, of the Pedigree Scottish Deerhound, has got to be a plus factor. Whatever the motives, the end result is what really matters... As for working these beautiful canines, in todays difficult situation,.. well, that is entirely another matter altogether? Many years ago, I ceased wandering around the countryside, with such an obvious lethal tool, at my side,...the animals were truly beautiful and could handle, that job,.. but, they just stood out like a sore thumb,.. and the " Just taking the dog for a wee walk Gov" excuse, sounded sillier and sillie
  3. ? When you watch sheepdogs or cattle dogs, coming in slow, and working their stock,...the wild Dog/Wolf connection,.. stands out a mile...?
  4. ? Who knows dear Chap? Maybe my mind-set has finally moved on, and maybe I no longer have the passion, for the hunt, within my heart.. But,...never say never, eh...?
  5. ?? Ya know,,...when I think about all the thousands of days (and more than a few nights)spent standing, up behind a bury, waiting on that bolt, and of all the crazy events and experiences, that have occurred,...I often ponder that an interesting, informative and fairly unique book, could be penned ..? At first I used to become sad, at the thought of so many, seemingly wasted years,...but now, I'm not so sure?
  6. Its curious how we change over the years...? I remember being brought up, to never put two ferrets in a warren, or,.. they are sure to kill,.. and lie up? Back in my Father and Grandfather's day, a rabbit was a welcome addition to the families menu, and nobody wanted to risk losing the fecker... Every hole would be found and painstakingly covered, with big old Hemp nets.. Woe betide the poor unfortunate , who set a net, only to then have the rabbit, flip out, and escape....talk about a hanging offence! Dordi dordi, what a fecking carry on....? However, time moves
  7. David was a nice guy,...I liked him a lot..? I'll always remember, the smell of those neat little leather slip leads that he made... I field tested them, for Shooting News and he sold loads,....I only bred cur dogs back then, and didn't really use a dog lead,...but so what...?
  8. Me neither,. mind you, I probably need to get myself off to Specsavers?
  9. Proper Safari Shirt,...last a lifetime?
  10. Yes, New Moon, I enjoy the quirky hues and colour variations, that the Merle factor can sometimes throw up in lurchers.. I've had some reet strange looking feckers?
  11. ? I've found, that very often, the ideal dog, for the task in hand, is sometimes right on my own doorstep...?
  12. ?Aye,.. I kinda work on percentages,...I've only got a cheap second hand camera, I've no expensive high powered lenses and camera kit,...I just point in the general direction of the action, and manage, one out of a hundred attempts?
  13. Personally,.. I like all types of working ferret, especially if they enjoy their work..?
  14. The Internet is not the same as the real world Brother,....different rules, and different values....?
  15. Yeah, as I say, it's each to their own,...its a personal choice and we must always follow our own paths..? Now, what I really do like, is watching the guys catching up the Hares, in the Long Nets. I've been rabbiting on the big long, Hampshire hedgerows, and frequently watched the team of beaters pushing Hares to the waiting nets...Its quite an operation , and the lads at the other end can be seen rushing about, gently removing the Hares and placing them in wee boxes. They need to be careful, or the hares are easily damaged, and as their prime aim is to relocate the animals, they hav
  16. Hi there, I've mates who go after these deer,.. they generally return home with half a dozen carcases every trip,.. but I've never actually seen a live one myself,...do they make good eating..?
  17. That's terrible to hear Dave? All the years it took, to breed good honest dogs for the rabbiting game, and now , we don't have enough rabbits to use them properly...Its the same for the Coursing lads....by dint of selective breeding, they have produced a superlative type of hare killer, and now, there is talk, of putting men in the Prison if they are caught, running the hares... Feck me,.. it is a wee bit severe,...I was rabbiting on an estate last season and there was a hare shoot/drive going on... As I left, after the day's work, I could see the guns standing together and behi
  18. Nice strong, chunky dogs ? Just my type,...good workmanlike units,...hard to break...?
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