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Everything posted by OldPhil

  1. Fecking old Antiques,.. just like me... ?
  2. Yeah, I suppose its a truism that we can only talk about certain subjects, now that the various Bans are in place, and how many times can ya say the same thing about rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.... It does get kinda boring...? Perhaps that is why some lads go off on a tangent , and start chatting about things, other than the hunting life? Its just the way it is,.. I suppose... Whatever the reason,.. I have lost my passion for this Forum craic,...I can never see things ever returning to even a tiny smidgeon, of how they once were,...So,...maybe its time to let nature take its cou
  3. ?Now, I like me scran , same as any good Englishman,...but how have we gone from Lamping,.. to Cornflakes? Is the writing ,..perhaps on the wall,...is this how it all ends.....? This was once the biggest, and arguably , the best, of the Internet Hunting Forums What a fecking shame..... Stay safe now lads,...all the best, OldPhil.?
  4. Actually,...I believe that an interesting article could be penned, solely about the various miscellaneous Field Sports Suppliers and canny entrepreneurs that started up, here in the UK, back in those Halcyon Days.... I met all of them, visited their premises, and accepted my bag of coins...it was frequently, emotional...?
  5. Been caught out by the Fog many, many times...? You check the weather for the night (best as you could, back in the day) but sometimes you knew that as each mile you got closer to the location, the fecking fog seemed to be following you, and eventually overtaking ya ? NO sporting spotlight works on those damp misty nights, and generally, a bad lamping night is a crap snaring and netting night...The grass is kinda damp, and the air seems clingy,...very few rabbits choose to move far out , if the don't need to. Best to sack it, stay at home, and save the fuel for another night.?
  6. Old Blue Eyes is back..?
  7. I've tried all the available lamps, and I still can't get a result.. Something is wrong,...got to be....?
  8. Personally,.. I like to give pup's full freedom, to do what they like,.. and eat everything wholesome that I can get down their gullets? This early time is the most precious, as regards a hunting dogs mental and physical development.... There is no,.. going back...?
  9. Yeah, its incredible,.. the current price of Lurchers...?
  10. Reared nearly 100 pups on Lactol,. great stuff, but they don't half gulp it down . The greedy litter will soon go through a Tin,.. but it all part and parcel of producing, good strong whelps... Expensive when you are on a budget,.... got to be done though...?
  11. The fecking phone has not stopped ringing,....I've had a gutful already....?
  12. Brother,.. a part of me likes to hear you talk like I did, when I was a rebellious teenager...? However,...another bit of me thinks,...is it all fecking worth it ? Getting a pull now,..is going to be a vastly different proposition to previous times,....it is going to be costly... I've spent a lifetime doing exactly what I liked, where, and when I liked,.. but ya got to be realistic... Personally,.. unless you are exceptionally, 'well in' with various factions,...freelancing is a dangerous old game....?
  13. Facts are,...same as with ALL the various Lurcher, terrier and ferreting Forums,...the members dictate the type of site they want....They can make the threads as informative and enjoyable,.. as they want....or...not bother...?
  14. Glenn Waters is a Top snaring man Wolfdog, and a good rabbit trapper.. He is also a pure gentleman....I so miss our great days out together....?
  15. ? I feel your pain Sir,...that dastardly nomenclature really is,.. the stuff of nightmares...?
  16. In my opinion,...Its much the same as with euthanasia for folk who are in constant pain...? So many folk trying to dictate, what is right or morally wrong for others,...lovely, comfortable position to be in , eh..? Personally, in the case of abortion,.. I would leave such a horrendous decision,... to the woman... Her business, not yours ..?
  17. Terrible to see, baiting , not hunting,...makes me sad to witness such a debased spectacle of gross cruelty..?
  18. Terrible thing to occur,...I fecking hate vermin who garden hop , slink about and try to chorr a man's animals...? A few members laughed, back in the day, when the low-lives visited me, alongside dozens of others, and took all my ferrets...To some, this act was simply a wee bit of craic, and hardly worth getting all upset about,...but to me, it signalled the beginning of the end...? I realised then that no matter how straight you are with guys, or how helpful you try to be (and same as myself,.. Socks has always shown kindness to folk) .. there will still always be, that element who have
  19. True words TOMO..? I've worked ferrets for over 60 years, frequently on a daily basis, and it is a massive misnomer to glibly state that ALL ferrets will work, if given the chance.... As you know,.. this is simply not the case..? And THIS is WHY ,..some of us will go out of our way, to retain the services, of our best workers? Most ferrets can put up a good show, especially on easy warrens and places where the rabbits are willing to shift, but same as with many other keen hunters,.. both animal and human,.. there are variables... It would be foolish to argue or even de
  20. ? Yeah, I get what folk are saying with regards to the tractability of Greyhounds,...but,...we have to remember that the majority of these superlative canine athletes , have been conditioned to go with the flow, and to use their basic instincts. A racing Greyhound that waits for the command to get on,.. or sits quietly, having a bit of a ponder as to the best way to catch a particular critter,...does not reign for long...? By the same token, I've schooled Greyhound puppies for the rabbiting game,.. and I firmly believe they would have satisfied, very many, contemporary lurcher enthu
  21. We are all free to do as we please fellah....? IF you take your valuable lurchers, dirt dogs and ferrets to a Hamster and Budgie Vet,...its often going to be,.. a wasted exercise,...fecking costly as well...? This is why , many of us try to seek out a Greyhound or Running Dog Vet,...and also look for a modern , forward thinking Surgery, that is sympathetic and knowledgeable about Ferrets, and understands the essential work that they do. We have all had our fingers burnt, and it isn't nice...?
  22. Some folk don't quite appreciate, just how valuable (££££) a top class working ferret, or a team of reliable workers actually is..?
  23. Hi, yes I know the guy who you were speaking to,...he is (in my opinion) an authority on the Non-Ped Racing Whippets, and we have known each other, and frequently hunted together,.. for over forty years...? He knows the type of lurcher that I prefer,.. but as you so rightly say,. .its not all about looks...?
  24. I've tried this First Cross, Whippet/Collie lurcher on several occasions...? Temperament has nothing to do with the concept of such a hybridisation, but more so with the mind-set, of the individuals used... You get bold Collies and bold whippets,.. and also, the complete opposite, so as I always say, Temperament is King.? Many of the examples that folk term Collie/Whippets, are anything but,.. Collie/Whippets... Personally, I've never favoured the F1 hybrid, and instead, I prefer to use a wee bit of Whippet/Greyhound blood,...the resulting pups are still whippet-like in app
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