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Everything posted by Shadow100

  1. Watched a few videos featuring dave sleight, seemed to me like he was more interested in winning trials & competitions than grafting a dog on a regular basis
  2. Had a bad season myself last year but things can only get better, best of luck with both of them
  3. To be honest my dogs do plenty of twisting and turning when they’re free running. Way I see it a dog doesn’t get anywhere near fully fit without running live game regular, the pre season stuff is just so the dog doesn’t pick up unnecessary injuries when you first take it out, as long as their muscles are hardened up & everything's the way it should be it won’t make any difference to early season performance whether you trot them, free run them, swim them or run them behind a lure/electric car
  4. Looks well that dog, but you’re definitely right, hard days running on the mountains dead of winter if a dogs not taking in serious calories they’ll end up a bit worse for wear.
  5. That’s still not too bad tbh 50p per lb when it’s packed up for you, a lot of pet food places are double that
  6. Beef and tripe was 70p per kilo, chicken was free. Money doesn’t come in to it with my dogs I’ll pay for whatever they need but it’s nice to feel like you’re getting good value, raw pet food is big business these days with all the BARF experts that have appeared on Facebook over the past few years. Some of the prices are unreal, like that natures menu stuff, fairly low quality meat & sky high prices, was in a shop the other day and they were charging £2 per kilo for tripe, and not even good tripe
  7. Wouldn’t do any harm, but it won’t make the dog reach a better level of condition than just trotting and free running, a bit of fun for the dog is all it would be I think
  8. Bad thing to see tbh, all the idiots will be out running soft hares with their chancy pups, getting them ready for the big end of October sale.
  9. Lithium’s are getting so small now the LED’s aren’t as revolutionary as they were. I prefer the old school lamps to be honest
  10. I didn’t miss your point mate I never tried to get it in the first place, I just think you come across very arrogant so I put a comment up, no hard feelings ?
  11. Maybe I’m being daft but I’d think when discussing Australian cattle dogs the Australian man might be worth listening to, maybe
  12. Dog gets fitter as the season goes on, at some point they’ll reach their ‘peak fitness’ in other words as fit as that dog can be, but they can’t hold that level of fitness forever, after a certain amount of hard work they start to get tired/sore and they go back the way a bit, in an ideal world you’d build up slow Sep/Oct, up a gear November time when the grounds bang on & the dog will be at its fittest for Dec/Jan/Feb when the quarry’s at its strongest. Thats my understanding of it, all dogs will get fit at different rates and hold good levels for different times but what he means is
  13. Glad to hear it mate enjoy your season
  14. Saluki lurchers I keep mate, I just enjoy a wind up with the coursing boys they’re a sensitive bunch most of them. Ive seen a few very good coursing bred runners owned by honest lads, but I’ve seen a lot more bad ones. To me the big names, Lucas, Bulldozer etc etc count for f**k all most I saw including the ones I've owned myself couldn’t lace the boots of a home bred lurcher x lurcher. Major faults being they run things for too long & spend a lot of time laid up injured. I like a wind up same as we all do but I’m always honest about dogs, that doesn’t suit a lot of coursing
  15. I’m not bitter I only come on this site for a laugh & it’s too easy to touch on your kennel blindness ?
  16. You must get notifications when anyone says something negative about the coursing world do you?
  17. Coursing studs been £500-1000 for 10+ years but if you mention that you get called a clueless crabbing b*****d that doesn’t know what they’re talking about ?
  18. Interesting way to do things, don’t hear of many doing it that way, have you always done it like that and if so have all your dogs reacted in similar ways to being taken out so young?
  19. A man asked about wheaten crosses I answered with what I’ve seen of them, which isn’t a lot but it’s just what I’ve seen with my own eyes, that’s how a forum works people discuss things. I wasn’t on about those ones in your post, and don’t worry I won’t give any more honest views when you’ve got a litter of pups to shift.
  20. Kennel club would probably improve modern coursing dogs. Only joking before anyone goes off on one ?
  21. Million miles from a know it all mate things like rabbit dogs & fox dogs I know next to f**k all about, I just got my own views on how things should be done when it comes to breeding litters & distributing pups, too many people see breeding lurchers as a thing you need to do, or just do cause you’re bored and fancy a litter, a lot of exaggerations about quality of parents as well which is shit for the lads that get stung with the offspring & for the dogs that inevitably get passed about, it’s a forum the whole point is to share opinions if we all agreed on everything nobody would c
  22. To be honest i wouldn’t say I’ve ever seen a dog I could class as a true all rounder, you’ll get dogs that’ll have a go at most things but if you’re after something of real quality for a specific quarry you’re better getting a dog that’s built for that job I totally agree
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