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Everything posted by Shadow100

  1. Biggest bullshitters I’ve met been 50+ but because they produce a couple of old photos and say they been in the game X amount of time people believe them ?
  2. Out of all the coursing bred dogs I’ve seen only 2 bitches could be classed as anything close to an all rounder, as a type they’re not an never will be an all round lurcher, but crossed with good lamping dogs that’s a different story
  3. I wish someone told the line bred coursing types I had they were shit at everything and the only one that wasn’t ended up jacking ?
  4. He wouldn’t kill foxes, would just bowl them over and jump back off them until they got away. Dog showed plenty of heart in other aspects & tbh I was only interested in one thing at the time so he suited me down to the ground. Guarantee you take 50 line bred coursing dogs lamping and you won’t find many at all that’ll kill a fox single handed.
  5. I had a half cross saluki/grey was a genuine good honest dog but no fox dog, had loads of speed but lacked a bit of wind. I’d have a home bred half cross over a line bred coursing dog any day of the week I think they’re far superior but I don’t think they’re the perfect all rounder
  6. How many foxes have you seen run for 3 minutes? Stamina isn’t everything I’ve seen & owned dogs with endless wind that couldn’t kill a rabbit in a phone box
  7. Doesn’t matter how big the land is, when it catches the fox it’s still got to deal with it. I keep saluki lurchers myself they suit what I do but f**k knows why a lot of men that keep straight saluki/greys or coursing dogs have to make out they’re the ultimate lurcher, they’re good at what they’re bred for and some can have a crack at other things but they’re not all rounders & they’re definitely not fox dogs. Just keep what suits you & stop running down other men’s choice of dog it makes you come across like you’re 12 years old and done next to nothing.
  8. I’ve owned a half cross Sal/Grey, best dog I’ve had but he wasn’t no fox dog, good bull cross would’ve put him to shame on teeth but he’d have shown them up on other things. That’s the way dogs work there’s no ultimate cross just what suits us but you've got your opinions so that’s fair enough mate
  9. I’ve seen my fair share of greyhounds it’s no secret I like them a lot, got a soft spot for them. I’ve seen a lot of Sal/Greys as well but not seen any I’d call an out and out fox dog, saw some that’ll kill a couple on occasion but that’s about it. Saw a lot more that would just pull their tails then jump back when the fox spun round. I like saluki in my dogs but a straight saluki/grey or “coursing dog” whatever you want to call it is not an all round lurcher. Same way as a half cross bull x grey isn’t, horses for courses they’ve got their jobs. Sal/Grey back to a good lamping dog with ma
  10. Doesn’t always have to be a half cross bull x grey, could be 3/8 5/8, 3/4 grey, whatever mix. You like saluki crosses, I like a bit of saluki in my dogs as well, but to say they’re the best cross for consistent foxing makes you look stupid & kennel blind.
  11. Can’t remember the mans name but he used to post pics & vids on here a lot, he was from Ireland I think, he used to take good numbers with a bull x and all on foot, dogs looked class acts at the job. Bottom line bull crosses are the ultimate for things that bite back, I don’t even keep them I’m just not kennel blind.
  12. Hugely under rated animal the greyhound. Far from the perfect pot filler but top class athletes in their own right & none of us would have what we’ve got now without them.
  13. To be fair I’ve never seen a saluki cross that would kill foxes single week in week out, maybe some will kill a couple when the mood takes them but not in the same league as a proper fox dog, but who in their right mind gets a saluki cross to kill foxes with anyway
  14. Agree with you there good and bad in everything, just because someone hasn’t seen something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist
  15. I don’t really understand what you mean. All I’m getting at is a lot of dogs will do something well on their terms when it suits them but not many will do it well all the time. I’m not a fox man myself but I’ve heard people saying ‘my mates got a class fox dog’ then it turns out it does half a dozen a season which is just shit talk. Nothing wrong with doing half a dozen a season mind you, just calling the dog something it’s not is daft
  16. I haven’t mate I’m not a bull cross man myself but a fit dog conditioned properly, and treated right when it gets home after lamping shouldn’t need loads of rest no matter what breed it is. Pitbulls are amazing athletes and so are greyhounds so no reason why the 2 can’t produce athletes in the right hands.
  17. Its the same with every quarry from a rabbit to a red deer, there’s a big difference between a dog that ‘can’ kill one, and a dog that kills numbers right through the season.
  18. Cheers, it’s a bitch that pup, fancied a change from the usual
  19. You’re doing the right thing, if you don’t think he’s ready then don’t run him. He’s your dog, you’re with him every day so you know what’s best. I’m talking from experience owning male saluki crosses & they can look like running machines but still be nowhere near mentally ready. You'll get told he should be doing all sorts by a certain age, cause someones mate had a dog that could do it so why can’t yours, etc etc. Just hold off. Patience never ruined a dog but rushing has ruined plenty. He’ll be 16 months in March if I’ve worked that out right, that’s when I’d give him a few of
  20. Men selling lurchers at £500 or even £1000 isn’t purely done for money IMO, you could just do pet breeds and make double that and you wouldn’t have to tell any lies to people buying them, moneys a motivator but for these types of men in running dogs it’s about ego as well, they love making a name for themselves and having all their little groupies talking about how amazing they are on forums like this & Facebook. That’s what I think anyway.
  21. What was the point in breeding bull x whippets in the first place apart from that Powell to make a few quid? Can’t see how they’d be an improvement on a decent bull x grey in any situation
  22. Did you steal that from whins autobiography
  23. 5 miles up and down the beach every day gets them round about, and mooches with the pup in between
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