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About shealy

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    On top of ben chonzie

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  1. Ruby ruby ruby ruby belters mate ?
  2. Ren neck they should call you ,you old hillbilly ??
  3. f**k the thermals I prefer long John's to be honest ?
  4. ? dead of winter good thick thermals with a deep gusset you canny whack it ?
  5. Up to there knees in Guano Patty's ??
  6. Uucckk yeez are all a bunch of lazy barstewads MON the pigeon GUANO 5 bells monday morning get the shovels out ????
  7. 2 foot deep of pigeon Guano 5 o'clock on a monday morning soon sort the men from the boys ?????
  8. He will get on free 2 just needs to flash his bus pass with companion ticket??
  9. Scent of a woman Al Pacino f***ing brilliant ?
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