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saluki bouy

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Everything posted by saluki bouy

  1. You in Scotland or England? Pm me if you want there mortgage brokers and there’s ‘mortgage brokers’ might be a higher rate but lenders do want to lend give things a couple months and the they’ll be a rake of deals
  2. @Greb147 exact same boat as you my man.... congrats but I get the worry bigger house check two year old princess check but with running business a princess that’s going through sleep regression and a 14 week old pup it’s like there not a clear thought in the head be different when they arrive alsong as all fit and healthy love/hate the difference parents are with grandkids I’m oldest of three boys I got away with feck all and they got progressively softer as the other two grew up youngest even was aloud on our lads trip to Hamburg at 15 .... I had a 8pm curfew at that age ex
  3. “Stealing fire” Jumping between audible and kindle.....have to get a hard copy for future reference. about getting into flow state and the experiments by navy seals Wall Street Silicon Valley etc with micro dosing phyciodelics Very very interesting only 3rd of the way in and hooked love Wilbur Smith thought greatest author total loose my self into the pages of his writing
  4. Just on the wind up. You know the greenyards is 4g now? Big loss for them loosing out on the sevens this year they reckon they could go bust
  5. Give me a pm jok when you do .... we’ve discussed certain places in the past and it would be great meet a fellow borderer of here. gala rfc wasn’t it?
  6. Just done it no hassle at all need national insurance number driving licence or passport and utr number taken 10 mins?
  7. You’ll get full 3 months 80% of your average monthly turnover from the last 3 years X3
  8. I’m worried she catches me in the morning after my Ritalin and I take a nack or liking to it and that’s another job she’s swerved to me lol
  9. I’ve been there a few times and it’s the ones who I’ve given my all to who have done me in the end i started my own window cleaning business when I passed my driving test man I worked for fencing was the one person to give me a chance when I was young and daft and everyone had written me of .... love him to bits and I’m now the godfather to his daughter but he couldn’t run a business or pay a wage on time ... I got the book of customers because he was due me a wedge anyway I worked on with him as agreed for 3/4 months mon to fri until I had to say sat sun wasn’t enough for me to do the wi
  10. This has been my lockdown been promising for the last 12 months.... great advertising got a couple of the neighbours to do thank god for my own sanity usually out the house for 12-14 hours a day 6 days a week so this is a massive challenge. actually nice to take a reality check and make some plans business and personal wise when we come out of this less work and a dog again learnt how the washing machine and oven works not bad at 29 but if she try’s to get me started on the ironing I’m west!!
  11. Can anyone recommend a good UK book on raising broiler chickens?
  12. 6 hours like some have said any longer and I'm goosed .... sneaky half hour around two sometimes
  13. Have a listen to MAPS podcast very interesting work there doing with PTSD sufferers in America and mdma treatment the result are incredible take a bit of trolling through but extremely interesting
  14. The generation identity book great read and I've watched a few vids of that boy on YouTube certainly think there on the right path
  15. saluki bouy


    Ireland's shame Scotland burden
  16. Half way through autobiography of Jackie Tyrrell a warriors code very good read even for someone who has no idea about hurling such as myself amazing mind set the lad has
  17. Think that boys a prime contender for the sleaze bags thread
  18. Ubik degreaser and magic spounges use this combination everyday on windows bit of elbow grease and all will be good
  19. I know a teacher at a school up here was telling me they get weekly emails about kids who want to be known as non gender wtf! There even changing disabled toilets for the into non gender beyond me like
  20. Search YouTube for American gangs in there military bgd quite eye opening
  21. Anyone got a link for episode 7? Last one was epic
  22. Ian Smith prime minister for Rhodesia read a couple books very interesting bloke and unfortunately lived to see everything he built and fought for destroyed and he even had the foresight to tell them it would happen, he was turning in his grave before he even hit it sold out by Britain trying to appease the left even back then
  23. Nearly a year ago friend of mine hung himself he was in and out of hospital for years with psychotic episodes just been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia couldn't handle it the standard of care and support when he went home each time was pathetic in the year leading up to it I never thought he'd do that I thought he'd turned a corner up until then I knew the call could come anytime. He was an extremely troubled young man who I could never see leading a normal life to start I wished he'd of text me in the morning instead of his mum could of been there in 5 mins but now.....now I'm happy kno
  24. Just out of interest Jok I know you used to bide up by me did you keep pigeons then? My dads in the Earlston cup, had a bad last two seasons the two before where good had a few silver awards from the French 500 milers. The smaller national in Scotland had there gold medal race yesterday and lad down at Coldstream only one who's timed in at 9 last night out of 280 birds he'll be bouncing of the walls fair play to him
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