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saluki bouy

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Everything posted by saluki bouy

  1. Hopefully but at the least the bairn will learn manners round dogs and appreciate the care we have to take of others well being ….. he’s young obviously but we learnt the lessons in my house with my fathers pigeons then took them on to the dogs with a passion my daughters 4 and he’s 9 months and I think I’m almost more excited to teach them than I am to train the dog
  2. No that perfect at 5.15 this morning with 3 shites on her new rug ?
  3. New pup with next generation of dog men hopefully been 12 years since a running dog pup graced the house hold
  4. Great autobiography Ian smith “more British than the British” we sold them down the river
  5. 123 chill if anyones struggling for a link few pop ups to get round at start
  6. Would that be due to a local regiment do you know?
  7. Tynemouth only place I’ve ever seen a memorial to the fallen of the boer war not that I’ve travelled many places but it intrigued me. always wear a poppy always attend the remberance service as a grateful man for what they sacrificed for us and my children will be brought up understanding and knowledgeable about what it means and the history behind it all and hopefully they’ll have a passion they can pass on or discuss with knowledge and belief another note I once tried to clean the local war memorials for free and on the low key what a nightmare I had of council
  8. Needless to say he was punted out the door and after asking a few chosen chosen customers that are friends he’d done the same to them anho ….. knew it already because there’s plenty better looking on the round if he had done it to her he’s done it to more lesson learnt thankfully at no cost to me or her for that matter other than uncomfortable feelings genuinely shows if you presume t has t something doesn’t have to be laid down or written down as a no go it certainly does!
  9. ? fair play to him I’m very conservative with the drone straight up straight down it sat in the box for 18 month after I bought it until the lad that works for me told me he’d be an expert as it’s same as Xbox controller but I tried it the other week to see how high it could go above the town I’m from and I swear I had a sweat on just looking at the screen it was a dot in the sky sit on any roof that’s three storeys clean any gutter at the max height of my ladder but any further than that Id keel over
  10. Birds eye view from last weeks job plus the neighbours we done last year should of had a cracking pic of cheviots from above berwick upon tweed looking down over then but was over cast and mist lying when had drone up in morning
  11. I’ve never looked in to it but I was told old story that the French prisoners of war built a lot of the dykes and estate walls down here in the borders never the less some graft it must of been just getting the stone up to some places unless there’s a grant in the future to restore them the lot will just have 6inch round post every 2 metres and double barb wired tight up against them
  12. We clean gutters regularly and if customer has them in we just take them out you want gutters to run freely and they just clog them up get wire mesh stick on down pipes to prevent any mass going down and get them cleaned every nov and March
  13. Any employers available for a pm with some advice general opinion I know my thoughts already employee takes a liking to a client we clean windows for her husband who is a good friends calls me round he’s been trying to add her on Facebook only way he could do that is by actually going to the work list for the day seeing her first initial of Christian name a her sir name and searching her down if it’s wasn’t a personal friend that he’s doesn’t know that fact I could be in deep water as far as I’m concerned never mind the actual fact that is a no no that I never t
  14. Any advice taken gratefully partner had our little one 6 months ago and since then her palms of her hands have flared up with excema it’s horrendous like and nothing we’ve tried has help cream moisturiser wise or cutting things out diet etc we just can’t find the trigger or a cure can be fine for a day or two just dry with small hacks then flare up out of nowhere to the point she’s rubbing them raw on the work top any advice or tips greatly appreciated ?
  15. Yeah same Scottish Borders but seen first mixi this evening by November they’ll be more hares to see than rabbits
  16. 3/4 saluki grey my best friend from 15 + never have another like her took it for granted the standard she set a old Shepard told me you’ll never have another better than your first an he was right I’ll never have the time or the open opportunity’s available to me that I did have with her and I’ll never be satisfied with another dog again everyone takes the p... out of saluki greyhounds but I’ve only every run small fields or heather moorland and the things that bitch done would change many opinions on them ...... either one of a kind or she was given the freedom and situations to make th
  17. Your advertising for the price you want keeping away messers you see on these Facebook pages (I’m on a coursing one it’s depressing) I replied to an advert on gumtree for a lurcher last week and couldn’t beleive the reply when I asked for a side on pic of the bitch + a close up of her feet (pet hate and sure sign if each toes splayed out like opposite hands on clock that if under 18 months they’ve seen more of inside a kennel than out) and what would I be taking on performance wise if I brought her baring in mind she was a 14 month old bitch and I wanted one for rabbits and
  18. Supposed bull mastif cross only thing I’ve seen match my 3/4 saluki greyhound with stamina on lamp ...... mind I’ve not seen many other dogs run but I’ll always rember that dog ...... picked it up in Alnwick and run it a the way home young and stupid but everyone is at some point. two defining moments when a rabbit run back down the lamp towards me and him 5 foot behind and me ending up doing 3 summersaults when he connected and second when he hit face of a hay bale and just seemed to bounce of
  19. Any more details Morton. I’d be very interested
  20. Someone looking at newspaper over my shoulder absolutely boils my piss and on top of that to actually start a conversation from an article your out the van at lunchtimes on the grass for that one
  21. We do a couple a week jukel123. if you want to check out Facebook or website give me a pm you want to scrape it first leaf blow any excess of clear gutters then apply a biocide treatment hand pump sprayer would do but you have to saturate it kills any remaining moss algae and lichens within 20 mins of contact look a brand new roof in 12 months and 3 years before moss can begin to regrow Any advice give me a pm you want to be buying algo clear pro biocide .... any issues with not having a trade account let me know and I’ll give you my log in details and you can order it thr
  22. Read Homo sapiens history of human kind homos deius a history of tomorrow and 21 lessons for 21st century probably spelt all three wrong but by same author there fascinating especially the first chapters of history of human kind up until 18tj century .... history of tomorrow mind blowing and brings to the forefront of the mind the arguements for universal basic income Christ hopefully the swing goes the other way back to a simpler time
  23. Here you go bird 14 weeks old.... been a joy so far from going to saluki Xs to this night and day as a pup. More cat like in her mannerisms and not puppyish in body she’s like a small dog in her movement. Switched on introduce her to something new takes to it in a couple day eg she’s a crate in the van only took tills second day to realise she doesn’t get out every time door opens. Already needs to be mentally tired rather than physically if that makes sense.... takes her toys and drops them down side of decking or in the pram or under the couch just to make it harder for her self. great
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