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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. . The first ever starship I saw was based on a Diablo with extended forks, it was called a longtom and used by one of Americas best, a guy known as blue skeen, there are a few old films on utube, with regard to being a better craftsman, it's more to do with me having a bit more spare time, and a nice big workshop to potter around in, I may be getting along in years but I,d still rather be in my man cave making bits and pieces than sat watching the shite my missus can watch for days on end, lastly if your enjoying what your doing it makes know difference if it's shop bought or home made, as lon
  2. yes mate I,ve made loads of em, the easiest ones to make are like the one on the left its just an old crutch, you have to cut down the tubes and drill out the rivets, but it only takes a couple of hours, here's another crutch one I done the other day you might be able to see it a bit better, they shoot really well and certainly whack out some serious power, just not very concealable so I don't get to shoot em as often as I,d like, it's a bit to powerful for the garden and to big to have with you in your pocket
  3. Looks like I,m staying behind for extra lessons again,
  4. a mate of mine makes these but fires spuds out of them he's always after the boiler ignitions off my tatt truck,it's pretty impressive I've been thinking of ways to use it for getting my bait and rig out to unreachable areas, think frozen balls of bait with a rig in the middle is the way to go
  5. in a word yes, but just like the rest of them, she will be rewarded and protected for her treachery, look at our own Blair and the damage he caused to the world, by starting the shit to create the refugees in the first place, then to our own country by actively encouraging them to all come here, yet he,s made a millionaire for it, they are just puppets and if they dance to the puppet masters tune they will be taken care of, so f**k there own country,s and countrymen, there alright jack
  6. When I saw the title, I thought we were referring to gamekeepers,I,m sure many from the shooting side will be having a peek for the same reason, but here are a few, favourite starship is the wooden one in the middle, favourite natty because it fits me personally, and my favourite and only shop bought the hathcock target sniper by Bill Hayes, I also have a simple u cup made from buffalo horn that's also a keeper as it was a gift from a good friend but I can't find a pic of it
  7. think the last line of you statement is very possibly true, hence the massive growth in Bull X,s when I first had dogs in the late 80's early 90's collies were the number one cross, with the odd deerhound or saluki X if hares were your thing, and bedlington whippets for rabbiting and ferret work, you need to build a relationship with a collie X, were as you can swap a bull X for your pigeon loft on Friday and have it out working on Monday, then swap it for an mx5 a month later, it's all part of the instant gratification life style that seems the norm nowadays, I have a stunning collie X that w
  8. i thought scoring coke and paying to drive up the marmite motorway, were still slightly illegal in England, so may just disagree with mr Corbin on that statement
  9. Hobnobs, survival food, I eat between 3-5 packets a week, and when I go fishing I can eat nothing else for a couple of days,
  10. And just because he told you himself you believe him,Brian is no doubt a gentleman but also will tell you exactly what you want to hear,Brian has sold a hell of a lot of pups,good and bad but if a white pup turned up in a litter belonging to him he is hardly going to say its an out cross to something else,saying even though they were kept tight sounds a hell of a lot better,and no offence towards Brian.. I have an old nuttal bitch, and ever since she was a pup everyone that sees her says I,ve never seen a staff that small, she is 13 year old now and still game for a days hedging, but definitel
  11. have had a shoulder of pork in salt and jerk seasoning for two days, arrived home just now and my parcel of wood chips has arrived so fired it straight up about 30mins ago, applewood is what I,m trying as its pork, but I bought the whiskey oak and cherrywood chips, will let you know tomorrow what the outcome is happy smoking Do you use charcoal to get it going then drop the chips on? got to be honest found it a right bastardo to get it going, but I finally think I may have it, and yes a bit of charcoal does seem to help, unfortunately I recon I may have to smoke a shit load of food just to p
  12. if you spend a lot of time stood in streams , taking photos of your feet, I recon wellies would be more for you and cheaperThat's true but wellies just don't offer the same ankle support buddy only joking mate just can't do smiley faces, Just learned, see it was there now gone
  13. Try a square meter first, but I would go with a mix of sbr liquid, Biddeford sand and cement slurry, mix it up like pi55 and pour it on and push it round with a brush, won't cost much more than £40 tops so not a great loss if it don't last but I think it will if you get the mix right
  14. if you spend a lot of time stood in streams , taking photos of your feet, I recon wellies would be more for you and cheaper
  15. They are nice boots I bought them because I smashed my anckle quite badly, bones, ligaments and tendons, so I needed some good anckle support but also a bit of flex as my foot is quite a bit bigger than the other one even after nine months, so leather ones were a no go, plus at 50 percent off bargain
  16. I have always got my catty in my pocket, and a good stinging ass cheek shot normally stops em in there tracks, and makes em back off to a safe distance, though I did have a mother with calf have a pop at the dogs the other week and she took a half a dozen whacks before she got the message, I always stand my ground with them as I think most people that do get killed by them have fallen over running away and simply get trampled, plus I,m to old and f****d to run any distance over about ten meters
  17. cheers guys I,ll pass on the message and get the paperwork sorted, and spar, really it's not spares or repair, but nice try anyway
  18. Feck me that's posh, I got a dumpy bag in the hedges with a beer can on a stick, nice one, you should be ready for the tournaments next year with all the practice you could have with that
  19. The only variation I get round my way is mangey or not mangey, that is a lovely looking creature
  20. have had a shoulder of pork in salt and jerk seasoning for two days, arrived home just now and my parcel of wood chips has arrived so fired it straight up about 30mins ago, applewood is what I,m trying as its pork, but I bought the whiskey oak and cherrywood chips, will let you know tomorrow what the outcome is happy smoking
  21. Mate if you have a go outdoors near you just go in there, it's know good making your mind up before hand as they have some monster discounts on certain brands, I bought a pair of walking boots last year and they were £150 everywhere else, but 50 percent off in go outdoors so cost £75 never heard of the make before, but I have had them for a season and given them some terrible abuse they are still water proof and comfy and look like they will last at least one more year if not three or four they are made by scarpa, my last pair were north face and they were also half price, so just pop in and s
  22. I'm a bit of an old technophobe mate so bare with me, but do you have to be on Facebook to do this,? If so could you put a link from here as I have not got a scooby doo about Facebook and as my name implies I like to stand back in the shadows and probably won't enter face book unless I live for another hundred years, plus I quite fancy a scout, if it's a prob know worry,s and good luck with the raffle and the show
  23. . In all honesty not great, my son seems to get on with it better but I think that's because he grabs it first, as he likes it, I did,nt get any fork hits so that's a plus, but I find myself still aiming rather than the one fluid motion, I don't think watching pfshooter on utube helps, because he makes it to easy, I also preferred it with flats on but my boy likes the tubes better, so I think I,ll just let him have this one and I,ll do myself another, as I have a crate of old paintbrush,s and it really is a ten minute job, will keep u posted
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