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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. . Think Facebook is one of the few places he is active, seems to have pissed people off on a few of the dedicated catty sites, for the same reasons as yourself, shame really as he should be mopping up, but in business bad news spreads much faster than good and he,s not really doing himself any favours, as all I seem to read are from people like yourself who have placed orders and been left frustrated by him, hope you get it sorted
  2. . Same recipe but I use vodka instead of gin, it's a nicer taste also going to try rose hip vodka as well, when I make my rose hip syrup, it's good for the joints, and mine need all the help they can get,
  3. Anyone else think the fruit growth this year is very early, and a bit sporadic, have seen trees covered in sloes already, yet a tree next to it has nothing on,likewise blackberry,s most are still green but the odd bush is covered in ripe ones, also seeing rose hips about earlier than usual?
  4. . 100 yard rabbit shots, your still in catapult range, I only get the bsa meteor out for 150 plus, man up
  5. Greyman


    Well just had a quick Google and the payload is 19 ton, so at 3 ton a minute, that would give around 7 minutes, of firepower giving it everything, I just find it strange how people seem to believe everything and anything they see on tv, radio, and the daily papers without question, that was my only point really, I still would,nt want to be chased by the fecker that's for sure, and if it was on your tail it probably would seem like infinity,
  6. Greyman


    I don't think it would take off, if it was carrying an inexhaustible amount of ammo, and if it does fire 3 tons of ammo in one minute, that's 30 tons in half an hour, just work out the payload, and you will know how long the ammo will last and the answer definitely will not be forever,
  7. I agree with your post do you think as Muslim parents we are not afraid of our children being radicalised? Who gives visas, money residency to People like Abu Turab, Abu Hamza, Anjum Chaudhry to radicalise young men and women. The laws of this Country dont allow parents to control thebehaviour of children the family system is in shambles yet more and more the parental rights are stripped away. Is easy to point fingers how many of these terror groups, suicide bombers are products of Saudia Wahabism, yet Western Governments ignore the facts for Dollars and Oil.Today a serving British Soldier h
  8. Don't think the rabbit noticed you were a couple of inch,s out mate,good shooting, what size are you cutting your bands, I,ve just had a couple of meters of 0.33 delivered, but I,ve only ever used tbg, and latex tube, I normally cut my tbg 30/25mm tapered or 30mm straight,do you cut it the same sizes as your tbg ??
  9. Richie's cider farmshop near highbridge, in Somerset has them flying in and around his shop, pretty smart to watch em weave in and out the rafters, I think some of them even nest indoors down there,
  10. should have mentioned were that is really, I,m in the Avon and Somerset catchment,
  11. Best year for a while round me, been very lean locally for a few years, but lots of young healthy rabbits around at the mo and plenty out during the day also
  12. . First thing id say is get yourself something other than a black widow, proshot blood sport, or a flipping out scout, are two very good starter cattys, both of them take flats or tubes are ambidextrous and can be held in many different ways, which will allow you to find your own style, before you invest in a single style shooter, also the black widows take all your effort holding the elastic tight which causes hand shaking and movement so you don't get time to learn your aim and anchor points properly, in air gun terms it would be like a gamo or smk against a hw 77 or air arms pro sport.
  13. Nice one fella, I assume you are mates with catapult carnage, from utube, as I recognise some of the catty,s and places from his vids and yours, Feel sorry for the bunnys in your neibourhood, as he is a hell of a shot and I recon you must be up there as well, good luck with next months show if I'm right, sorry to assume if I'm not, cheers
  14. if you don't mind me asking did you make that pfs yourself or is it commercially available, just a friend mine is after one, but he likes the palm swell one like you have and all the stuff tor sale seems to be just board cuts,Which one exactly would he be looking for the small one in those pics with the pigeon headshot is made by a man in the states all hand made for you as you order his name is Perry Philips or paw paw Sailor slingshots , The bigger ones are my own special design made for me by a friend here in Ireland his name is joe shanahan can find him on catapult hunting Ireland Facebook
  15. under the freedom of information act you can see some of the cases were police have used there taser, a sheep in Devon failed to cooperate so was tasered, a cow has been tasered as has a fox and hundreds of dogs, plus an 84 year old man and a 14 year old child, do you really think they had know choice other than to taser those ,.WAKE UP MAN, this is just another step in desensitising you to more and more police brutality so you will think it's fine when your living in a police state, which is what's coming, and when your police force is full of foreigners after the tidal wave of immigration, t
  16. But take a look at the wording of the amendments mate,it's worth baring in mind,especially for you. same old same old interpritation of the law and good reason to have a knife in possetion scared of zombies??
  17. if you don't mind me asking did you make that pfs yourself or is it commercially available, just a friend mine is after one, but he likes the palm swell one like you have and all the stuff tor sale seems to be just board cuts,
  18. Welcome to the site, lovely collection of catty,s you have there and fair play on the hunting pics, it's hunting in its purest form, nice one
  19. I,m not as generous as I once was with lending, as we move more into a throw away world no one seems to value anything anymore, regardless of who owns it, oh don't worry I,ll just get you a new one, is all you hear if you moan,
  20. you can smell em i was talking about cushty, because i doubt he uses them.... Ild rather shit in a hedge than a dirty portaloo used by everyone and there dog how many times you been in one where you haven't gone and had to wipe Piss of the seat and flush a shit someone hadn't bothered to themselves it's true I won't go near them if you won't go anywere near em that's why you've never seen the big cat man, just joking but on a more serious note I'd rather shit in the hedge than use the turdis as well, the only thing there good for is pushing over when your mates inside,
  21. Was waiting for the bank to open this morning (at 9.30) as I was five minutes early I stuck my head in the pet shop, my missus told me last week they had some books on dogs for sale, well I did,nt expect this three books by Walsh one signed all three £30 well chuffed especially as I lent lurchers and long dogs out some years ago and never got it back,
  22. It's been so cloudy here last two nights, even spotting the moon was impossible
  23. spachcock jerk chicken cooking over wood as we speak this side of the Severn,be ready at half past, sun is almost to hot, but must,nt moan it's what we wait for all year, enjoy your roast
  24. Looks great there Greyman any chance of explaining the tube method again and where do you get the tubing from?? Also if you hear of anywhere I can get the latex from outside the US let me know..!Once you have tried TTF you won't go back to anything else. i buy the tubing on eBay from China it's pretty cheap shoots great and lasts ages,if you mean latex for bands you can get that on eBay to, type in latex sheet and look for an end of roll, I will stick a photo up over the weekend to show the tube method it will be easier to understand than me bumbling on
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