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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. No I,m alright mate fake news ?
  2. That's about as strong a case as our own government have, it's a waste of time waste of money and probably been a smoke screen for our own government to slip through some other bill or proposal that will make our lives worse, I,m going away in a minute so can't join in the ensuing noise that's about to occur but to clarify my postition I don't love or hate any one and I don't trust a single word that comes from the mouths of politicians regardless of what nationality they are, all governments the world over are capable of the most heinous of crimes if it preserves there grip on power and manip
  3. I think the Russian people are more irate at him for trying to raise the age of retirement than a kangaroo court case held on the other side of the world, and unbelievably for a politician he is actually listening to there concerns, the evidence so far presented would fail to stand up in any court in the world it's just a political game
  4. No science involved in this from my part, but some time back I read something that claimed, for man to live in harmony with its planet and on the same level as other mamals the earths population should not exceed 500 million we are at nearly 8 billion and resources are struggling to keep pace, so we are indeed at a tipping point
  5. I thought this was a follow on to meeces man bag when I saw the title ?
  6. Greyman

    Carry bag

    Army shorts mate same amount of pockets as the full length version, there is absolutely no excuse for a man bag unless you want to own one, so stop feeling his pain you,ll just encourage him,
  7. Greyman

    Carry bag

    Army trousers with lots of large pockets, I,m leaning toward you finding your softer side and wanting a man bag as a first choice, you then felt the urge to share your joy with the rest of us by pretending you needed advice, you may as well just go the whole hog and come flying out your closet loud and proud ??
  8. Greyman

    dairy work

    FairPlay Katchum, first on your offers of help to terryd and secondly for finding what sounds like your happy place in your occupation I tip my cap to you,???
  9. Greyman


    I,ve had 3 motors wrote off in accidents during the last ten years, one by a non English speaking gentleman, one by a lovely old fellow with altzimers who was totally oblivious to the trail of destruction left in his wake and my most recent one was another lovely old man who appeared to have Parkinson's or some other illness that caused him to shake like a shitting dog, he could barely hold a cup of tea let alone drive, those saying we should have all our other documents checked as well, should look up ANPR it checks your documents about ten times a day plus everytime you pass a police car mo
  10. My son in law has not long renewed all his 360 tickets I,ll have a word later mate and get back to you, though you would probably be better off finding someone that's done it at the same place as yours is booked,as a lot of examiners have there own little likes and dislikes much like anything,
  11. All present and accounted for, have just been up to lyneham last week to get the last ones off your shoot, ?
  12. Greyman


    With his bare hands
  13. Get one of those doorbell cameras, that ring your mobile when the bell goes, you can even speak to the person if your a 100 miles from home, I got caught on one myself recently even after I,d had a look round for cameras, I was,nt at it,just carrying out a practical joke on a mate, when his brother who I don't no came flying out the house ready for combat, infact I never even rung the bell but it had phoned them the minute I walked upto the door and sent them a video of me writing dick head in foot high letters on his front door
  14. Greyman


    Surprise surprise, but I do own a black cat myself, she wears a bell around her neck which warns the birds she is around, she stays within the confines of my garden and I can call her in just like a dog when I go out or go up to bed, most cat owners want a pet without the duty of care that any other pet requires, this leads to the problems mentioned above, if you just threw your dog out to fend for itself there would be all sorts of repercussions and problems, but cat owners are not accountable whatsoever for there pets and most would be better off with a stick insect ?
  15. Greyman


    The white cat lives in a sett with a dark cat and a fox, the one up the tree over the water is on land regularly hunted by all and sundry
  16. Greyman


    I catch lots of feral cats on the cameras mate, surprised me how many are out there when I first started
  17. Mackem, I have,nt been able to track my old mate down but I think this is the people he contacted regarding his fox,s ?
  18. The topic is about real land rovers, series 1-2-3 not air conned coil sprung Chelsea tractors
  19. They,ve destroyed most of the barbel fishing near me over the last ten year, terrible preditor made worse by mans interventions
  20. By several others I,m assuming you mean a tied back dick ?
  21. Distressing as this sounds mate, you need to get your priority,s in order, I,m lucky my son is an animal and would have destroyed the said intruder, but if your misses or kids phone you in this situation you need to drop what your doing and get over there and sort it out, no job in the world is worth more than your family, sorry to piss on your fire but ffs man it's your misses and kid, you can get another job but your family can never be replaced, sorry again I do feel for you but I,d loose a thousand jobs over my family, really hope it's a one off and life returns to normal for you ?
  22. Had a few enquires lately about these, starship catty,s so if anyone is interested I will make a couple up for next years auction, should be able to chuck two or three in for those that want one
  23. He does classics as well have had a few of my old landy,s insured with him, that's why jjm was quoted so much to cover my £97 a year full comp policy on the 109 ?
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