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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Greyman


    Was at the frampton show weekend just gone, been attending it for years and every year it's less country folk with skills and countryside stuff and more like a Sunday market full of stools selling over priced tat and div,s walking round with a bulldog and a gold plated chunky chain over the polo neck, it's bath and west this weekend coming
  2. Were as 70 percent of land rovers made are still on the road and there are no tax and mot except four tracks,
  3. Johnny David the lad in the video is tick free from his Tourette's when he,s stood in a river with a fishing rod as well, ?
  4. Mockery as I said is cruel and unacceptable but laughter and banter are good and free, I had a brother that ended his life in a wheelchair prematurely, but I,d of rather had a laugh and joke with people I met unlike the kind caring b*****ds (that had known him when he was fine) that would cross the road to avoid having to ask him how he was, nobody on that video is mocking the lad and if you laugh about it in private no harm done, what would your role model A hitler have done with him ?? A little worse than laugh I,d wager ?
  5. I think it's as funny as f**k and if it was me I'd expect people to laugh, there is a lot of fake anger , people like to be offended by such things without really looking into it, I think treating people differently is crueler and acting like it's not happening is a false reaction, if he was a decent bloke and a mate of mine I'd be the first to take him to a pub or anywere else he fancied going and if there was laughter and banter then all good, but if it was cruel and hurtful that's a different matter,(disabled or able bodied) public speech is part of getting over a bad stutter so your goin
  6. The small jap petrol engines with turbo,s give big performance but I feel it's the internal combustion engine that's at risk, regardless of fuel type, many big car makers are saying they will stop producing all but electric motors within a few years, Volvo have said 2019 will see the last internal combustion engine from them, I feel if you want to carry on using oil based fuel then a classic 40 year old motor may be your only option ?
  7. Ffs America has been awake to terrorism for decades as they,ve been funding it, including 19 years of funding bin laden to fight the Russians and countless years of ira funding to kill the English to name but a few examples
  8. Greyman

    BAD LUCK..

    Through karma, do nice things for people and life will repay you
  9. Simple people following tradition because they don't no any better, if your kids saw this on a regular basis they would assume it's normal and grow up doing the same, education is the answer, sadly the Chinese eating rhino horns, Tigers dicks sharks fins and whales don't have the same excuse, but no one wants to upset them because it might effect there trading status
  10. Hopefully sir Bob, Brian May and Lilly Alan will end up on the spit being blow torched then, really have no problem with the killing and eating of anything myself but I believe if your taking a life give it the same respect as you would want if things were the other way around ???
  11. They should just let them loose in most shopping malls in the country, cause there's some Wright whales in there and there easy to spot, there all wearing leggings ?
  12. Greyman

    Who done it

    I,ve seen one live one and sadly found a dead one in the last two years so there are one or two around me also I,m finding pigeons like this quite regular over the last month or two always in the middle of the path, the paths in this wood are like tunnels so it's flying through the wood hunting rather than from above which would leave sparrow or gos and I thought that pigeon would be on the large side for a spar to take regularly, so far people seem to be leaning toward a female spar, but my knowledge is not good enough to be able to confirm or deny hence my asking the pictures are of the path
  13. I,m with DC on this did,nt want to piss on anyone's fire but would give you about 15 on that, trouble with pike they are a very impressive looking beast and far harder to guesstimate than carp, an inch or two fatter would add a fair few pound to a long lean fish, good capture any ways it's not all about the size ask your misses ??
  14. In the same month in 2015 I found a deer on the edge of a wood I,ve worked dogs over for 30 years it was in long grass was half eaten legs removed and had all the signs of a big cat kill you could even see an impression in the grass were something had lay down and ate it, then a few weeks later I was in Dorset and actually saw one working along a hedge, I went back to were I was staying and got my dogs, went back to the spot and saw a reaction from my fearless kill anything that moves dog that I,ve not seen before or since, as I,d heard loads of story,s and had a few mates that had seen them o
  15. It's only the odd crank like me mate that sees one then has to spend half there life looking for more to prove it, sounds like an ideal place with food and cover in spade loads, if he does want hard proof just send off the coordinates to meece and foxdropper as feck all escapes them two ???
  16. Have had a quick butchers but can't find the link at the moment, one of the lads has put a couple of vids on YouTube when he was over there it may have been the eastern ghats, but certainly one of them,
  17. I,ve seen wild boar near me as well and been called a looney by the great white hunters like yourself for making such a claim this situation has gone on for almost two years but I feel I was vindicated recently when the police turned up at a friends farm and asked him if he,d lost any black hairy pigs as they had reports by six different people of a group running across a main road, just because a dumb animal has the ability to outwit you does not mean it does,nt excist, I,m not being cloak and dagger I just no my limitations so pass on what I find to those that have the ability to take it fur
  18. I,ve seen them catch rabbits but only with myxie, and I no they do catch stuff when they need to but will always take an easy meal if available, my main doubt regarding the buzzard being responsible is that what ever is taking the pigeons is hunting along the paths and a sparrow hawk would be a bit small which would only really leave a goshawk, you can see in the pictures that the paths are almost tunnel like so whatever is taking the pigeons is not hunting from above as a buzzard would, I will have a load of cameras up in there in the next few weeks so maybe I,ll catch the culprit on film, th
  19. There are a lot of buzzards here as well, it might have been a buzzard having a scavenge on it but I don't think it would have the room to take the pigeon itself, the other new bird of prey I,ve seen this year was a red kite but think they hunt in a simular way to buzzards IE scavenge dead or injured animals, here is the path there are miles of these through the wood and I,ve found 4 pigeons in different areas around the wood but always in the middle of the path,s
  20. Very common reaction mate best thing for him to do is go back to were he saw it and try to find some pug marks as this will add weight to his claim also have a little scout about in the woods for any fresh kills, if possible ?
  21. History has proven time and again that the only outcome of empire building is that eventually your empire will collapse, many have tried and all have failed but the Germans seem to be determined to have a second pop under the loosely disguised EU banner, the people are slowly waking up and it is beginning to crumble but worryingly the ruling elite will stoop to any level to keep the dream alive including inciting war,
  22. Tried to let it go but just can't, I work with a group of people from biologists that advise government, people that work with the mountain lion project in the states and people that have worked in the gats and Mumbai in India on leopard projects, zoo,s, vets and people like myself with an interest in nature, I would say there is a lot more expertise involved than a bloke that drives round a field in a 4x4 shining out the window one Sunday a month, I,m not willing to go over old ground but I,ve answered all your questions dozens of times already including a crystal clear picture of a Lynx that
  23. Greyman

    Who done it

    Have put this up in the general section as well, I have a large private woodland of around a 1000 acres all man made with English trees and planted in squares with paths running between them that I,m aloud to roam,in the last month or more I keep finding these in the middle of the paths, I,m suspecting a goshawk has taken up residence, what do you guys think
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