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Daniel cain

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Everything posted by Daniel cain

  1. He's a dirty shit stabber ,was bumming that weatherman for a while...
  2. He got pics of the white tigers, cheetahs,tiger / lion xs,chimps, orangutans, big f***ing lizards etche's fished John Wilsons lake a few times...he's a right f***ing weirdo lol
  3. When I want some for fishing....I use a washing up bowl of soapy water,spread it over an old piece of carpet at the back of the garden...go out 10 minutes later and fill a bait tub
  4. You get around 15/20 worms for £4:50 in the tackle shops here
  5. f**k knows,The cnut does more miles than Judith Charmers lolThailand holds no interest to me Mack,he got pics of all sorts,he been back and forth for the last 20 plus yrs,does 6/8 weeks a time,few times a yr..he bought a place in Tenerife last Xmas...be more up my street if I was still smoking the herbs
  6. One of my little brothers with a ligar... Thailand
  7. The lad had a few small perch.... nothing on the deadbaits....lake was busy with loads of kids, couldn't get to the swims I wanted to fish...today is a washout here,been pissing down and blowing a gale
  8. Too much time on their hands mate
  9. Chucking some lures about this morning...spot of dead baiting now...
  10. Didn't George S Patton go on record ,after WW2 and say "We defeated the wrong enemy"...And that Jews are like Locust's?..He didn't live for to long after that
  11. When it's dark...I goes where I like....
  12. Had a little bitch from Mr Beck,bred some good uns out of her to a black dog I had many moons ago,came and gave us a hand on a rescue one time, helicopter and about 20 police descended upon usHe's a Top Lad
  13. He doesn't deserve to be kept alive,fed and watered by the British taxpayers...let the parents of those poor kids punish the cnut ,live on the 10 o'clock news
  14. Ask Ray for some straws out of Old Buck
  15. If you agreed to take someone out....and they didn't have a dog,lamp,or digging gear etc when you picked them up......then I would say....keep on driving You would have to be a right f***ing dickhead,with an ego,that needs stroking to get caught out in a sting operation.... wouldn't you say? It has happened in the past,couple of clowns on this site,taking another clown out (without his own dog/dogs) multiple times and they all ended up on the TV... and f****d it for anyone who is out doing abit...it's usually youngsters who plaster shite over foolsbook, looking for likes
  16. Daniel cain


    £5000 per person,per year?
  17. What you fencing to retire at 34 lad? Priceless art work,high end jewellery?
  18. Same as all you black Paddy's then eh?
  19. Best job in the world when the suns shining Dai
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