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Daniel cain

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Everything posted by Daniel cain

  1. I don't eat lamb,as it tastes like dirty piss flaps...so knocked up a beef mince shepherds/cottage pie type thingy....
  2. He's the f***ing anti christ....the man's the Devil in disguise
  3. Enjoy a couple of poached duck eggs myself,on toast with marmite
  4. I'd happily live in a nice Bow top wagon..if I was garenteed to be left the f**k alone mate...I don't want the trappings of a conventional lifestyle...I've conformed and played the game for long enough...I want out tbh....
  5. The costs of living on the water are increasing yearly,from speaking to folks...no different to living on dry land...it's clicky as f**kthe cnuts are on it,if they can charge you for something...they f***ing will
  6. Is that beef wellington Mack? Looks amazing
  7. Bangers, buying a boat isn't the problem,it's finding the right place to keep it moored,I'm finding everywhere we go looking to keep it,that the cnuts are trying to dictate what you can do and how too live your life,..they happy to sell me a wide beam,but don't want me in the marina,lol it's f***ing madness,they don't like the fact I got teenage kids,I just want to pay my money,and to be left the f**k alone but it just don't seem possible,so f**k em,I will find something else to put my coin into,We are in a good place, money wise,but the cost of living in a house is getting silly,all bills ar
  8. I'm thinking of just f***ing the idea off living on a boat,until my kids have all fledged the nest -too many f***ing hoops to jump through..keep my house,spending 10/15k building an extension myself on the back of my house,new widows,doors,new bathroom suite,blockwork wall around the perimeter,part ex and getting a new motor home and maybe even a nice 80/90's motor to rip about on weekends maybe a nice 309/205 gti could do all that,and still have 30/40 k savings...carry on working like a slave and saving for the next 10 years takes me to 55....then sell the lot and f***ing off somewhere sunn
  9. He's a bricklayer,why would he pay someone else for an extension? He would know enough lads in the trade,call in a few favours surely? Stone Island was All the rage when I was 20
  10. If your earning 75k plus a year,and don't have a pot to piss in...then you need to take a look around you,f**k off any dead wood( Mrs spending like it's water etc) and pull your f***ing finger out like.... I know plenty of lads earning that and more...the one thing they all got in common is they got to have the latest shit,cars, clothes,phones,Mrs thinks she's a footballers wife lol.....and they all like a sniff, weekends and school nights....all self inflicted
  11. Problem today is....just about everyone under the age of 40,lives beyond their means....earn good coin,but are happy to waste it on sniff, tattoos,haircuts at the Turks once a week and the old Turkish teeth...just look at the motors most people drive around in these days....swanning around like some company director lol...Mrs full of f***ing collegen etc
  12. Heard this on the radio earlier,and was discussing it with the Mrs....if there's evidence for a retrial...then she should get the chance....
  13. Five arrests and dogs seized in Norfolk hare coursing case - BBC News WWW.BBC.COM A member of the public reports a dog loose on an A-road and four animals are subsequently seized.
  14. Rough few days for you all....chin up mate he's in a better place now
  15. Reminds of a little story...yrs ago,me and a few mates went out ferreting on my birthday,my Oldman and middle brother tagged along...we found a pheasant pen,and was inside knocking a few birds over....heard a shout,and all started running.... managed to get out of this little Dingle,was walking along the top of an old quarry...we all jumped over this fence...when it was my brother's turn,the fat cnut got his one foot stuck between 2 pieces of wire and ended upside down by his leg lol...he couldn't move,he shouting help me Dad...we all looked at each other...f****d off out of sight,sat down for
  16. Found a young bullock,coming across from Sneggy to Nelson back last yr had a back leg caught between 2 pieces of wire......he must of known I was helping him(f**k knows how long he been hanging there) because he stayed nice and calm until I managed to cut him lose...took him 10 mins to get the feeling back before he got up and bounced off to his mates....
  17. Got to pick a pocket or two.....
  18. Did similar in my younger days,thinking with my dick...ended up leaving the Rat everything and walking away...Maybe I was lucky,I put a 15 k deposit down,of my own money on my first house at 23,3 months after meeting my current Mrs...cost us 75k,got my head down,and just plugged away..never wanted to upgrade to a bigger pad,always had the money to cover the bills and go and do what we wanted,eat where and what we wanted,holidays and all the toys I ever fancied,always been comfortable..while everyone else was getting it all on the drip....I'm not rich by any means,but what I do have is mine,and
  19. Daniel cain


    Farage is not the saviour of this country ....he's no different to any other who's nose is in the trough...
  20. Scruffy black cnuts....never met one that could hold down a 9 to 5....
  21. What actually keeps you there? Steady money? It's All you know?...I've had some tidy little numbers over the years,but soon as I start to get restless, someone fucks me off....them I'm f***ing gone,no amount of money will keep me there.....I left jobs on £350 plus a day..next day working for £150 lol....money isn't everything,when you suss that out,the world's your oyster mate... You must be comfortable after 20 yrs of earning decent coin? House almost payed for? The only thing stopping you.....is YOU
  22. f**k the gym babies I'd rather eat shit,than dryfucking chicken breasts and boiled eggs etc
  23. Fry's in the ninja and some chilli and rice
  24. Hope so Don,this buying a boat,and trying to live at a slower pace lark....they don't make it easy for folks....if it was just me and Mrs we would be laughing,3 teenagers in tow and no one wants to touch us with a barge pole happy to take your money for a boat,but don't want families with young children on these marina's.....had some cheeky cnut questioning us,saying what if your daughter gets pregnant???wtf she's f***ing 13 yrs old I almost grabbed the cnut and sent him swimming...the bell end
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