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Daniel cain

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Everything posted by Daniel cain

  1. Don't be sorry....he's f***ing Tinglish Jok.
  2. More to it....than not collecting someone's bin Probably moving/stashed a few kilos between properties in the bins.... product got f****d off in the back of the wagon by mistake maybe?
  3. Sam if you feed it raw mince etc,just as easy to crush it to dust mate and mix in with it's food,drop of gravy mask the taste....I'm lucky just about every dog I've owned terrier/lurcher have all been greedy cnuts,this f***ing Wheaton x steals whole f***ing roast joints etc if you turn your back lol...when I sort out their food,I've always thrown them offcuts etc,they sit in line waiting daft cnuts will eat veg peelings whatever
  4. Crush it between 2 spoons and sprinkle it over it's grub
  5. Just had a nasty sickness bug, knocked me and the kids for 6 since last Sunday...The Mrs been giving us fresh pressed lime/lemon juice,ceyan pepper, manuka honey,fresh chopped ginger, tumeric mixed together has shifted it...all natural remedies here,f**k the pharmaceutical shite
  6. All mine take them in a bit of cheese...throw it up in the air...fuckers never miss lol.
  7. Smear with some butter,and put it at the back of its throat....hold the c**ts muzzle until it swallows....if it don't work...kick it up it's arse
  8. So now all the freaks are out and about topping themselves??? Let's hope something similar kicks off here
  9. I'm not condoning these actions... But it Goes to show....The Law in this Country pick and choose who and when to stop and throw the book at ....if it's a half decent mob,who ain't gonna roll over...then obviously their arses fallout...and they say at a distance,and ask the public to come forward,with information...wankers
  10. No mate ,just excess usage of supplements etc, apparently it makes you think your a machine,when your just another sausage... doctor told me to knock it on the head like,don't be so shallow
  11. Probably the cost to get qualified,they work shitty hrs,for shitty pay at the end of it all...paying back loans for the next 20 yrs and ending up with a complex that makes them think their god,and deserve more money.....who really knows for sure? But that's my take on it mate....
  12. I'm sicker than most Mush
  13. Here I am in my younger days...
  14. Apparently it has to be taken out the water,and in a drydock, before changing the name....GM will know for sure
  15. They do better with some company
  16. The cnuts sold out their own along time ago...so they had the monopoly ....bunch of f***ing parasite's.
  17. Gorgeous girl...has had deer..can be called off....game for anything...all ready tried ,by putting any old untested dog over it.....Alarm bells are f***ing Ringing Whinnie....I like a laugh and a joke ,like the next man,but please,don't piss down my back,and tell me it's raining
  18. Put a picture of the collar up mate...
  19. Had some Deer? Farmed and out of a packet yeh?...do one You Peddling Cannt
  20. They do look drugged up....sad as f**k tbf..
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