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Daniel cain

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Everything posted by Daniel cain

  1. Not a patch on port Talbot steelworks mate...
  2. I still say... meeting them halfway across the channel and doing a few doughnuts around said inflatables with a jetski mounted with a few samurai blades would be a more cost affected solution,than handing them money...make them think twice before setting off from France .. Ive access to a few skis,and am free at weekends
  3. Anyone know what bands they using for Roe?
  4. Had some jumped up prick trying to give me shit for killing foxes with an air rifle on Saturday morning in my local gun/tacke shop...lol...said he had to spend thousands to shoot them legally....I laughed and told him...more fool you,you mug...left in a huff...when I asked him if he sat in his truck,and shot them from the side of the road ..takes no skill pal now on your way I often see gangs of lads wandering around by me with catapults,most weekends....I always wish them well, fair play to them I say
  5. Today Im sanding and staining some wooden front doors down in shitsville Cathays...2coats that's your lot....
  6. Up to Swindon sort this out next week ....then the Gentleman is giving us 3 months work for Swindon council on nights get in there
  7. Boris spent over 150,000 on decorating number 10....from party donations filled the bank accounts of all his old school chums all through the covid nonsense....hes a f***ing pussy whipped cnut...with a sniff habit
  8. Body wrongly released to family in second mistake by Gwent hospital WWW.SOUTHWALESARGUS.CO.UK Aneurin Bevan University Health Board says it is "truly devastated" by the incident Second time this has happened at my local
  9. Chicken casserole in a Yorkshire pudding..
  10. Fair play Kev,I hope it all comes together for you mate%
  11. Apparently she was pregnant by her aunties fella,the one they found dead in mysterious circumstances....
  12. I turned around and went back to grab a few sets
  13. Karl Wallinger: Whole of the Moon artist dies aged 66 WWW.BBC.CO.UK The Welsh-born songwriter, who collaborated with numerous artists over his career, died on Sunday.
  14. All Im interested in....is wether they have done away with Middleton...and what the cover story is gonna be when it hits the media outlets..
  15. Rough old day weather wise
  16. Bunch of f***ing weirdos...
  17. Not when they sending you pictures of them flexing
  18. I need Valium, listening to 1
  19. Infairness Stiff,im talking about when we was 12 ....the one lad Michael Whatley had a room downstairs in his parents house,he used to build some f***ing awesome landscapes for them....used to cost strong money them lead figurines.... Hes a teacher these days,has taught my 2 eldest at comp.....hes sound,but still a nerd
  20. Last game I played on a computer,that I owned, was sega v rally Bought the youngest lad a PS5 ....on the condition he bought that Grand Turismo 7 lol....him and his mates call me The G.O.A.T....I jump on it every now and again when he begs and makes me a brewand complete stages for him, win him money to buy the next cars to progress Last game I had on a phone....was snake The youngest spends his time on an Oculus? Virtual reality headset thing....had a go,not for me,made me feel sick tbh...plus I almost bust my f***ing hand on the frame of the bunk bed,trying to slice up some zo
  21. Did you sit there and paint them as a kid? Loads of my mates growing up was into Warhammer
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