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Daniel cain

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Everything posted by Daniel cain

  1. Folks parading around,rubbing other folks up the wrong way....should be confined to the history books... you lot should swallow your pride...and get on with your neighbours....they the same f***ing colour as you...theres bigger fish these days to fry
  2. Only got to wait until Wednesday this week,and they will apparently tell us the craic...oh and Katherine wil make an appearance too
  3. Ive enjoyed myself over the yrs...been all over,hunted everything on this island,and stuff I wernt supposed too,except them big reds in the Highlands....been to places where you could take 200 plus rabbits in a day,every day for a week...dug on some massive famous estates and surrounding land,met my heros,met more than enough muppets along the way,and enjoyed the company of some top class hunting men and women....the dogs ive bred have been sent far and wide...never no complaints...they always came back for replacements...so must of been doing something right all these yrs...Ive got my memor
  4. And why was it ok for ginger balls to marry a wog ex devorcee pornstar and have kids....why do you think that was eh??? Obviously Charles is not his real oldman... Diana was no saint, rumour has it she was pregnant by a Muslim surgeon and enjoyed a lenght....they couldn't have a half chat as half brother to a future king or his spare....they say bloods thicker than water....whos side would they be on when the shit hit the fan??? Only got to look at the state on the cnuts,to know they dont share a gene pool...but a very small whiskey tumbler imbred cnuts
  5. I cant get on with them...still using my lightforces with brighter bulbs
  6. No different to Charlie's parasitic lot eh?they all got skeletons in the closet Charts
  7. The queen and charles's line were never ment to rule....funny how after the 2 world wars there was only our royal family with any clout left? The one who abdicated ,so the queen was next in line...was a Nazi sympathizer...theres pictures of him with top ranking nazis before and during the war...hitler was even invited to his wedding to that American piece....the whole family is built around lies...its time,they shut up shop and crawled back to Europe...let them cnuts have them... because they are here only to look after their own interests...breeding for fresh blood,then killing them off....bu
  8. Apparently shes undulterated...and can keep her knickers up ? Where as Charlie's lot have different sires and are compulsive liars and cheaters...who knows for sure... apparently on Wednesday they are going to tell the truth for once....just make sure you aint holding your breath
  9. Oxford way was the go to area for a lot of welsh lads with runners....only thing we had to go at locally was digging... .....used to lamp down that way first in 98.. dropped off friday nights,knocking stuff over and sleeping in barns until the lift came on a Sunday to collect you and your goodies...dogs I have here now,will be my last...if I change my mind,then I get one from a rescue centre... having dogs has controlled my lifestyle choices since my early teens...will be nice to just say f**k it,jump on a plane,book a hotel etc...and not have the worry of whos looking after 5/6 dogs
  10. Homeless people in cardiff are offered to stay in the old toys r us building using make shift campbeds left over from the plannedemic....while evey hotel/bed and breakfast is payed for by this government to feed and house the boat scum its f***ing disgusting People on housing waiting list in Cardiff sleeping in old Toys R Us building - Wales Online WWW.WALESONLINE.CO.UK All temporary accommodation services in Cardiff were full before the old Toys R Us store was opened for rough...
  11. I see tents like that in every town/city and even the smaller villages all across Wales,go to Hereford or Abergavenny and you could be sat in Glastonbury the amount of them....and from my observations...folks living in them aint come over on a dinghy thats for sure
  12. Thats the one Charts
  13. Word on the grapevine Len...is old sausage fingers is abducting and handing the crown to the 9th in line
  14. She didn't mention the exact places mate ...tbh With the state of the water quality and fish stocks last few seasons....cant see them being welcomed with open arms ...they should only be introduced to wilderness areas imo...not somewhere as busy and tourist wise,as the Wye/Seven corridor
  15. Always liked that shrouded /bull barrel look...Swapped mine for something else I fancied at the time....big mistake...cost double what they did these days for a shiny new one
  16. Ive heard similar Len
  17. I went to a talk last Tuesday evening on the reintroduction of white tailed eagles,came and spoke at our AGM ...
  18. Open them up,and flick through the pictures on the screen lol...some will send you a text when activated,they are all time and date stamped,so handy if you want to learn somethings habits
  19. You can get tidy enough ones from £40 or less on temu etc....ive a couple on a beat on the river...been out 2/3 yrs...no ones noticed them as of yet
  20. Had the night at the local carp pond with my eldest....woke up and rods, reels,alarms was under a foot of water spring fed from the mountain..water was flying out the inlet all night...pond level must of rose 2 ft at least
  21. Over nighter with my lad and the Plummer..
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