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David Aiken

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Everything posted by David Aiken

  1. I made some in 1993, still have 1/2 a bottle. Only for special occasions now, still nice if a bit lighter in color.
  2. Cottage on a farm which allows dogs. Several hundred acre of peace and quiet!
  3. Its so easy for the powers that be to restrict shooting, just say "we`er busy" for a few months! As there are so few of us, no one in the media or general public really cares. It's not always a hobby, this effect working shooters. I did intend to increase my ammunition allocation while they had my FAC but as the variation is almost done thought better of it incase I caused further delays.
  4. We`er experiencing a huge demand is a poor excuse, but to say all the firearms staff have been put on other duties is just
  5. Well, it's been a month so I thought I'd give the Kent Firearms Licensing office a ring to see how my variation was doing! No answer just a message saying "no message can be left due to a full mailbox"! So....I sent an email.....which bounced back....."no emails will be answered until 24th of January" I rang again and now a message...."can't take calls, leave a message or email I left a message and did get a call back. The response was "due to a special operation no SGC`s or FAC`s are being processed for two weeks!! Mine is done, but not signed off, so the person had no idea when I will rec
  6. David Aiken


    that's no way to talk about the scotish members of the forum! Yes!
  7. Tried it. Took ages and too much effort to make them. Plus they only lasted for a short time. Free Oak wins!
  8. As a shopping trolley costs about £225 http://www.slingsby.com/Handling-Lifting/Container-trucks/Wire-container-trucks/Nesting-supermarket-trolleys_331905.htm?gclid=Cj0KEQiAn8i0BRDur-HV1PCTy4UBEiQAPuFr9IrP-_2sGIkRG_-gKyJxFPJA_yzM0xtgI6HMktR-mwwaAmMN8P8HAQ and even if dumped still belongs to the supermarket, I`d take care advertising the fact you're in possession of one, unless you paid for it of course It's the same a taking railway tracks for scrap which are `just lying by the track side`
  9. David Aiken


    Blood cats, just just ignore them including the kitten It's due to the warm weather, causing more breeding. I've caught 2 in my loft, 3 under the kitchen sink and several in the workshop in the last couple of months!
  10. Yep, my local Asda! I open the Jeep tailgate so they can't see (don't put the cans on the ground!) and often fill 10 or 12 cans! The trick is to use a pump at the back, go when it's busy and have all the cans open, facing the right way! I got 160 liters (including filling the Jeep) one visit and they were none the wiser
  11. The pics are for reference not cost. As for the second one causing problems if the EU ban semi-autos. The ban is for miliatry looking wepons like the BR 99 https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https://www.slickguns.com/sites/default/files/8fddd53ad72757ced2295d5acb6d234c.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.slickguns.com/product/br-99-12ga-semi-auto-shotgun-39999-sh&h=220&w=800&tbnid=VaCbzo4vRlUHFM:&docid=s_hXc15dBN6_CM&ei=C7WSVqKTH8z0UIXptsAC&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjixJuYgaDKAhVMOhQKHYW0DSgQMwghKAEwAQ and high powered semi-autos so the general public cannot go into a forme
  12. .177 for men who like flatter trajectory .22 for those who think they can work out point of impact and .25 for those of us that have FAC and land unlike poor garden plinkers! LOL!
  13. Yep, I love the MPA but have been told the handle can reduce the loading time?
  14. Out of these two, which would you use for practical shotgun? https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hatsan.com.tr/images/escort_mp_2_alev_gizleyen.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.hatsan.com.tr/en_escort_shotguns.html&h=163&w=760&tbnid=y7UCEww5INfkSM:&docid=KO2xjmIec-SJmM&ei=vOqQVsPVMcjYU5eDtWg&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjDo76OzJzKAhVI7BQKHZdBDQ0QMwgsKAAwAA https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.platoonstores.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/e/s/escort_ps_bk.png&imgrefurl=http://www.platoonstores.co.u
  15. What Eley ammo would you guys recommend for club / sport shooting? I'm only interested in Eley as my Anschutz 1417 loves Eley Subs for varmint shooting. Tenex: 1st choice but is it overkill? Sport: 2nd choice, sound great? Club: 3rd choice, but is it too much of a entry level? Match: or Edge:
  16. Self employed house and garden maintenance: https://www.(!64.56:886/dandkmaintenance/?ref=hl I can manage on 10 hours work per week so loads of shooting time
  17. Blackthorne. Light, strong and durable. If you can, dig rather than cut as the root make a good natural handel. This is the time to harvest as the reduction in sap make the drying time one year instead of two and reduces the chance of splitting when drying. I use tru oil for mine, ten or twelve coats. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PmPZj57cIYM/VFlD2LkUvzI/AAAAAAAAT-Q/Y_m0JVkqMqY/s1600/muffy3.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.saltwaternewengland.com/2014/11/the-irish-blackthorn-walking-stick.html&h=562&w=1000&tbnid=NHP7z_fCoFCZLM:&docid=MCLqOmZC
  18. Shooting app: http://www.shooterscalculator.com/ballistic-trajectory-chart.php?pl=22+LR&presets=22+LR~22+LR+High+Velocity~G1~0.14~40~1040~50~1.75~0~0~0~false~0~59~29.92~50~false~100~1&df=G1&bc=0.115&bw=40&vi=1040&zr=55&sh=1.75&sa=0&ws=0&wa=0&cr=100&ss=5&chartColumns=Range~yd%3BElevation~in%3BElevation~MIL~FBFFF5%3BWindage~in%3BWindage~MIL~FBFFF5%3BTime~s%3BEnergy~ft.lbf%3BVel%5Bx%2By%5D~ft%2Fs&lbl=22+LR+High+Velocity&submitst=+Create+Chart+ Plus: Planets, News, Xchange, Country Life mag, The Field mag, Hourse & Hound mag, Weather,
  19. Maidstone Pistol Club, you need to contact them for location details ;-) http://www.maidstonepistolclub.co.uk/Maidstonepistolclub/welcome.html
  20. After a session with my 31 ft lbs Webley Patriot I need a week's rest before the next attempt!
  21. Well I`m hooked ;-) Practical Shotgun is great! Actually found a shooting discipline in which I can hit the damn target! Loads of fun, can't wait till next time ;-)
  22. Exactly! One on Gun Trader S/H for £650. The are £750 new so S/H should lose the VAT so £600 is a max price I'd pay!
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