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About Flairball

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    Born Hunter

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    Boston, Ma.

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  1. Watched my father walk in to one of those fences. The wire ran across both thighs. Shocked the crap out of him. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m laughing just thinking about it. As for your dog, I think just running him in scent rich areas a bunch will get he back on form. Maybe leave the gun a home a few and just let him flush some game without any shots, and then layer the gun back in, just to be on the safe side.
  2. I don’t do much fowling, but every once in a while I’ll sit along a nearby river and pass shoot. This season things have been strange, and most days I sat there I ended up going home with a pheasant or two, either pushed over me or walked up on my way out. Today I didn’t kill any pheasant, and I didn’t see many ducks, but I did connect on this one, which thought it’d fly over.
  3. I’ve had a couple good walks in the woods over the last few weeks. Here are a few pics.
  4. You all have seen Ginger before. We had a nice day, recently.
  5. Flairball


    Bismuth #6’s for ducks. Bismuth #4’s in my pocket for if an geese happen by. Not shooting long distances, so these work fine. Planning to handload some bismuth #7’s for a few spots in the uplands where it is not uncommon to jump teal off a creek or pond.
  6. I wouldn’t think a 3 1/2” would have any advantage unless you are shooting larger shot sizes, in which case you’ll just get more pellets in your pattern. My experience has been that holds true with 2 3/4” to 3” and between gauge size. Shooting larger pellets size up for more payload. I seldom shoot geese, only with Les (thanks Les), but shoot ducks when I can, and pretty much always shoot a 20g with nothing larger than #4’s, usually #6 Bismuth. Depending on what shot size and choke you are using, a 2 3/4” shell pay actually work better. Try patterning a few. Also, don’t worry about speed too m
  7. Bonus woodcock. The woodcock are starting to migrate north again, over here. It’s not uncommon to see a couple when out training or running the dogs. Never thought I’d see one in the middle of the city, surrounded by high rise buildings. This woodcock killed itself by flying into the glass roll up doors of the firehouse. It seems the woodcock flew in to the fire house when the doors were up, and then decided to try to make its failed escape after the doors were down. We are situated in the ground floor of a very large high rise, and the doors are quite large.
  8. Took an hour out of my day to take the dogs for a walk around some fields, woods, and hedgerows. It was time well spent. The dogs are working well together, and my older dog (on the right) made a fantastic retrieve, swimming through some very heavy flooded cover for a hard pricked bird.
  9. Yeah. Like a litter of Labs. Or maybe Chessies.
  10. The last 3 years I’ve shot with friends in Yorkshire. I’ve seen quite a few woodcock on shoot days, but I’ve yet to connect with one. This year I am coming over earlier, so I doubt I’ll see any, but I’m sure the shooting will be just as fun.
  11. He took your money, he owes you an explanation. And your money back. And,..can the shoot captain decide this on his own, or must it be brought up with the rest of the members? I’ve always understood (maybe wrongly) that the shoot captain is the guy in charge of organizing, and holds some authority, but not ultimate authority.
  12. The woodcock season and migration runs a little differently, here. They are on the move, now. By mid-Nov they will be gone, having moved further south to their wintering grounds. The last two days I have gotten in to them good. Tough to kill, living in the really thick, young saplings, but fun to try. We moved 48 yesterday and today. I managed to put 4 in the bag.
  13. Finally got a day when I could spend some time really getting after some birds. I made the mistake of running them together for a bit, so my bitch became very competitive and broke on the first bird. A shake and a talking to sorted that out, and she followed up by making a fantastic long blind retrieve on a bird on another bird the pup flushed while she was out on a marked retrieve. I elected not to send the pup because he wasn’t as steady as he should have been.
  14. GWP is a versatile dog, but the fowling aspect of its versatility is not what it was bred to do as its first job. It is a dog that was bred to point and retrieve game, both feather and fur, and retrieve from water when needed. As well as blood trail. I think you should think about what you will use the dog for 80% of the time. If you will spend most of your time shooting ducks and geese, you’ll be better off with a Lab. A GWP wants to run. I think a Lab could, with some training and exposure, become a proficient fox flusher. Training to scent track (Fox scent), and to retrieve fur (Fox fur) co
  15. Sounds like you might need to recruit some help from here to get rid of some foxes.
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